
Monday, January 14, 2013

Announcement! Im Getting Braces Today Lawd Help Me!

Yikes! LOL


  1. look scared. I will pray for you. Im next! I am 33 yrs old and about to get braces myself. Good luck!

  2. Well be very proud of yourself it takes a lot of courage to make such decisions as an adult.

  3. Today's vlog is tooo funny!!!! luv the transparency!

  4. I have one piece of advise for when you get them off: WEAR YOUR RETAINER! LOL I can't stress that enough!

    1. Amen! I second that! It may not be cute out in public or at bedtime but neither is having the teeth shift back bc you didnt wear it...

  5. Those things really huuurt!

    I suggest soup on the days that they tighten them up. Here's a couple that I make all the time. I happen to post on it today!

    But I got through braces eating apples, etc. Just no soda! It's bad for you anyways.

    Good luck!!!

    P.S. - I never once noticed your teeth. I probably never would have unless you pointed them out to us all. I'm usually too busy figuring out how to make all those awesome things you wear!

  6. Go for it! you'll be beautiful with braces :-)

  7. Love you just the way you are, Mimi. But more power to you and I hope it's not as bad for you as it was for your daughter. Peace, love and blessings.

  8. Its so worth the pain (yes there's lots of pain). I had like 4 teeth extracted in order to make space because my mouth was crowded. I made an error in my early twenties and put in a lip piercing on my bottom lip and it used to hook on my teeth occassionally and over time it pulled one of my teeth out of line! I didnt even see it happening till it was too late..but all in all I have a great smile now :) except for that tooth poking out a bit to the bottom and the perfectionist in me wants to put back braces to the bottom to put it back in place..oh well...go brave, the journey is worth the destination.

  9. She is right, I got braces later in life as well. Here is a tip - take advil before you go to get them tighten. Someone else told me that and I did it all except one time...OUCH... never forgot after that. I did clear and would sometimes get white bands... Say bye bye to curry if you eat it, it stained my bands a neon green color. When I opened my mouth it looked like I had dingy teeth.The first few days are going to be hard; for me, it hurt to drink from a straw and I couldn't chew or bite anything. But after that you'll be good and the time will fly by.

  10. Awwww you look fabulous either way. I'm getting mine soon at age 21. It's worth it!!

  11. I'm very happy for you. My mom got braces at 45. It really changed the way she felt about herself. She was always beautiful, but being able to smile without covering her mouth with her hand (a lifelong habit) was liberating for her and really made me happy for her. Your body (including your smile) is truly your best accessory. Take care of them.

  12. Mimi - I've been prescribed braces for ten years and have yet to get them - so I say - GOOD FOR YOU GIRLFRIEND! I can't wait to see the final result!

  13. Chile please!! I was an adult when I got my braces and I totally ignored all the rules about what not to eat...except for the gum of course. It was sore the first day but after that it's a breeze. It'll be over before you know it!! The hard part is remembering to wear your

  14. . . . Wish I would have saw this earlier today. Doing that on a Monday, girl you are brave. I would have told you to take two pain relivers abou 20 min before you go and get ready for your speech to be off initially.

  15. It is worth it I end up getting my braces in college. I was too ashamed to wear my retainer like i should of which i regret. My advice is to wear your retainer and when you schedule your appointments to get your braces tighten make sure you dont have anything important planned because the pain can drain you out. In the end you will love the results.

  16. They are so worth it, Mimi . I had them in my last couple years in high school up to my first year in college. It's a pain the first time and during your appointment days because of the tightness, but so worth it. Please be advised to go to EVERY appointment and wear your retainer. If you keep misplacing yours as I did, get a permanent one. Also, the white tends to stain so make sure to stay away from too much coffee, teas, and dark sodas. In the end you'll love the end result!

  17. Good for you! I had braces when I was younger and my teeth have shifted a little. I want braces again but am too afraid to do it! You are a brave woman. My ADVICE TO YOU: WEAR YOUR RETAINER!!! ALWAYS. Even years after you have gotten your braces off! Good luck!

  18. I have braces and I think it is worth it. I am 30 and I just got them on last year and I really like them now. I still eat whatever I want but at first I was kind scared didn't know what to expect. But I like them alot...

  19. Good for you! You'll do great. Definitely take some Advil (or something similar) before getting them tightened. I never did (wish I'd thought of it way back then!)and those are the only days I remember really being uncomfortable. It's more of an ache than a pain, really. It's worth it :-)

  20. U will still be Beautiful!! Don't let a small thing hold U back just remember eat soft foods in the beginning!! Sending you prayers and love for a speedy recovery! ; )

    The results are gonna be FAB!!!!!!

  21. I hope everything went well!! I have never had braces, but wish you all the best. You are still beautiful, and I am glad you are able to fix something that has bothered you for a while.

  22. I've worn braces 3 TIMES!!!! 12-15, 25-27, and at 44. I wear my retainer everynight now. There will be no 4th time. You'll do fine. They do hurt initially but you'll learn to adjust and then you'll forget that they're on. And it IS worth the investment.

  23. Yay for you! I never noticed your teeth, which is a testiment to your true beauty(inside and out) and your fab style. God bless

  24. Gal you're beautiful with or without the correction. But all the same good luck. will keep you in prayers...:-)

  25. You'll have a beautiful smile when you're done! When your mouth hurts and aches, swish warm salt water around in your mouth. It helps to take the pain away.

  26. I also had braces as an adult. I was in my mid 20's. Similar story to you, not an option as a child, but once I had my own dental insurance I could not wait to get them. Now in my 40's I look back and am glad that I did. I thought your smile was beautiful before, but I think that if it gives your more confidence then it is great. I think it really did that for me.

  27. I just got my clear damon baces on the 15th as well. Doctor predicted that I would be wearing them for about 2+ years. I am 27 years old now and I'm very excited to see the end results. Happy for you!!!

  28. Great post! Been reading a lot about getting braces. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.