
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Super Bad DIY Pants + Pattern Review Burda 7195

Hello Darlings! It is Wednesday and we are half way through this week already. I mentioned a few posts ago that I had time to sew for myself, which btw doesn't happen that often anymore, and I made these fabulous pants below. I promise that you will see these in every color!! because I am in love!

I love wide leg pants and I love high waist pants and I love pants that flow with you and this pattern has all that! The pattern is Burda 7195

The Look + Pattern Review

Pattern Description: Extra-full pants with elastic casing in the waist. The charm of it is the slanting pleat piece that tilts down from the waist.  

Pattern Sizing: I cut size 6

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope? Yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? The instructions for these pants are actually pretty easy to follow and Burda always has pretty god illustrations for those who may need them.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I love EVERYTHING, especially the folded down waist with the pleats and the high waist and wide legs.

Fabric Used: Rayon Challis

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: None! I didn't have to make a single change to the pattern and it fit as a size 6 right out of the envelope which never happens, and because it is such a lose fitting pant you just need to make sure the waist measurement is correct.

Would you sew it again? I already ordered fabric to make them in 3 other colors, LOL

Would you recommend it to others? Yes, Yes & Yes the pattern itself is not hard at all but I can see the waist and fold/pleat portion confusing for some but it's not that hard...really.

 Pant detail close-up
 Necklace is from F21 (old) / Polish is Ali by Essie
 Radlab software is awesome btw! cool effects

mimi g.


  1. Those pants are everything Mimi...I see why you are sewing them in every color. I love how you paired it with a simple tank top...I just saw this chain at F21 and I said Mimi has this, but I forgot to buy it, going this week to get it! (you are definitely a style icon)...please dish on the sunglasses info. Super cute as well!

  2. Hi Mimi!

    Love the pants. Would you mind doing a video of the pleating portion when you make your next pair?


  3. Can't wait till I'm able to sew like you! Those pants are gorgeous! xx

  4. Those are so pretty and flattering on you. I really love the peplum on the front.

  5. I am so glad I found your blog...I feel like I'm always on your site now making notes, watching videos, buying new patterns and fabric. You have been such a great teacher so far and I can't wait to see and learn more. Thanks for all the inspiration!!

  6. I love these pants! I like how you paired it with the simple tank and accessories.

  7. I love these pants! I like how you paired it with the simple tank and accessories.

  8. Hi Mimi, I love your outfit! Thanks for sharing the great pants pattern. Can't wait to make them!

  9. Love these!! would be great to see them styled with a jacket :) I have a real pear shape - size 10 up top, 12 down below and wondering whether these pants would suit me? they look so simple to make I could go a few for work and the shorts version for summer too. Susan

  10. Mimi I always look forward to your posting. Such gifted and beautiful woman.

  11. Hey Mimi...Nice style...I could see myself already in a skirt similiar :)

  12. Holy crap, you look gorgeous. I love those pants, just awesome. The pants look great with that top, the color contrast is just beautiful. Those pants look great on you!

  13. Very nice pants Mimi. They look great! I was wondering how it is to sew with Rayon Challis? Is it one of those tricky fabrics? I just ordered some for a dress I want to make. Thanks!

  14. Not sure if my last post went through but those pants are very nice! I love how they flow. Is Rayon Challis one of those tricky fabrics? Any advice for sewing with Challis? I just ordered some for a dress I want to make but I haven't sewn with it before.

    1. Challis is not tricky, its actually easy to work with and it is not slippery. Its like working with a very lightweight cotton.

  15. YOOOO, Mimi those pants are HAWT! I'm definitely want to try and make these. I think I see a new tut in your future, PLEASE! YOU ARE THE TRUTH!!


  16. YOOOO, Mimi those pants are HAWT! I'm definitely want to try and make these. I think I see a new tut in your future, PLEASE! YOU ARE THE TRUTH!!


  17. YOOOO, Mimi those pants are HAWT! I'm definitely want to try and make these. I think I see a new tut in your future, PLEASE! YOU ARE THE TRUTH!!


  18. Ooo I really like them! I have scrolled up a few times to have another look lol.

  19. omg the pattern goes to a size 18!!!!!!!!! I'm getting it...It looks AMAZING on you so hopefully I will look half as good. Thank you for sharing it with us :)

    1. Remember that you patterns dont have the same sizing as ready to wear. I wear a size 2 in store bought pants but I am a 6 in pattern sizing.

  20. Where can i order a pair

  21. Hello mimi where can i order these pants from...

    1. You cant. Didn't you read the post, lol
      I made them.

  22. I had my mother sew the black jumpsuit you had several posts ago and I am an 8/10 in Old Navy, so I measured and thought I would be OK with a 10... eeek. Wrong. She made it for me and it was soooo tight. So, I went out and bought another pattern in the next sizes up and MORE material. She made it for me in a 14 and it fits great. It is totally adorable!

    So, my question is, what size are you in Old Navy pants? I see you made these pants in a 6 and I just wanted to kind of compare, and I suppose I need to just measure, but I am so new to all things clothes making and my mom is kinda "fly by the seat of her pants" when she sews. I ABSOLUTELY love how these pants look and want to get the pattern tomorrow!!! THANKS!!!! Gina C. :-)

    1. Pattern sizes are always bigger than ready to wear. I wear a size 2 or 3 depending on the cut and I usually cut a size 6 pattern. The size on patterns do not relate to the size you wear from store bought clothing, you need to measure yourself.

    2. Thanks!!! I hope I learn how to cut patterns/sew/make clothes soon!!

      I did your trick of adding pennies to weigh down the hem on the black's gonna be SO cute! I'll take a pic of me in it when I wear it on Saturday (with animal print shoes and gold dangling earrings!!). Woo hoo!

      Love, love, love your style. Thanks for taking time to do your blog!

      Gina :-)

  23. OMG! I must have some like this..are you doing them in the same kind of material ? What other material you think would work if any?

    1. any light weight cotton or rayon will work, you can even use a jersey. Im planning on making a pair in jersey too.

  24. OMGeezie. Looks sooo Killah Dillah on you! I'd wonder how they would look on my plus sized shaping, but I am in love!!!

  25. I saw them on Facebook and I check the link and it send me here,.. I'll check your post on my computer I couldn't view it on my phone

  26. I love Burda. They really are the best patterns for fit besides ones you can self draft. All my pants are pretty much sewn from Burda, because they also fit me out of the envelope with the barest of tweaks. I ordered this based on your review even though I'm on pattern overlaod. A stylish, easy to sew pant with peplum detail, how could I resist? SMH

    1. I like Burda too, they have more modern patterns.

  27. These pants elongate you! You look like you have legs for days! Wide legged pants are the business!

  28. Love eeet! unfortunately i cant sew but my mom can so im gonna be bombarding her lol

  29. These are wonderful!!! Did you create a lining for the pants?

  30. The pants are wonderful. I have the same pattern. Are these made with a lining?

  31. And she does it again...WERK MISS MIMI!!!

    How high reserve your heels? I love long pants but tend to trip in them all the time! Lol

    Love these and love you mama!!

  32. Mimi - these pants are simple and amazing. Because of you, I purchased my first sewing machine. I'm one of your dedicated silent followers but today, I had to give you a shout out. Keep up the good work.

    Natural Barbie

    1. how exciting! thanks for coming out of hiding, lol

  33. I've had this pattern for a few months and just haven't had time. I'll make time now! thanks for the fire under the butt! Oooh, I need to get some more challis! LOL! I plan to make the other version too!

  34. Mimi, did you know that you are a top 50 fashion instagrammer on!! Congratulations!

  35. Mimi, did you know that you are a top 50 fashion instagrammer on Congratulations!!!!!

    1. I got an email about it ;-) Thank you! how exciting.

  36. Love these on you. I'm preggo now so I've had to chill on sewing, but I definitely want these pants in my closet! You have awesome fashion sense!

  37. OMG- I promise you're so making me wanna pull the sewing machine out TODAY. What other colors are you sewing them in? You look beautiful as always in everything that you ROCK.

  38. Your DIY's make me want to buy a sewing machine, seriously! These pants are GORG! I love anything flowy and comfortable.

  39. Loving this look, the pants are fabulous!!!

    Carsedra of:

  40. those are too frigging cool to exist. in three more colors? i think the universe may implode.

  41. I am so in love with these pants. However, since I can not sew a straight line; Ima need to find me a seamtress ASAP! Any takers in the DFW area...
    #I want ever color as well!

  42. Your timing is impeccable! Burda just went on sale for $2.49 at Joann Fabric on Friday and I picked up the pattern.

  43. I wanted to ask do the pattern come in plus size 20 or size 22.

  44. Mimi, you're short right!?! If so, your designs make you look so lean & long! That is amazing...I need more looks that elongate my body! ;)

  45. Mimi, are you short? For some reason I think you are. But your designs make you look so lean & long. That's amazing. I need to find more looks to elongate my small frame. Uhhhh! It's a task! Lol.

  46. i purchased the pattern on yesteday and took it along with my fabric to my mom!! i can't wait until she's done!

  47. Hot hot hot! How can I get those pants

  48. Hot hot hot! How can I get those pants

  49. Hot hot hot! How can I get those pants

  50. I like these pants.
    In particular I like the cutting on the waist and the length. It makes your shoes and feet invisible. It makes you longer and gives a nice and elegant look. I like these pants very much.

  51. I love these pants so much on you so I purchased the pattern. It came Saturday and I was ready to cut it and then realized im lost as to what size so I looked back at your vid on size according to finished garmet and looks like this pattern doesn't have that info so I looked at the chart and it says hips and that make my cut out size a 18 but when I go to waist it says 32 and my waste it a 34 I was thinking to just cut out 2 inches bigger but them I looked and it a front waist band and a back. Help should I cut bigger in the back or front?

  52. I took sewing and design in school but thats as far as I went. After continuously viewing your blog, you have really inspired me to make my ideas come alive and get into the gist of creating my own closet. I have my firt sewing class next week then its onwards and upwards from there
    Thank you for your inspiration - coming soon

  53. These are amazing! I mentioned you on our official tumlbr, if you'd like to check it out! It should be posted by 6 pm tonight:) Happy blogging!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.