
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What I Wore...

Hello Everyone! 

Yesterdays excitement with the car had me exhausted, LOL trying to hold in the surprise was so hard ;-) Thank you so much for all the lovely comments and she wanted to let you all know that she is beside herself right now with excitement.

Tomorrow I will posting more details on the June 23rd Meet, Shop & Learn so make sure of you haven't rsvp'd to do so soon. Hotel, travel logistics, etc will be on here tomorrow. If you missed the post you can find the info here

What I Wore

American Eagle Sheer Floral Top (old) F21 Skinny Cropped Jeans (old) Wild Pair Wedges (here)

Kate Spade Sunnies, Various Bangles from F21, Gold Bangle (here)

mimi g.


  1. Love the shoes and all of the colors! They suit your skin tone perfect! Can't afford those shoes, but best know I WILL find some kind of a knockoff! LOL! ;) Beautiful!

  2. You've inspired me to sew!!!! What type of machine would you recommend? I would like to spend no more than $200 for the first one. Also, I live in a small city ,so,finding really fashion fabrics is a challenge. Is there a place that I can go online to purchase fabrics that you would trust? I don't even know if a place like that exists but I figured you can purchase everything else online so why not!?! *shrugs* lol!!!

    My first project will be the stretch pencil skirt that you made a few blogs ago.

    Sew ; )Happy


    1. I would start with the singer curvy, its a great machine and under $200 ;-)
      I shop at (buy double knit or ponte roma for the pencil skirt)
      I also go to

      So excited for you!

  3. Do you have a tumblr acc ? i absolutely love your style

  4. Do you have a tumblr acc? I absolutely love your style

  5. Do you have a tumblr acc ? i absolutely love your style

  6. Gosh you look fantastic, nearly swallowed my tongue when you said you had an 18 year old in your last post lol.

  7. Great look!!!! Thanks for the TrimFabric mention, they have some nice things.

  8. Girl...Mimi...look at this outfit. How cute is this outfit? Love it!

  9. Love this outfit! The shoes are adorable, something my feet would never get a chance to experience though, lol....not a heel girl :-(


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.