
Monday, October 15, 2012

How I Organize My Closet + Tips

Hello! It is Monday and I have a lot on my plate this week but I did take time over the weekend to organize my closet and started transitioning my wardrobe from spring/summer to fall/winter and since I get asked so often how I organize my closet and if there are any tips I could share I shot a short video explaining how I set my closet up for efficiency.

How I Organize & Shop My Closet

Tips To Keep Your Closet Organized

1. Organize your closet in sections: Pants with Pants, Skirts with Skirts etc.

2. Organize each section by style (example) pants should be organized by style casual and dress and then by colors and prints.

3. Keep your shirts organized by by sleeve length: Strapless, short sleeve, long sleeve etc. the same goes for dresses, it makes it easy to find when strapless tops are hidden between long sleeves and sweaters.

4. Make your closet easy to "shop" by keeping items you wear often easily accessible and things you have worn can be moved towards the back so you can keep track of when you wore it last.

5. Use shoes boxes to organize your belts, clutches and gloves. Hangers are great for scarfs and keep your accessories visible so you can dress your look easily.

Links To Handy Items

Acrylic wall pegs board I use for my necklaces can be found HERE

Tiered organizer I use for my bracelets can be found HERE

Closet expander can be found HERE this has been really handy for me.

I just ordered these little handy dividers, you get 12 in a pack for $9.99 HERE

Hope this helped!

mimi g.


  1. Mimi, have you ever thought about organizing by color, like you do your denim? I organize by color, then pants, skirts, dresses, ect. I have a pretty large closet though. My teenage daughter and her friends do this, and it's helped me a lot. Now for multi-color, it gets a little tricky, but it looks good on the eye. Cupcakes and Cashmere does this also.

    1. I like the color organizing but it doesn't work for me.

      I use to do that but I found that I don't ever keep it organized by color because for me I have to keep it so that what I wore last ends up in order so I don't repeat without realizing it so I would not put it back in order anyway...a The pants is easy because they stay in rotation!

    2. Okay, I see. I guess I'm just OCD, I like the visual. But, thank-you as always for sharing. I need the bracelet holder's, i have mine in perfume-set boxes : )

    3. Also, any ideas on hangers that dont cause the bumps on sweaters and tops?

    4. LOL, I like OCD ;-) I wish I could keep it pretty. BTW, if you have a Joann near you wait for a 50% off coupon and go there to get the bracelet holders, they have them too.

    5. Thanks so much, since I haven't sewn since childhood, I never go into fabric stores, outside of the time my youngest son was making an apron in school, we bought cool scull fabric, so I wouldn't have known about the bracelet holder. Thank you!
      P.S. I'm being slowing convinced reading your blog to pick up sewing again : )

  2. Hi Mimi, loved the closet tips. I, unfortunately, moved into an apartment that only has two closets, a linen and one the size of a coat closet, both in the main hallway. Getting a closet from Ikea is on my list of things to do's. I noticed your hangers. Have you ever thought about picking up Joy Mangano huggable hangers. They are great. They hold the silkiest fabric to the heaviest jacket. They come so many pretty colors and are really slender which allows you to fit more items in your closet. I swear by them.

    1. I have several mixed in there for my silk stuff but trying to replace all of my hangers would be costly lol so I just replace a few as I need them. I have two closets, it would be insane!

  3. I have several necklaces in drawers because I have never taken the time to try to organize all of my accessories. I rarely shop at Container Store and didn't even realize they have jewelry organizing stuff. And for less than $10?! Thanks so much for the tips. I think I may head over to Container Store during lunch tomorrow. I'll tell them Mimi G. sent me. :)

  4. Thanks so much for all the tips. I have several necklaces in drawers because I haven't taken the time to organize my accessories...I know...shameful. :| I may just head over to Container Store during my lunch hour tomorrow. I'll tell them Mimi G. sent me. :) Thanks again!

  5. Hi Mimi,

    This video was so helpful...thank you.. much appreciated. I realized color coordinating doesn't work for me neither...especially with colorblocking. I think your method will work wonders for me. Because then I will know where everything is, and know what I need and don't need. Your closet is so well organized!

  6. Good Morning Mimi! I totally need to adopt the way you organize your life would be soooo much easier. I have this container and they always get tangled which of course makes me not want to wear any necklaces lol :(

  7. Hi Mimi! What kind of hooks do you have your purses hanging on? Where can I purchase them? Love the idea of putting your clutches and belts in shoe boxes. Thanks!

  8. Hi Mimi! What do you have your belts hanging on? Where can I purchase? Thanks!

  9. Thanks for sharing. I will definitely use this info when I organize my closet.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.