
Friday, March 2, 2012

New Butterick Patterns | WTH???

Okay this is why I get so frustrated with the Big 4! I mean you have an entire design team, you KNOW the trends! so WHY do you keep recycling the same patterns with different pics? do you think we don't notice?

Seriously, look at this

has been circulated too many times and why? its not cute!

Okay its cute and I could make this work but it looks just like another pattern from butterick from a few seasons ago.

Out of all the new patterns this is the only one that I can see me working with right now, the pattern envelope is not cute! and that fabric is not cute but look beyond it.

I can make this skirt work and it's in line with the maxi skirts right now but it's just a maxi skirt.

How many times have you seen this pattern in rotation? yeah exactly!

Maggie London? Really? SMH

ENOUGH ALREADY! geez how many of these can you put out every season?

I waited and waited and waited for these to come out, I am disappointed.

mimi g.


  1. I bought the 5755 maxi dress. And that was about it.

  2. I thought maybe it was just me but I have noticed that the patterns are the same. My first pattern piece was a top from a free Burda pattern. So, I'm just now getting into them but they are all the same. Some of the stuff seems like a waste of money to buy b/c you can look at it and make the garment from the picture.

  3. I hope the powers that be are listening!!

  4. hahaha yup. Time to switch to pattern magazines/downloadables. I stopped buying from the big four years ago. I'd rather spend 15minutes tracing than 3 days adjusting for fit. And you're right-they're just not very innovative. Anything cool they come out with is just ripped of from some pattern magazine from 6 months back.
    I got given a voucher to Spotlight last month and had a hard time finding any patterns to buy (Spotlight only sell envelope patterns). I'm having a pattern magazine giveaway on my blog soon so you're welcome to have a go =)
    Oh and also, your commenting section doesn't work on non-blogger users so you might want to install disqus or something similar. Saves us from having to figure out the secret words as well... =P

  5. I hear you, but you have a great ability to make any pattern look hip, trendy and new!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I wonder what the pattern designers do all year. The best patterns are always by designers. It is frustrating that you see fashion trends and the pattern companies are just not able to keep up.

  8. I agree with everything you say about the Big4 and churning out the same old stuff.

  9. This made me giggle. I would write to them if I was you and ask if they needed any help lol.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.