
Friday, August 31, 2012

Aldo Sexy Pumps! + Gap Jeans & White Shirt

WooHooo It's Friday! How much do I love dark jeans with a crisp white shirt? <------------------------> this much! Okay so, I was dying to wear my new Aldo pumps "Romelia" which by the way are sexy as hell and I plan to wear them a lot! so I kept it super simple with my favorite Gap Fitted Boyfriend Shirt, can I just tell you that this shirt is flippin fantastic; If I could wear it everyday with jeans I would that's how much I love it. I'm also a new fan of their Original Fit Selvage Jeans  and let me tell you...

I HATE shopping for jeans! mostly because I have a small waist and a big booty and child bearing hips, lol so it is always difficult to find jeans that fit at the waist without being snug at the hips so when I tried these jeans on *with skepticism I might add* at the sales girls request I was so happy to see that they fit and were comfortable, so comfortable. The most surprising part was that Gap jeans usually don't fit me well and I have to try on so many before sometimes just giving up. I don't know that I will have such luck next time I go buy jeans but I hope that these stay around for a while ;-)
 Necklace was gifted

  The clutch is old from BCBG
Sunnies are Michael Kors a few seasons back

mimi g.


  1. BELLA!!! Have a Great Labor Day Weekend Mrs. Mimi!!! MUAHHHH!!!

    Nancy Cruz

  2. These jeans are cute! I'll be checking them out, as I have the same issue. GAP jeans are usually "booty squishers" but these look like they might work.

    1. Booty Squishers, LOL I know but these new ones are NICE!

  3. wow love those shoes that last picture is stunning!

  4. I love how the heels add a pop of color + the purse gives it a twist

  5. You are rocking this outfit!

  6. you look so pretty in this simple look! love those pumps :)

    C’s Evolution of Style

  7. Love the classic white button down shirt!...oh and the shoes!!! SMH...I almost forgot about the shoes! Gonna go snag them if I can find my size this weekend! Lol. Have a great Holiday
    -Trish Erin

  8. Mimi you're a style maven...with the 'look'...Anything looks good on U chica...I'd
    say its a natural blessed gift...Your love and use of colour is great...Apart from
    your sassiness and class...Your love and humility shines through...That's what I love about U...So i'll be here for a long Time!

  9. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this classic look and your shoe game is everything!! Carry on Mimi, carry on....

  10. i have the same problem with jeans. loving the simplicity of your outfit.

  11. Love your shoes and your style.
    have a grand weekend.

    1. I dont know about the google follow thing, lol Ill look it up and add it.

  12. I would love to follow you in google follow, but cannot find it.
    Following you in pinterest and adding you to my blogroll this second.

  13. I have the same problem with jeans, definitely need to try these. And white looks good on your skin...I need to make a stop by the GAP.

  14. I love this look! I love the shoes! I will have to get a pair! Really pretty!

  15. Hi Mimi,

    This look is fab! Love a nice crisp white shirt with dark jeans as well. And with the shoes. Just HAWTNESS!

  16. Did you purchase the petite sizes for your shirt and jeans? I love your polish!

  17. Hi MiMi! I'm one of your lurkers lured outof hiding! I'm a long time reader but even though I love 99.99% of your looks I don't comment for fear of being branded a crazy blog stalker!! I wanted to say that you hit the nail on the head when it comes to my style aesthetic. I love this, right down to the cobalt blue pumps. Major swoon!
    Lots of Love,

  18. Love the out fit, the white looks really good on you. For some odd reason I tend to shy away from white. I don't know if it's because of my fair skin and I think I look like casper or, but other people always seem to do white very well. Nice touch with the blue & yellow. (

  19. You look fabulous!

  20. So chic! Love the shoes. Xoxo Gretchen

  21. sophistication and that's how you roll mimi. I think you inspired me thank you

  22. Very nice outfit. I love it. Simple and classic. My four year old niece says oooooooh she's pretty.

  23. Loves it! From head to toe.


  24. Mimi!!!

    You KILLING IT! Because of you yesterday I threw out half my closet (to donate) and decided I needed a MAJOR overhaul! I'm on the hunt for these shoes! Love the color!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.