
Monday, June 4, 2012

Learn to Sew: Maxi w/ Sash Step by Step Tutorial!!

Learn to Sew Series!

Hi darlings! Finally a start to finish video tutorial on how to make the maxi w/ sash. This video took me 12hrs today from start to finish after having to download, edit, export, upload I hope you enjoy and it clears up any questions you had on how to make it. Not only is it a tutorial from start to finish but you will learn how to put in a zipper add side pockets and gather your skirt. 

Don't worry I won't be charging for all my tuts but some that have more details/work cost me time and storage space on the net so I hope you will support my videos ;-) so I don't have to stop doing them.


***Download the Pocket Pattern HERE****
If you want Printable Instructions email me after purchase for the link.

You will need QUICKTIME to view the movie (download quicktime free HERE)

You will receive an email with a link to download the video. Please do not share the video with anyone who has not already purchased it, if you paid for it so should they ;-)
 If I notice that the link has been shared I will disable access to the person who shared it.

mimi g.


  1. Good for you. I don't know if folks realize how much time all the tutorials take. Every minute is time away from your babies, hubby and sewing for yourself.

  2. Aww Mimi you read my mind! I was thinking about a shorter version on the skirt and there!
    I was so inspired by the jean maxi skirt, I went ahead and made another one, I was going for the bold flower print one I think I got close! wore it yesterday it was fab!
    I'm going to buy the video because I dont want you to stop making them! You're awesome!

  3. You are the best! Definitely buying the tutorial. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :-)

  4. Hi Mimi, I am definately going to buy this one. I love how your tutorials are made with no patterns and just measurements, and I definately need help with zippers, :)

  5. Yeah Mimi!! I've been waiting since last night!! Support??? Most Def!! Thx for taking time out of your busy day.... Time away from your family to film, edit and upload the tut...!!

  6. Love the shorter version too!


  7. You are on the top of your game! Luv it!

  8. Wow Mimi....this skirt is FAB!!!!


  9. I'm soooo excited by this!!! I've been waiting all morning, didn't get a thing done at work!! Thank you so much for the tutorial definitely worth the wait : ) Keep it up girl!!

  10. This is so nice of you to do. Love the short version too.

  11. I really love the short one and it looks nice on you with the cropped coif.

    The idea of charging for your tuts is BRILLIANT. Especially when they're original designs and more involved in some way. More of us have to understand our worth and not be afraid to demand what our work is worth! Brilliant idea.

    I plan to be one of your customers and will definitely pay to learn how to make this myself.

    Before paying, does the tut have a focus also on how to make the shorter length skirt? I'm not yet an experienced sewer and don't feel confident yet with shortening the length on my own. Please let me know.

    And congrats on this great idea!

    1. Hi Darling! yes I talk about making the short version (which is the one I actually make in the video.

  12. I can't wait to get home and download this tutorial!! One question, is this skirt lined? I don't know if I'm going to be up for all that cutting! LOL!

    1. LOL, no it is not lined. I tried to keep it as simple as possible ;-)

  13. Yay I downloaded!!!! I cant wait to try this out.

  14. I cannot wait for hubby to get paid so I can purchase this tutorial!!!! I am so excited!!!! Thanks so much Mimi!! I love all your stuff!!
    God Bless

  15. I am so excited! Ohhhh weeee! My first question before downloading. What fabric did you use for the yellow one, and what fabric do you suggest for a summer skirt and a winter skirt?

  16. I am so excited! Ohhhh weeee! My first question before downloading. What fabric did you use for the yellow one, and what fabric do you suggest for a summer skirt and a winter skirt?

  17. Is this tutorial suitable for someone with no sewing experience? :-)

    1. Yes, I try to make them as simple as possible and some of my free tutus are great to get your feet wet and then make this one. I am always an email away if you have questions along the way.

  18. Now I want the short version, too! Thanks for yet another tutorial, I'm archiving them all for when I get my sewing skills up.

  19. Am not working at the moment but will definitely support you in the future, I think you are a fab tutor. Hope to try your other skirts in the future.

  20. Thanks, I can't wait to try it! I pray I get it right. You have inspired me to JUST DO IT!!!

  21. Yay!!! I waited all day yesterday for you to make this available, I didn't get any work done yesterday :) I am so excited I will be starting mine tomorrow. So worth the wait and every penny. Thank you so much!!

  22. Thanks so much for this mimi! I already made a couple of skirts using your other tutorial and the butterick pattern but I purchased the video #1 to support your endeavors. (You've given us priceless freebies) and #2 to see if I would learn some new techniques and I must say I did. I watched the video last night and then immediately went to my fabric stash to see what my next version would be. Can't wait to get started.

  23. I've been waiting for this for weeks!!! Off to buy the video. :D

  24. I just bought the tutorial. I had been looking for skirts like this FOREVER and wanted to make one but just didn't make the time to sit & figure out how. Thanks!!! I love your blog. You are such an inspiration.

  25. I just bought the tutorial. I had been looking for skirts like this FOREVER and wanted to make one but just didn't make the time to sit & figure out how. Thanks!!! I love your blog. You are such an inspiration.

  26. Hi Mimi, very excited to purchase this tut. I noticed you answered above that you talk about the short version but does the tutorial include instructions for the maxi version which is the one I would be intereted in making? Thanks!

    1. I make the short version in the video but the only difference is adding length to the skirt which only requires one marking.

  27. Hi Mimi, very excited to purchase this tut. I noticed you answered above that you talk about the short version but does the tutorial include instructions for the maxi version which is the one I would be intereted in making? Thanks!

  28. What fabric is the short skirt if you don't mind me asking, it is very nice.

  29. Thank Miss Mimi! I can't wait to make this skirt. I appreciate you sharing your wonderful knowledge and expertise. You're awesome!!!

  30. Thanks Mimi!!! I don't mind paying at all to learn from someone as talented as yourself. Plus, for $10 that's a steal.

  31. Thanks Mimi!!! I don't mind paying at all to learn from someone as talented as yourself. Plus, for $10 that's a steal.

  32. PURCHASED!!!!!! Since watching your Maxi skirt tutorial 3 days ago, I have made 3 skirts (1 for me and 2 for my daughter!) I AM HOOKED!!!! I can't wait to run to the store tomorrow, buy fabric and make my skirt!!!! Thank you for making it so easy and simple that even I can follow :) DON'T EVER STOP :)

  33. Brilliant. I love this skirt, so I will think about it.

  34. I just found you yesterday and I am going to purchase for sure. I need to send you a pic of my denim Maxi too that I did today. I understand that the video shows the short one and I think it is adorable. But for the TALL dames as my self is it anywhere in there on how to lengthening it. I prefer the long one

  35. Just purchased!!! Can't wait to get started. Is the video supposed to take an hour plus to download?

    1. That depends on your internet speed, it normally takes 15-20 min unless you are running on a slower wifi.

  36. Why is my name showing as Maestra de las Computadoras...any way I'm using a MAC and my wifi is usually on point...Thanks again...


    1. BWHAHAH I have no idea, I was wondering who it was because I didn't see a payment come thru with that name but I saw your name ;-) My mac downloaded it in 20 min and at work my girlfriend downloaded in 10 but we have really fast ethernet here. your internet may just be running a bit slow.

  37. I think I fixed it...and added a profile pic..:)

  38. i got mine!!! Thank you SO much for this tutorial!!! I'm so excited!

  39. I got mine! Thank you so much for sharing your talents! I'm so excited!!!

  40. Mimi, this is genius. Love all of your tutorials and love how easy and accessible you make it for everyone to sew and accomplish a garment they can be proud of

  41. I just came across ur blog and I must say u are nothing short of AMAZING I will be downloading soon, Do you think a beginner will be able to make this ?

    look forward to chicking ur blog

  42. I am all over this video! Thanks so much, Mimi!

  43. Ok I just finished my first try...WAY TOO BIG...but i did really good. Hubby was impressed. I guess I need a tutorial on how to correctly take my measurements....2nd try tomorrow

  44. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! You have the best style(similar to mine, smile) And this skirt, both maxi/mini is BEAUTIFUL! I have a question: Will your paid tutorials be offered for a limited time? Also, do you have recommendations for fabrics? I would like to the purchase the tutorial soon. I have never sewn before, using a sewing machine. I have plans to purchase one. I want to make this skirt for my birthday in July.

    Thank you so much for sharing you talents with us.

  45. Would luv the shorter one for myself

  46. I purchased the tutorial and could not save it to my computer "don't know why but it would not allow me to"! so I minimized it and never closed it! Tried to pull it up today (two days later) it would not allow me to open it again. How do I pull up the video to complete the skirt now that I have all the materials? OR am I limited to a certain amount of time to use the video?

  47. Would a complete sewing novice like me be totally lost? Would I need to view a separate tutorial? Thanks in your style.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.