
Thursday, March 15, 2012

What I Wore, Im Featured and I Have Eyes! LOL

Hi Guys! So I wanted to share my look of the day and also a link to my featured pics :-) but before we get to that I have been asked to show my face, LMAO I guess I do wear sunnies in all my pics so here is my face for those wanting to see that I do in fact have eyes!

I Was Featured

Thanks Fashion Bomb Daily

Here is the link is it weird that I am wondering why they chose those pics from the million pics I have? lol! Vanity I tell you ^_^ pray for me, BWHAHAHAHAH

What I Wore: Teal and Coral Make Me Smile

I am working a casual look today because last night I had an outfit picked out to wear with some new heels I bought and just before I stubbed my little toe on my damn dresser! and it hurts so I am
 rocking comfy wedges, LOL

Express Teal Skinnies, NY&Co. Silk Top, Lulu Coral Wedges, F21 Jewelry & Bag

mimi g.


  1. Ok first off you are the cutest thing! Love your haircut and wish I had the guts to cut my hair that short! Second congrats on your feature, you have great style! Lastly, how awesome that you make clothes that look as good as they do! New follower!

  2. Congrats on your feature btw..Love the out fits.. new follower

    Love for you to visit my blog and possibly follow:)

  3. "DYING to see her face!" ROFLMAO Love it!

    You already know I'm going to copy this. I love turquoise and white!

  4. Congratulation on your features!!

    This outfit is so cute, I really like the wedges and the color of your pants!!

    It is great to see the beautiful face behind that fabulous outfits!!

    Carsedra of:

  5. Just came acros your blog & I love it! you have an amazing style it's so chic & classy, congratulations on the feature! I love the haircut it looks amazing..

  6. so fab I love it all and yes love to see your eyes you're gorgeous honey show them more !!

  7. Hey Mimi , this is my first time on your blog because of your feature on Fashion Bomb. I love your style, and as a fellow "SEAMSTER", I respect your skills and gangsta. I will now follow you. Gotta love new exposure, Halle Berry!! Lol

  8. Hey Mimi , this is my first time on your blog because of your feature on Fashion Bomb. I love your style, and as a fellow "SEAMSTER", I respect your skills and gangsta. I will now follow you. Gotta love new exposure, Halle Berry!! Lol

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Congrats on the feature! (^_^)

  11. saw your feature and had to follow your the cutest little thing your body shape to die for love your thighs WORK IT! #BOSSET

  12. You Inspire me and I love ur color pics Congratulations. I woudl love to come shopping for fabric in LA you should a trip expenses paid by all who can make it.

  13. Hello mimi!
    First: congratulations on your feature. You deserve it!
    Second: You have the most beautiful brown eyes (like me), and a beautiful smile, SO don't take pictures with glasses! Show us your beautiful eyes and smile!!!
    LOVE your Blog!
    Kisses from Portugal
    Helena Alves (Lisboa)

  14. How great! Honestly, I don't know how they chose, but I sure know why. You are darling in every shot. Congrats from a new follower!

  15. Wow your freckles are so beautiful, I keep on trying to convince my 15 year old how pretty her freckles are, but she just does not get it. That color combo is bananas! I would love to see some of your looks on and

  16. I am SOOOO going to recreate this look!!! I absolutely love it!!! Already have teal jeans and the blouse, now to find the coral accessories


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.