
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How I Store My Patterns

mimi g.


  1. UGH. LOL My goal before the year is out... put my patterns in numerical order. I keep mine similar but I have them on flicker by pattern type and then stored in a file cabinet by pattern company.

    1. I tried doing it on flickr but by the time I started organizing them a few years back I didn't have the patience to download the pic and upload the pic to flickr etc. I was being lazy, BWHAHAHA

  2. Omg I was just googling ways to store patterns lol What a coinkydink ;) Your way is the best I have seen so far. How do you preserve your patterns? For the most part my size usually falls in the middle of the pattern and I normally cut away the rest of the pattern but I hate to do that.

  3. Oh yes! I've been searching for a good technique. I currently use a file cabinet but I'd rather use that space for something else.

  4. that's brilliant! thanks for sharing! i'm inspired to re-organize! :)

  5. I do mine the same way and its the best. I love to look through my binders in bed and daydream what I'm going to sew up.

  6. This is the best system I've seen. I could never jump on board with photocopying front/back of envelopes, too tedious.

    1. yep, would take too long, too much paper and too much ink, LOL

  7. I finally got my patterns organized this year. I store mine in a similar manner. However, instead of a notebook, I scan all of my patterns onto my computer, front and back, and store them in Microsoft OneNote. OneNote has apps for the iphone, ipad, etc. So now I am able to access my pattern catalog on my computer, iphone and ipad.

    This way I have access to my patterns when I'm in the fabric store, and making fabric purchases. And I can't tell you how many times it has helped me avoid duplicate pattern purchases.

    BTW, I look forward to reading your blog everyday, and just finished the maxi dress you posted.

    1. Great idea, thanks for sharing! and thanks for reading ^_^

  8. Omg I love this. However, I'm short on space. I would love to get a drawer piece in here, however, I spent money on an Armoire piece that will be my 'Craft Armoire' once I refurbish it. I also bought a cabinet as well I will just put long baskets in and do this same system. I'll figure it out. My system I'm using right now is what you suggested a couple weeks ago- which was the manilla envelopes categorized on my bookshelf with the pattern envelope or sketch on the outside. Thanks again
    @ Sandy, great tip. So you scan the pattern first? Or Download the Microsoft One to your computer, and then dl the app on your phone????

    1. xoxo

      I use the manilla ones and the sketch on the outside for my own patterns that i drafted because I do them on thicker paper and its easier to store in the bigger envelopes. I also have pattern hangers but never use them, LOL

  9. Awesome! I am LOVING your site. I just started sewing last month, you are really inspirational and fun! Thank you for all the hard work in putting this page together to help others!!! :)

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! and I am so glad you are enjoying the blog ^_^

  10. I like this idea.

    Very organized, neat, and simple. I think I'll try this out.

  11. clever!!!!! Very organized!

  12. FABULOUS idea!!! I don't have a quarter of the patterns you do yet but I think it may be worth the investment and piece of mind to start a similar system. Thanks Mimi!

  13. Amazed at your ability to fold the tissue back flat into the envelope! I end up using a bigger envelope just for that reason. Inspired by your "look book" concept. Thanks!!

  14. Inspired by your "look book" great idea to not have to go through all patterns. Also, amazed by your ability to refold the tissue into small envelopes. I end up using big ones so I don't have to fold as much! HA.

  15. Thanks for sharing your method for organizing patterns.

  16. I'm a "big" envelope girl, too, because I can never...EVER...get them folded back into their original configuration!

  17. Thanks for sharing! I am going to try that for my patterns.

  18. Which unit from IKEA do you use for the pattern storage? I currently have many shelves full and figure I could consolidate it in one cabinet as I have a smaller sewing room and love the system you use. Wonderful idea and a great inspiration to get back into sewing after having 3 kids and now being on a limited budget. Thank you!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.