
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

DIY Tunic, Distressed Skinnies, Heelless Shoes + Pattern Review of McCalls 6204

Happy Tuesday my Darlings! enjoy today's Vlog with Q&A's and Shout Outs but first, if you sew please read this article about a woman who inhaled a pin! I know I am guilty of putting a pin in my mouth while sewing out of convenience, please don't do that again! Thanks Nik for sharing on FB.

Pattern Review McCalls 6204
**This super easy McCall pattern is on sale for $1.88!! HERE***

Pattern Description: M6204 View A Misses Tunics

Pattern Sizing: I cut the 8

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? This pattern is so easy to make. This is a great newbie project.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I love tunics because they are flowy and comfy to wear and still sexy when off the shoulder. I had this piece of fabric in my stash for a long time and it was perfect for this pattern.

Fabric Used: Jersey Knit (I bought it locally)

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: None.

Would you sew it again? I already have but haven't worn it, lol I made it in a white/sequin jersey

Would you recommend it to others? Yes. This is a great mindless project to do that sews up quick and is satisfying ;-)

Get The Look

 DIY Tunic / Heelless Platforms (similar) HERE / Distressed Jeans (similar) HERE / Beaded Tassel Necklace (similar) HERE

Michael Kors Watch /NY&Co. Leopard Bangle 

mimi g.


  1. Very nice....LOOOVEEE that fabric print!!! Lovely.

  2. Love!!! Love the abstract print on your shirt. You pick out fabulous fabrics!! Those heelless wedges are super cute in black too.

  3. You look great, I am loving this whole look!!

    Carsedra of:



  4. OMG lady! where's you cape?
    first you flip me out with the new of having 6 kids, you look like you're in your 20s fabulous!
    you homeschool too?
    I wanted to do for my girls but I didn't know I could since I work full time and with everything else I got going. I know it has nothing to do with sewing and fashion but do tell how do you maintain your homeschooling schedule with everything else??

    1. Thanks doll! I cant take all the credit, my hubby and older kids help a lot!

  5. one more thing, do you have a guideline to picking your fabrics for certain pattern, I probably wouldn't have give this pattern a second look, but you made it look so hot, the fabric is everything.

    yesterday you mention 4 ways strech fabric *gasp* I didnt know that! can you do a talk abt fabrics when you have a chance? XOXO

    1. I dont know that I can explain the pattern/fabric selection but I guess I can see a fabric and what it can become in my head. Like the flower fabric yesterday. Ill do a vid on your questions ;-)

  6. I was just on vacation and I bought a very similar watch at Kohls, now all I need is the rest of that outfit lol!! Love it!

  7. I love those shoes!! Where did you get them from?

    1. I go them a while back at lulus.com but they sold out fast and I haven't been able to find them since.

  8. Love your tunic, the pattern is awesome. Love your styling and your tutorials are wonderful. You my dear area a great instructor. I have been sewing for many many years but if I were just learning, I could learn a great deal from your tutorials. Also you have an amazing personality and willingness to help. Keep up the great work!

  9. Hmmm! I never thought about asking but I was a little uncomfortable with buying the same fabric as you...thanks for being so down to earth and downright cool!! Love ya boo!

  10. Girl I had to fight my mouth to keep from drooling over the shoes lol! Love this

  11. I love everything you. Thanks for sharing.


  12. I love everything you do. This outfit is beautiful. You are such an inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I sound like a broken record - that is so cute!! I love that top ~ I must buy that pattern and try it for myself. Thanks!!

  14. I didn't know you home schooled!! Go you!

    1. Girl, I tried public schools but here in Cali they are terrible and I cant have my babies in a mediocre environment. Chastidy did all 4 years of high school as a home schooler ;-)

  15. Love the bright colours of that fabric, and I die for those shoes!!

  16. Oh you should work for the pattern companies! Their envelope cover for this pattern is so awful...yet you rock this! Gorgeous, and kudos for seeing past their dreadful styling...I didn't!

    1. I think I should too, maybe we should start writing on their facebook wall or sending emails to them, LOL

  17. I love this outfit! I could see myself rocking this around town and looking cute and pulled together but not looking like I'm "trying too hard" if you know what I mean. I'm a SAHM (work part time)so people give a serious side-eye when dressed to kill to drop the kids at school, and go to the groceries, lol. Those shoes........are.......EVERYTHING! OMG. Love it Mimi. You are Superwoman. Thanks for the shout out too btw.

  18. Hi Mimi,
    I read the article. Thanks for that information. I teach sewing on a part-time basis, will make sure to tell my students not to put pins in their mouths. I love the tunic you made. You gave me an idea of what to do with some extra colorful knit fabric I have. Where do you find the time to do ALL that you do?


    1. Thank you so much and Im glad you found the info helpful ;-) I dont have enough time ever, LOL

  19. Love your tunic...the fabric is gorgeous!

  20. You didn't take out any ease? How did you get the pattern to not look like a sack on you?? Thanks!! Cynthiasue from PR

    1. Nope, It actually worked right out of the envelope, but its also in the styling, I tucked the front in a bit so it didnt look so long and boring.

  21. Oh how I like that tunic do I think it will be my first go at sewing. You look great! Love the shoes.

  22. This is simply adorable! Great job as usual.

  23. I love this look! It's relaxed but still very cute. I'm trying so hard get away from my basics of workout shirts, yoga pants, and/or sweats. You have such great style! I just purchased the pattern! Can't wait to see how it turns out. Thank you for getting me back into to sewing :)

    1. Hi Yatta! Thank you! girl get out of those yoga pants right now before I come find you, LOL

  24. Perfect fabric & colors & love the price of the pattern. Makes buying the fabric a little easier on my pocketbook (do people say pocketbooks anymore?) Lol!


    1. LOL, Im sure they do, Im going to start saying it now too. " I fancy your pocketbook"

  25. Gorgeous top, jeans and heels. You look lovely. I want those shoes!


  26. How do you keep so lean and trim ?
    Thank you for all the good work you do!
    Thank you,

  27. Mimi, I love this casual, relaxed and might I say, effortless look on you! Wow, what a story...I will never put another pin in my mouth either!

  28. Girl, you don't stop surprising me. Now, besides doing all this sewing and stuff you also home school? How do you manage that while working? Just out of curiosity, how many hours do you sleep? Thank you for sharing so much with us. I have much to learn from you. Wish I could spend a week following you, I mean, really following you.:) Loves!!

  29. Girl, you don't stop surprising me. Now, besides doing all this sewing and stuff you also home school? How do you manage that while working? Just out of curiosity, how many hours do you sleep? Thank you for sharing so much with us. I have much to learn from you. Wish I could spend a week following you, I mean, really following you.:) Loves!!

  30. Thanks so much for the shout out!! ;) I'm going to send you a shirt with an "S" on the chest because you are indeed a SUPERwoman! This tunic is fiyah, and that fabric is everything. Kudos to you for ALL you do!!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.