
Thursday, March 29, 2012

You Have Kids? LOL

I keep forgetting that I have new fabulous readers that don't know that much about me so since I got some emails like "you have kids?" LOL I thought I would share my oldest two.

Me and my two oldest
 Chastidy, 18 & Lexi 14

I dont post pics of my little ones on my blog anymore because someone used them (creepy) and that was weird but my oldest two are all over the damn internet on social media madness

The little ones are: Alyssa (10) Imani (9) Alex (8) Randy (4)

mimi g.


  1. Oh my god.... I always wanted to know if you did have kids. I can't believe you have 6. And you look amazing!! Beautiful and if the younger ones are as cute I can see why someone would still the pics, creepy nonetheless though! Do you make clothes for them too?

    1. I sew once in a while for the kids but mostly for my 18yr old when she needs something she can't find, LOL

  2. I'm shocked. You look fantastic. Good for you!

  3. Hi Mimi!
    Five kids???? UAU! What a brave woman! And you are so young! You don't look like a mother of five! Congratulations, your oldest kids (girls) are beautiful! Kisses from Portugal, Helena Alves (Lisbon)

    1. LOL, Thanks. Its actually 6 kids but in all fairness I only gave birth to four ;-)

  4. You have 6 kids????? Dang! How tall are you?

  5. Chastidy is you twin! You two look more like sisters than mother and daughter.

  6. Hi Mimi, stumbled across your site and absolutely LOVE it! Your very handy with a sewing machine I see! Great style go girl!

  7. Six kids with THAT body? Us single gals have no excuse. Saw you on on FashionBombDaily and thought you were absolutely fab. And if you were my mom, I'd be at your mercy for clothes. Very Chic!

    1. LOL, I only gave birth to four of my six ^_^ but I am thankful that my dads side of the family are all really thin, lol

  8. I can't believe someone used a pictures of your little ones, that's just wrong!! Your girls are gorgeous and now I'm seriously hitting the gym because you don't even look like you had kids!! Such a beautiful family!

    1. LOL, Thanks. A friend of mine saw the kids pictures on a kids clothing site 0_o

  9. wow 6 you're body is amazing your kids are gorgeous awww you look like such a fun mom I only have 1 would love more some day but not rushing it glad you shared!

    1. LOL, to be fair I only gave birth to 4 of my 6. I understand not rushing, girly! LOL

  10. Cute kids I can't believe u have six kids wow, your body is amazing!!!!!!

  11. OMG girl it just keeps getting better with you. I can't believe you have 5 and the oldest is 18. I have two away in college. 20 and 23. You look great! I don't see how you do it. Now you know what the next question is. How often do you make clothes for the girls? We are going to have to see their outfits too. They are so cute. Don't you just love girls. I have 2. :-) Blessing know, i can't say it about the kids. haha

    1. Hey Trish! I have 6, gave birth to 4 and I rarely ever sew for them unless the oldest needs something she can't find.

  12. Your girls are gorgeous. I bet people mistake you and the oldest for sisters. I would've never guessed you have an 18 year old.

    1. I am thankful that I still get the "you're her mom?" no way look, lol Hope it lasts!

  13. Now I want to know how you keep in shape?

    1. I do a LOT of cardio dance and sit ups, LOL!!

  14. Wow I can't believe you're a mom, you're style is on point! You outta be an inspiration to all mommies everywhere, letting them know that it's possible to have kids and still look fly :)

    I'm looking forward to more sewing vids!

  15. Your girls are beautiful, and so are you! I love when I see moms that still take care of themselves, and don't feel like motherhood is a reason to let themselves go. I am a mom of two, and you are an inspiration.

  16. wha? How did you know someone used their pics??? Crazy!

    1. Guuurl yes! a friend of mine saw the little ones pic on a kids clothing ad, just his face, LOL crazy!!

  17. 6.....geez! your killin' em.... girl how do you do it? I'm still trying to get rid of this baby fat from my last kid. he's six work it out then! #HotMama..

    1. LOL, I do a lot of cardio dance and sit ups :-( LOL

  18. (mouth wide open) 6! Girl you really killin' them! I am sure you would be hot six children or not but DAMN! Admire you even that much more because I have two and i know its not easy. They are beautiful. Do any of them sew?

  19. You are a blessed woman! Beautiful family! And that is sooooo creepy someone would still their pics.

    1. I know people are strange, had my babes face on kid store ads O_0

  20. You look AMAZING for a mother of six! God bless you and your little ones!

  21. OMG u look great to have 6 babies!! How did u get rid of your stomach? After my daughter I find that to be the HARDEST thing to loose!

    1. LOL, I gave birth to 4 of my 6 and I do a whole lot of cardio and ab work, LOL

  22. Next logical question: do yo sew for your kids? Lol

    1. Not anymore, when they were babies I did but now only the occasional thing they ask for.

  23. go head on girl! You do look amazin' and you dont look like you have 6 kids either! I am new here... love your blog and your style, you have inspired me to start to sew again, have not done it since I was aobut 12/13. Next stop, sewing machine shopping.

  24. you have a beautiful family, and a big one. your oldest one is just like you. congrats. xoxo

  25. 6 kids??? girl you look amazing. Pretty girl...Do you sew for them?

    1. LOL, Thanks, sometimes I make them stuff but mostly when they were babies.

  26. Umm..can you please make a post on your fitness regimen? Because you're physique does NOT look like you gave birth to 6 children!(!!!!!) I know of women who gave birth to only one or two and they let themselves go blaming it on giving birth! Please share, if you don't mind!

    1. I gave north to 4 of my 6, lol and I do a lot of cardio and ab work, LOL

  27. OMG! I would've NEVER guessed you have kids those ages... and 6? How in the world do you have time to sew with 6 kids? I'm really impressed with you MiMi.

    1. I make time cuz if mommy doesn't sew, mommy is not happy, LOL!!!!

  28. Your kiddos are beautiful...just like their mom. I agree on putting the kids pics up. I have none up of my 3...for the creepy factor.

    1. There are some creepy folks! had my babes face on a ad for a kids store 0_o

      LOL, crazy!

  29. Mimi, look out gurl, with your fantabulous self!!!!! Gurl your girls are absolutely gorgeous, just like the mama!!!! and I know you've heard it a bizillion times, but your oldest if definitely your Mini-Me, :)

  30. Beautiful girls Mimi. What is most impressive is that manage to do you do. You are a great inspiration to other moms out there to show that life doesn't stop when we have children, we can be great moms and still keep our own interests. Well done x

  31. Thank God you got your "bod" from your father's side. I am her mom and I look like a grape...short and round!lol Although I do have a "pretty" face (consolation word for all of us "heavies)!!
    My grandchildren are all gorgeous!!

    1. Mommy, you are hot mama! I love you so much!!!

  32. Your girls are so beautiful just like hers mom! :)

  33. With that little body you actually produced 6 kids.Damn I need to hit the gym *putting on my Nike's and sweatband.*Your kids should be models,maybe model your clothing line?

    1. LMAO, I gave birth to 4 of my 6 ;-)


    2. Still gave birth to more than 1 kid.I have non and am so out of shape its embarrassing.But you give me motivation because the clothes you wear look so good on you

  34. Wow, you look fantastic, I have seen women with one kid and they don't have a great body like yours!

  35. Hi Mimi,

    The genes play some part, but is your hard work and dedication. Nice to see your beautiful girls again!! Sorry about the pics. May God keep blessing ur Familia!!!

  36. You look AMAZING!!!! And you have 6 kids.....Girl.. can you bottle the stuff you are drinking...LOL

  37. I ate a burger last year. It still shows o_0 Looking great girl!

  38. Aww c*@p! There goes my excuse for not looking fabulous. I only have two. I really REALLY need to get my act together. I'm inspired!

  39. Beautiful girls! Peace & Blessings to you and the family.

  40. 6 Kids.. you are FAB!

  41. Okay, now you're just showing off! How in the world do you have time to sew, blog and do the family (big family) thing. I have 3 (well 2 little ones and a 22 year old) and I barely have time to sew on the weekends. Once again, you are amazing and very inspiring.

  42. My jaw dropped when I read this b/c I figured you were in your mid-late 20s! Whoa! You must have some mad time organizational skills, too. I don't even know you, but I'm proud of you anyway! LOL.

  43. I'm speechless (but in a good I also thought you were in your late 20's. Your girls are beautiful and your oldest is the spitting image of you.

    Thanks for sharing the pics! :)

  44. A mother of six? I had to post and give you your props. Congrats Doll, looking super fabulous!

  45. You are even more rocking! Good lord you look young! Lucky daughters to have such a style example.

  46. Ok, I have serious questions now. You birthed 4 children, seriously?????? I just died. Ok, ok, you MUST start posting some of your exercise tips on here as well. What are you doing? Tell us what a typical day is like for you? Now I just have way too many questions. By the way, I saw your photos on Facebook and was thrilled when I ran across your actual site. I LOVE the site and your style. I am brand new FAN! Ok, so how much are you working out?


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.