
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

DIY Red Dress & Aldo Heels + One Pattern = Three Dresses

Hi Darlings!

First I just have to say that I am so blessed and so humbled by all of the emails and support you guy send me and I just wanted to thank you all again because it really is just so amazing how we have created a community of love and respect and encouragement! You guys really are great.

Today's dress is an oldie but I love it so much and I have only worn it once before so I pulled her out and dusted off the ruffle, lol. THIS pattern has been so good to me and I wanted to show how I have used it to get 3 different looks.

Sometimes you find a pattern that has endless possibilities and this is one of them. I hadn't realized how much I liked this pattern until this past weekend I pulled it out again and thought "Wow, I have made this pattern up at least 3 times" and I was right so I though it would be cool to see the different looks that came from this one pattern. The maxi was easy to modify since I just added length the the skirt  so I think it is safe to say that this $3 pattern has served me well over the last year and a half.
RTW: #DIY Red Dress (similar) HERE / Aldo Sandals HERE (and on sale!) / F21 Necklace 
(found in store) DIY INFO:Pattern available HERE, Fabric for my red dress worn today can be found HERE and some GORGEOUS Floral prints can be found HERE and HERE

Mimi G


  1. Love this dress! I think, because I have a bigger chest, the V neck would look best on me as high necklines only make my chest look bigger. I'd love to make it with the ruffle. I saw it at Walmart yesterday and didn't get it, but love how yours came out so I will go back and get it for sure. Great job! You look fabulous, as always :)

    instagram: @reynalay

  2. I love this dress....I cut out the pieces two weeks ago to cut but I didn't have enough material. Then I got more material but haven't been able to cut it because I started other stuff and I want to finish that first before I start another project...I'm making mine in blue....Yay! This is so cute on you too....

  3. I think this pattern will become a staple of mine when I get the hang of sewing!! You look fab, Mimi!!

  4. I am going to buy this pattern, but I will wait to sew it. Because when you wear a dress like this, your body has to be RIGHT, which you have no problem. But I have 15 more pounds to lose all while toning. So this will be my goal dress, down 100lbs. I can't wait, and I will post pictures once I am done.

  5. Hey mimi i know you add a lining to your version how about a tutorial.

  6. You look so pretty in red Mimi!..I like the patterns with more than one look too...I mix and match pattern pieces to make different stuff too...I love sewing and this is why!...;)

  7. I finally got around to making this pattern, I wore the dress on Easter Sunday. I decided to make it out of yellow after seeing that gorgeous yellow ruffle Emilio Pucci dress →

  8. Wow looks great! I looove that floral version you show to! How do you find the sizing on the pattern? I am never sure what size to make myself...

  9. Love this! I'm going to go by the fabric store this weekend and get busy.

  10. Mimi I love all three of your looks! This is my favorite pattern too and I have only made one version. Your purple one is the version I made and an issue with "Gaposis" a little that I need to deal with the next time. I think I may just make your last version the next time! It's just as pretty and definitely no "Gaposis" there! Thanks for the great review!

  11. Loving this dress Mimi.. you are killing it as usual... I loved to sew but put it on the sidelines... you are sooo renewing my inspiration...

  12. Love the colour. The dress looks amazing on you. You have such a great shape- your booty is incredible!! ;)

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. omg!!! just reading your posts, the information you share to help your followers. that's why I'm sure your community is awesome. you are!! your beauty, brains and business . I love this dress and entire ensemble!! :-)


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.