
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How I Stay Fit, Workout, Eat and Cheat!

Hi Darlings!

Okay I have finally gotten around to sharing what I do and what I know about fitness, what works for me and how to get and stay motivated. I will post on this a bit more going forward and will also include favorite recipes as I try them.

The intro video to this post explains my thoughts, opinions and what I will be sharing so make sure to watch. I share a bit of how I stay fit and detail all of those things below.


This I think is the most difficult thing for most of us...FOOD! we love it we want to eat and when we don't we feel we are depriving ourselves and so we talk ourselves into eating it because "we only live once", "this one time wont hurt me", "If I just get it out of the way I wont want it anymore" sound familiar? so here are my tips on dieting and staying on track.

1. DON'T DIET! yep I said it. Dieting is insane and always ends up being harder then anticipated to stay on track for any length of time so stop it. Instead of dieting just change your eating habits because dieting is temporary but life changes are what will keep you in the state you want to be in always.

What I Do: I stop eating fast food and drinking soda! I only drink WATER or fresh juice made in my juicer in the mornings, I replace my white rice with brown rice, add veggies to my lunch and dinner, if I can't pronounce it I don't buy it and don't eat it and I try to buy organic, free range protein when possible. If I want to enjoy something when out with friends or when I feel the urge I eat it in MODERATION and only once maybe twice a week. I avoid eating anything that is processed and honestly fresh and clean food always taste better.

When I am trying to lose weight I remove the carbs except for good ones (usually found in veggies) and I still allow myself corn tortillas for dinner or lunch or potatoes once or twice a week (usually during lunch) I try to stay away from pasta and bread during these times but if NOT trying to lose weight and just maintaining I eat what I want with a 80%-20% ratio; 80% clean and fresh 20% not so clean and fresh.

Here is a sample food day for me:

Breakfast: I juice (handful of spinach or kale, 1/2 lemon a small chunk of ginger and 1 apple) or Cantaloupe juice with a lemon wedge (it helps clear your skin) or I will have 2 hard boiled eggs and 1 slice of whole wheat toast.

Lunch: I love salads and always add protein (chicken usually) I will have tuna salad, turkey wraps, previous nights left overs ;-)

Dinner: Lettuce Wraps (my favorite and recipe below) Tilapia Tacos! love recipe HERE,  lean steak and veggies and if I feel I need something starchy I'll have brown rice or potatoes, brown rice and beans (3/4 cup rice only) a like to add a salad because I wont over eat the other stuff of I have a salad first, lol

For my snacks I usually have a few almonds, yogurt, crackers or dried fruit.

The thing to remember is to PUT MORE GOOD IN YOUR BODY THEN BAD! 


My body does not respond to cardio alone NEVER has, I don't know if it is because of my ethnicity, body shape, genetics I have no idea. But I can KILL myself doing cardio and will see little result and because I know this I know that strength training always works for me and I will talk about that a bit more below...because I know I have to lift I take just a few supplements, here is what I include for nutrition purposes during my training:

Opti Women HERE (multivitamin) / BCAA Caps HERE (Supports New Lean Mass) / Smart Blend HERE (Supports Bodyfat Reduction And Optimal Cardiovascular Health)

I hate protein drinks but this one is VERY good and does not have that protein nasty after taste. It blends perfectly without that grainy feel and it goes great with fruit for smoothies because the vanilla taste is subtle. MRM 100% Natural Whey Protein HERE


I mentioned above that cardio alone does not work for me and if you are a shapely woman with a thicker lower body then you MUST do weight training to burn that excess fat. I love dance cardio and I do it because it helps in conjunction with my strength training and it is fun, gives me energy and I can do it at home in a matter of 30 minutes and feel great. I turn on some merengue and in 20 minutes my body is hot and sweaty! lol I like to dance to THIS mix in particular especially because I incorporate ab work in my cardio and merengue is the best way to do that ;-) I will show a little video of how I do this in the next few days, lol

Since I just mentioned AB WORK let me share my opinion on that. I have given birth 4 times and even through that I have always maintained flat abs. There is no secret to it and you can do a million sit ups and crunches BUT if you don't EAT RIGHT you might as well give up. Abs come from what you eat and the muscles in your abs become visible from the loss of fat, the more fat you have in your belly the less you will see your abs. LOSE THE FAT, EAT FRESH AND CLEAN FOODS along with your full body workouts you will start to see your abs. I cant stress this enough, CLEAN AND FRESH FOOD = ABS. Yes, crunches and sit ups and hard ab work will shape increase and define your abs but if you don't eat the right foods you wont see the change, plain and simple.

I have tried SO MANY different routines mostly because I am always curious so I am going to share my top 5 and why I like them and don't like them and then I will end with my favorite, why and how I use a little of all of them to stay int he shape I am in.

#5 Jillian Michael's Body Revolution: Not that pricey but still $100. The workouts are good but I fond her boring. Her plans work OF COURSE! her meal plans quite good and if I can eat crab cakes for lunch I am in but for me I found it to be boring and not motivating. Jillian is great if she is in your house yelling at you to move your ass, lol

#4 P90X: This will kick your ass no doubt and the routines are excellent for using your full body as opposed to isolated parts. The meal plan is not overly complicated but has it's challenges. The 90 days will give you results absolutely. My cons: It's pricy at over $100! The workouts for me were too long (1hr-1hr 20m) and I was bored. I felt like I just didn't want to tune in every day. I also have a really bad knee that I must watch for and this program made it a little hard to really give it my all and I hate jumping by way, LOL If you have the time to and energy to spend on the longer workouts and have time to prepare meals for the week this can work for you but it is too "strict" in the sense that I cant see myself doing this for the rest of my life only for those 90 days and I don't need to be in shape in 90 days, I need to be in shape for ever.

#3 Insanity: Man! this is serious stuff and I will tell that every time I finished a workout I felt like I was on the verge of passing out, lol but I did see results. The meal plan was relatively easy to manage, had great food options that made me feel like I was eating (turkey burgers, wraps, "fried rice") and it tasted great. Probably one of my favorites in the meal plan area. The workouts are good but I could not give it everything I had for more then a few weeks before my knee started to swell and cause pain and with a workout so JUMP intensive it was not worth half doing it. You really need to give it everything in order for you to see the results you want. It is also a little pricey at $150

#2 Zumba: BUT only if used alongside weight training. I love Zumba and if you have a class near you go now. It is fun (if you find a good teacher that had rhythm) lord knows I have been to so many classes where I wondered if they actually were certified and trained; I could have taught the class. BUT if you find a good one it is invigorating, the group atmosphere is motivating and you burn calories no doubt! but you need to make sure to include 3-4 days of lifting especially your lower body so you can tone as you lose. Cost wise not bad at all.

#1 Jamie Easons LivFit Trainer: My favorite fitness guru and who I follow like a hawk because we share the same exact ideas about women's weight loss and body goals: 
She has so much advice that has helped me to understand why my body reacts the way it does, why weights are good for women and will not bulk you up but instead create lean muscle, her eating plan cant be any easier: Include protein, veggies and good carbs in your three large meals. I do my eating the way I posted at the top and along with this plan I stay in the shape I am in. It is critical to my body shape to lose, burn and TONE my butt and legs because that is where I gain my weight. She tells you exactly what to work out every day and the site gives you alternate workouts if you cant get to the gym. I do my workouts at home and substitute the gym machines with the alternates or my own with free weights. I don't have to over plan and I can do my own eating routine using her guidelines and it works for me. I feel it in my body and I can see the changes when in this program and after the 12 weeks of her plan you have learned so much and know the exercises so well that you can build your own maintenance routine . When in maintaining mode, I only work out 3 days a week and eat well, that's it. I also include dance but that is because I like it and I enjoy walks with the hubby ;-)

Here is the kicker folks...IT'S FREE yep. I just pull up the program ONLINE and there she is everyday and it doesn't cost me a thing. I also include zumba after the first phase of the program because the first phase actually has you do NO CARDIO AT ALL, no jumping, no running ;-)


I have been doing my workout at home because getting to the gym is hard for me and sometimes I just like the privacy of my own home (ever workout in your undies? very liberating) LOL!!!! anyway I have a few things I use during my workouts that I keep in the house and take up NO space at all.

1. Excersie Bands (these are great for walking side squats) 
4. Adjustable weights (take up little room and they are just enough weight for me) These are great! and sturdy.

I hope this helps some of you and please leave a comment or question of you have one. I am starting phase 1 day 1 of Jamie's plan again this Sunday so if you want to start with me make sure to read up on her page and let me know ;-)


1lb Ground Turkey
1 small white onion (diced)
1/2 red pepper (diced)
1/2 yellow pepper (diced)
3-4 garlic cloves 
Salt & Pepper
Green Salsa or Pico De Gallo (personal Preference)
Cilantro (optional)
Sallions (optional)
Avocado (optional)
Shredded Cabbage
Lettuce Leafs
(I am puertorican so I use Adobo and 1tbls of sofrito  in place of salt and pepper found at almost all grocery stores)

Season your raw ground turkey with salt and pepper set aside. Using 1tsp of olive oil saute chopped onions until clear, add garlic and sauté a few more minutes (don't burn the garlic) add ground turkey and brown, add pepper and let soften a little, mix well. Once cooked taste and add salt and pepper if needed. Add chopped cilantro and mix. Let sit. Toppings: Slice your avocado and chop your cabbage (I like cabbage for the crunch)

Scoop some turkey meat in the lettuce leaf, top with avocado and chopped scallions and your salsa and you are all done. I can eat this everyday!!!


  1. As someone in recovery from eating disorders, even after several years out, I always get wary about reading articles or blogs that discuss fitness and health. I just wanted to say that I was really happy with what I read -- this is the kind if mindset that I was taught to follow, and that has helped me reclaim myself and my body. I love reading things that might help, but so often the advice of well meaning people can be quite detrimental, so it was so nice to read something that follows a healthy mindset and also has some new and interesting ideas! Thanks Mimi!

    1. First let me say that I am so happy you are healthy and reclaiming control. My mother has struggled for a long time and I think that so many people have good intentions but are not realistic. I use to obsess on every pound I gained and lost in my 20's and then I realized that I just wanted to be healthy and grow old strong and in good condition ;-)

      Being healthy is key, thank you for your comment.

      Mimi G

    2. I have a similar body type and am always "low carbing" when I feel a few extra pounds creep up and I'm a line dance instructor which is pretty much my "routine"-LOL!. This article was very nice and inspiring and I'd like you to know finding your blog has helped me to step outside the fashion "box" and take some chances. Not to mention I've just about ordered every shoe you've posted. THANK YOU for being such an inspiration, lady!

  2. Excellent post! The first part was like you've been inside my head - LOL! Weight loss/staying in shape doesn't get any easier as we age (I'm over 50). I'm really trying to tone up and your ideas are really helpful.

    1. very true. The older I get the harder it becomes so we must encourage each other ;-)

  3. Thanks Mimi, I am working on living a healthier lifestyle and this is just what i needed to help motivate me. Here is to healthy living! I am so excited about the new me...

  4. This sounds like a great plan. I've been up and down and right now I'm up. I started juicing and lost 5 pounds so fast. I would love to follow the plan with you - I really want to be as healthy as I can be, easier said than done but I don't really have an excuse especially when I only have one kid and he's already 20 lol. Too bad I can't just slim up the top and leave the legs and booty as is lol. Anyway, I really want to do this - I already have the juicer and stuff at home and exercise equipment - I'd like to have a very noticeable change by the time I turn 40 next year! I'm hoping with your encouragement I can do this! You are a very inspirational person :)

  5. Mimi, thank you so so much for the LivFit trainer link, with two babies under two and my hubby working late shifts, I no longer have the no time/money excuse not to work out... Thanks for your hard work putting this post together, and all your hard work for that matter,

    Kind regards,

  6. Thanks for posting this Mimi. I actually completed Insanity a little over a week ago and loved my results. I also realized that in order to add to my success and as well as stay fit I need to make fitness a way of life and something I incorporate into my busy schedule, not just a quick fix. I'm now doing a Jillian Michaels Body Rev/Turbo Fire hybrid and it actually makes working out enjoyable for me. JM is a little boring and I had to get use to her just coming off of the frantic pace of Insanity, but she's definitely helping to tighten up my body so that keeps me pressing play. I have quite a few workout videos and I treat them like the gym, I do what I'm in the mood for or what I have time for. It keeps things from being monotonous. I also agree with you about food. You have to do what easy for you to maintain and that is eating realistically. In my opinion diets don't work. A cheat here or there won't kill you as long as you eat a healthy balanced meal at least 80% - 85% of the time. I also cut out soda and juice from my diet and only drink water, coffee (weekends), and tea. Please keep posting these. I think this will help motivate those of us just getting acquainted with our fitness routines and some of us who have yet to start but really want to. The best advice I can give anyone is find what you like to do, stick with it, have realistic goals and try not to be slave to scale. Also, any exercise is good exercise.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing and for the motivation.

  8. Thanks a lot for the tips! I will definitely heck out Jamie Eason's workouts. My problem is I stat and stop too much. I need to stick with it.

  9. After I have my baby in Aug. I will definitely give Jamie's plan a try!! Thanks for the tips!!

  10. Thanks for this Mimi I really appricate this.. :-) I'm puertorican too! I come from a family that loves to cook spanish food lol.

  11. Hi Mimi,
    I love Jamie too and I definately want to start with you. I know alot about clean eating but have struggled due to lack of support. Thank you soooo much for this motivation. I will start the plan with you this Sunday!!! I'm sooo excited and hope many more of the ladies also join in. There is strength in numbers. :-)

  12. You are ABSOLUTELY right Mimi re Jamie Eason! I first found out about her thru Chris Gethin. I have done her 12 week program and loved every day of it (I was sore everyday because I do push my weights and did find the last phase a bit hard to do as I did it at the gym and sometimes the equipment is not available). I had great results and then along came a couple of surgeries and I've gained 13 lbs so I'm in on starting with you on Sunday!
    Thank you for this post and getting my back on plan!

    1. Yay!!! I guess we can all check in at the end of every week to see how we are doing ;-)

  13. Hi Mimi!

    I have been waiting for weeks for you to post this! since you mentioned a while ago that you were thinking of doing a healthy lifestyle post and I am so glad you finally did! I will definitely be starting with you on Sunday!

    Thanks for all this great info!

  14. Do I have to give up my Gummi Bears??? LOL (as I sit here biting the legs off some now).
    Seriously though, this is good stuff. I LOVE to workout but I also like to eat!!! Please share anymore good recipes you have. I'm getting bored with the same ole chicken, turkey and fish rotation I have going now.

  15. Thanks for all the tips. I'm pear shaped like you and I've always had flat abs, but using Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs Level 2 has helped me get an "almost" 6-pack, lol.

    Now I'm mostly doing cardio and my weight loss has plateaued, but I feel good. I just can't stop eating bread/rice/pasta, I just can't! ;-) So after the summer I'll focus on working out even more to get the legs I want. Running seems to be the best way to achieve that for me, since it's both cardio and weight training (you lift your own weight).

    Take care

  16. Don't forget the good fats. Since my brain is made of fats and cholesterol, I don't want to starve it. When I eat coconut oil, I can feel the thermogenesis - yes, I get warm for no other reason.

  17. I love Jamie too! I got all the way to the last phase and just fell off =( But I am so determined to get back with that program! I love, they have some great info and programs on there...PLUS like you said it's FREE. Can't beat that! I lost a good 10 lbs just in the first 2 phases, now I've gained it back. I'm determined and motivated this go round. I love you style and you're so fit, definitely an inspiration to keep pushing on my healthy living journey.

  18. That's so cool to hear that you follow the livfit programme - I also started following it at the beginning of the year and I am a total convert and it's good to now know someone else who is on it! Thanks for sharing!

  19. This is great! Never heard of Jamie but I will be joining on board with that workout plan ASAP. Tried Zumba and the instructor was a beast. I didn't know what type of class I joined. Now that I have the hang of it, I love it. I use to do cardio and get great results but as I get older I'm starting to think its not helping the same. Reading your post has me questioning it more now. I eat healthy so it's definitely not the eating for me. I'm going to order the Smart Blend you mentioned and see if that helps me out. My other vitamins, protein intake & what I drink is ok as well.Thanks for sharing this because now I have some newbies to add to my existing journey of maintaining and toning :))

  20. So loving this. Mimi you are simply awesome dear. June 1st is my deadline for the new and improved me. Happy to say that I'm on track...but like you said it's a lifestyle change that I'm willing to accept and embrace. Xoxo

  21. Right on, Mimi! Your diet guidelines are exactly how I lost almost 50 lbs. I started with several different Jillian DVDs so as not to get bored, some ChaLean Extreme, but mostly kettlebell now for all-in-one total body cardio/strength training. I wish women wouldn't be so afraid of lifting heavy! It's made all the difference in my body transformation, and MUCH quicker results than cardio alone! Great post, and I love all your sewing stuff, too. :)

  22. I'm totally in Mimi! Thank you for continuing to education and inspire us women..appreciate all that you do!!!

  23. it is still so amazing to know that you have four children coz you look awesome... you are my inspiration that i can have my children be stylish and sexy... thank you

  24. I wanted to thank you for sharing this info with us! It's so hard for me to "eat healthy", but I'm doing better at it and taking one day at a time. Now, if I can fit in my exercise I'll be doing great! Will u be posting something about weight loss every month or is this a one time thing? BTW, you look GREAT!!

  25. Mimi, your blog is great. Thanks for the health tips. I need to make this change for my health and sanity, LOL! I would like to join you doing Jaime Eason's Phase 1 plan.

  26. Thanks for sharing! I'm a few days behind you, because I just read this, but I'm starting Jamie's plan today!

  27. Mimi I love this, I agree Ive seen people kill thmeselves working out everyday and look the same. Ive tried It works skinny wrap, I call it the work out for the busy mom! I lost 6 inches around my waist just by wrapping plus It kinda looks like I have abd now...Never happened before!! My son is almost 5 months and would like to know your thoughts about the wraps!

  28. Thanks for sharing this Mimi! I actually created a simple plan similar to yours for myself a few years ago, and lost 50lbs with healthier eating. I just gained weight recently from prednisone usage and need to lose weight all over again.

  29. Thanks for posting all of this great information. I'll be doing Jamie's plan also. After 4 years of being on L&I for a shoulder injury and 2 surgeries later...this is just what I need. Thank you

  30. And this my dear is why you inspire me in every way! Love your LIFE Mimi!! So real and open.

  31. Exercise in my underware????? Heck no!! I really don't want to feel my naked stomach slapping against my thighs! That would be totally discouraging, but I'm working on it. One day I will be able to without grossing myself out. Thanks for sharing, this is so encouraging. I'm going to check out Jamie's page.

  32. Mimi, Jamie Eason's livfit is definitely a great program I've been following it but I fell off the wagon the second go round!!! I'm back on track after a several week hiatus. Thanks for sharing!!!

  33. This was a very enlightening blog post. You gave options, pros and cons and the FREE online site training is definitely a plus!!! Thanks!

  34. I didn't know you have 4 babies! Wow. I just had baby #3. I come to your blog often but never comment, you are my fashion star!! LOL! I love your style and now that I know you had 4 kids I love you even more. I have actually bounced back quicker with this baby versus the other two because I was more in shape and eating better BEFORE the baby. So, afterwards, the wieght came off (plus breastfeeding, eating CLEAN and exercise).

    I love to see different peoples method. I too have tried p90x, insanity, and Zumba. I am doing hip hop abs now in addition to personal chanllenges, planks, push ups. My 3rd child is only 12 weeks and I am about 15 pounds away from pre-baby wieght. (my blog is

  35. I just love you Mimi!!! Thanks for imparting some of your information. It takes guts to do that. I have been on Weight Watchers for over a year and love it. I have lost over 50 lbs and then gained a few back over the holidays, but I haven't given up. I just joined a gym this April. I love it, but wished I could definitely pinpoint what I need to do to get the best shape I have ever been. This came right on time. I am definitely going to check this stuff out. I am always gleaning something from you. Please keep the info coming.

  36. This is awesome! Thanks! It's so nice to see someone being real about how difficult it can be to lose weight or even maintain weight loss...also how doable it is.

  37. This post is so on point. I'm a 42 yr old mother of 8 and have managed to keep my shape. My stomach is completely flat and my waistline is 27 inch. Some ppl don't believe me when I say i've never had any kind of surgery and I'm constantly asked the question, "how do I keep my body so fit"?. I do just what U do, I eat clean for the most part, i've never dieted I just eat in portions and stay away from white breads, pastas and white rice. But sometimes like U said i'll eat what I want I just don't do it on a daily bases and it's worked fine for me. LOL I swear reading this post sounds basically like everything i've ever told anybody that's asked me that question. Here's the link to my YouTube channel I just started check it out if U get a chance :)

  38. Thank you for this post. It was so helpful and I can relate to you because I always gain weight in my lower half too and getting up in each does not help. I am definitely an advocate of using weights and have done strength training for years. When I stop I can see the difference, so I try to stay pretty consistent. It is my voracious appetite that I need to get in check, LOL

  39. I will try Jamie too, Mimi! Thank you for encouraging!

  40. I am starting the 12 week program on Monday. I have seen this website before and always just glanced through it. I am going to give it a try this time. I wanted to include weight training more in my workouts and this is just the thing to help me. Thanks!

  41. Hey Mimi... think i'm gonna start sunday too... lets make this happen. you and i seem to have a similar body structure. Your legs and thighs are thick and upper body small... mine too. anyhooo... heres to getting healthier...

  42. MimiG, you are a breath of fresh air in every aspect of the word woman. Everything that you have shown, sewn and said has been very inspiring yet realistic. I love the way that you make each woman on here feel that they can achieve their specific goal, whatever it may be. Thanks to you, I'm finally going out to buy my first sewing machine.

  43. Thanks for sharing Mimi...just wanted to know what's the easiest way of signing up with the Jamie Eason site..i've signed up but cant seem to find her wrokout and nutrition plan..i see others but not the ones from her original page...i would really like to start doing this next Monday...thanks

  44. Can't remember if my original comment went through...Thanks for this great post. I like what I see of Jamie Eason's plan. I currently do a hybrid of P90X, Insanity, and running. I've got to try your lettuce wraps soon!

  45. Where can I buy the shirt???

  46. Hey MiMi,

    Thanks so much for all of your inspiration and encouragement. I too think Jamie Eason is awesome. She lives in Houston so do I. We used to work out at the same gym 9 years ago and I remember being in awe with how fit she was. One day I ran into her in the dressing room and complimented her arms and asked her what she did to get them to look like that. She was so sweet and approachable! She said thank you and asked for my e-mail and e-mailed me her whole workout plan and diet. From that day forward she would always speak with me when we ran into one another in the gym. I actually showed a nutritionist her plan and they told me that as a professional they would have charged $200 for that plan! Such a gem. I plan to get back on my plan to drop about 15 in 2 months so thanks again.


    1. Abbie, I am in the Houston area, also. It is so encouraging that the Jamie Eason plan works!! I signed up for it myself!!

  47. Thank you so much. I just started the livfit it's is great but I'm super sore but it's worth it.

  48. Hi I actually have a different question, I am a 24yr old petite female who wants to gain some weight. I think I am a bit underweight for my age, maybe I am wrong but would like some advise.

  49. Thanks so very much for sharing and being real about your fitness and eating habits!

  50. I really wish other women would understand it's a lot of discipline and hard work. I'm glad you posted your workout regimen and have given insight to your clean eating plan. I've given birth to four kids too and agree with everything you've posted. What I don't like to hear from other women, especially my age, is that I don't understand how hard it is. Say what? I work hard at working out (weightlifting, cardio, and ab work) and eating clean virtually every day of the week and have been doing so for decades. Our bodies are no accident, and although some are blessed with good genetics, for a lot of us it is plain old hard work. Thanks for sharing your hard work! :)

  51. Comenzare la fase 1, me gusto mucho la introduccion y yo soy de esas personas que se la vive corriendo y no ve nada de resultados , Jamie y tu me convencieron de seguir este plan!!


  52. Love your website and definitely agree with you on the Jamie Eason's LiveFit trainer program. I just finished Week 6 today. Woah is all I can say!!! Definitely takes commitment and consistency. Thanks for sharing!!!

  53. Hello MiMi, just want to say thank you for being so inspiring and positive I love all your looks,you really inspire me! My question to you is if you dont mind me asking how tall are you?

  54. What a great article. Thanks for sharing this information with us and hope to see your next update soon.back pain and neck pain

  55. Hi. Did u have weight loss surgery?

  56. Great Article! I just went to where you sent us to, and I signed up for Jamie Eason's LiveFit 12wk program! Are you still on this site? Would love to add you as a friend and follow your workouts. We're about the same build... but like you I had 4 pregnancies and all csections... so it's a struggle getting rid of the belly... but it's a work in progress and I'm finally in a size 10 (from a size 16). I LOVE your style!

  57. Plan to begin the jamie eason's livefit 12wk program sunday. Need to get through christmas.

  58. You are so fly! Thank you for sharing your secrets im off to find Eason's plan now.

  59. Hello! Is the all natural whey protein powder at the grocery or whole foods?

  60. This girl is a company for itself, I love your designs and creativity.

  61. If I was into having a WCW, it would definitely be you! Love your style, the way you carry yourself and the love you have for your family. Way to go! You are an inspiration!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.