
Sunday, January 8, 2012

DIY: Transforming B5706 Into Fabulousness!

Modifying a Pattern into a Trendy Skirt

Hi Guys!

So I am in love with asymmetrical skirts right now and have been dying to make one but sometimes I get a little "self drafting" lazy and really just want to find a pattern that has exactly what i am looking for, that rarely happens. I am not sure what the deal is but a lot of times commercial patterns come close but never close enough, so I went on a search to find a pattern that I could easily modify into what I wanted and I gotta tell you, I probably spent more time searching then it would have taken me to draft the damn skirt myself, lol!

I finally came across B5706 View C and a light bulb came on! I new I could easily turn this dress pattern into the skirt I wanted and therefore decided that i would document what i did so you guys can see that sometimes you just need to look beyond the pattern to find a gem! I did not do a complete tutorial but I photographed the most important steps and will use the labels below to explain in more detail the picture/step.

Let's begin...
B5706 View C Modified!
Step 1: I cut the tissue pattern at the waist line printed on the pattern and cut the size 8 (cut the size you would normally cut if you were making the original dress) Then I laid my pattern on some paper and drew the outline of the pattern so I had a clear view of the original and could just adjust what I wanted while having a good view of the original.

Step 2: I measured up 2.5" from the CF hem and using my curve ruler I made a new curved hem.

Step 3:  I knew I would be gathering the skirt so I added 8" to the CF fold and drew my knew CF fold. I needed to end up with a square shape at the top so I could get a significant amount of gathers and marked the end of the hem at the SIDES so I could shorten the hem from that point to the CF since I wanted a more drastic drape.

Step 5: I traced off the outline of the back the same as the front. 

Step 6: I added the 8" to the CB.

Step 7, 8 & 9: I made sure to trace the curve of the CB hem so I could add length to the hem by measuring down 9" and creating a new curve. This was so that the CF could be shorter then the original pattern and the back could be much longer.

Step 10: Shows the original CB hem and my addition

Step 11: I made my waistband by measuring my waist, adding a 1/4" for ease and 5'8" to the side seam. The waist band is cut on the fold. I am placing a zipper on the side but if you rather have your zipper on the CB then don't cut the CB piece on the fold.

Step 13&14: Place your patterns on the fold and cut.

*not shown* Sew the sides of the skirt leaving an opening on on side for your zipper and do the same with the lining.
Step 15&16: Place the lining inside the skirt right sides together and pin the hems together.

*not shown* sew the hem all the way around using a 1/4" seam and then turn your lining to inside. Press the hem. Once your skirt is inside out baste the top of the skirt/lining together. Attach your zipper.

Step 17&18: Gather the waist using 3 rows of long stitches.

Step 19: Interface your waistband and press 5/8" on one side. (you will hand stitch this closed when your done.

Step 20: attach your waistband to the skirt right sides together.
Slip stitch your waistband closed and there you have it!

*note* This was a test run so I did not match the side seams because I didn't have enough fabric..LOL

mimi g.


  1. Yabut, people who don't sew aren't very likely to notice mismatched stripes while agog over the extreme cuteness! Besides, the stripes that way are a design element, right?!

  2. Thank you for the tutorial and I agree with Mary. Only people who sew are that nit picky. Even they would not be able to dismiss the undeniable cuteness of the skirt. I actually think the uneven stripe adds a lot of visual interest.
    It's a lovely job and a great tutorial.

  3. Gorgeous! I just found your blog via Chictopia. Love it I'll be reading from time to time (^_^)

  4. This is awesome in every single way young lady! Thanks!!

  5. I love love love the mullet look! Once again you've perfected another piece! I really wish you would do tutorials on youtube, that would be awesomeness...i'm just sayin. lol :)

  6. I love this look!!! This will make a nice Valentines outfit!!Thanks for posting!!

  7. Ditto on all the compliments and to Mary I am sure the strips were a conscious decision it looks uniform from the front.

  8. Just wondering about the pictures for this tute.. pretty please do re-upload

  9. can you please re-upload the pics for this tute Mimi


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.