
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

OOTD: DIY Watercolor Maxi Skirt & Denim Shirt + New Recipe

Hi Darlings

If you joined me on sunday with the 12 week challenge you should start feeling a little tightness in your muscles today and that is a GOOD thing! I am feeling a little soreness so today I am rocking a casual and comfy look.

You can never go wrong with a denim shirt and a printed or solid color maxi skirt and as a matter of fact a denim shirt is a MUST OWN item! I have several in different washes and they are easy to pair with pencil skirts, trousers, denim on denim, skirts, shorts, dressy or dressed down. Ill post some examples of easy pairings in the next few days but today I pulled out a watercolor maxi skirt I made two years back and only wore one time and of course kept it causal by pairing it with my denim button down.

The skirt can be made using the same method as the Regal Maxi Skirt Tutorial except I omitted the pockets, lined it (you can line it using the method shown in the free sewing class videos) and made the waistband much narrower.

The fabric I used to make this skirt is no longer available but there are similar chiffon prints that would be amazing for this skirt! Like THIS Multi Color Poly or THIS Vibrant Green/Yellow and THIS Multi color tribal print. Dont forget to use the code dolls!
DIY Maxi (options) HERE and HERE / Denim Shirt (similar) HERE / MK Watch HERE / J. Crew Bracelets / H&M Necklace (old) /  MK Bag HERE

Now....Here is what we had for dinner last night and it was yummy!

Salmon & Brown Rice Bowl
Cook up some brown rice and keep it handy for this quick and easy to make dinner.

Cooked Brown Rice
Salmon Grilled (I use my George Forman)
Pico De Gallo (Salsa)
Black Beans

I like to season my Salmon with a little salt and pepper to taste and a good squeeze of lemon, then I grill it on the George Forman and it comes out perfect every time! 

In a skillet scoop out some brown rice, mix in 1/2 C. Black Beans, 1/4 C. Pico De Gallo, Chopped Cilantro to taste and squeeze some lemon, salt and pepper to taste and mix well on LOW HEAT for a minute or two.

Build Your Bowl

 3/4 C. Brown Rice Mixture 
Using your fork break u the salmon and set on top
Cut up some avocado and place over top 

Thats It! Eat Well!


  1. I'm working on this skirt as we speak! I can't wait to show you. The colors are almost the same. I'm so proud of how it's coming out. I'm gonna finish it tonight.

  2. Love your website, love your fashion, the fabrics and patterns you choose. Really impressed with the videos, concise, easy to follow and creative...thanks for the inspiration.

  3. I've been avoiding the denim shirt trend thinking it's a look I may not be able to pull off. Now I want to pick one up. Maybe in a light color. You look very springy today. Please send some warm weather our way. lololol

    1. Go get a denim shirt! right now....go, lol

  4. How are you doing the machine exercise at home?

  5. Love this look, such casual elegance! I'm going to make tis for the weekend. Got a hot date with my husband to see Star Trek and need a fresh look. Thanks

  6. Nevermind I found the alternate workouts, lol.

    1. LOL, yep I do the alternates ;-)

    2. I would love to participate in the 12 week challenge. Can you tell me where I can get the information?

  7. Exquisite! I don't even think it matters what you put on, you're beautiful regardless.

  8. This skirt is what brought me to your blog some time ago--the colors are so 'juicy'....I still LOVE IT!!! It's timeless and I love it with the denim shirt!

  9. I. Love. That. Skirt!! I Just finished a maxi a couple of days ago. After seeing this, I really can't wait to wear my skirt. (^_^)

  10. OMG Mimi I just picked up the tribal fabric on mothers day to create this skirt. I didnt start because I was kind of nervous of the outcome... This was my confirmation!!! haha

  11. I just purchased the regal maxi skirt tutorial and the fish tail skirt tutorials. EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Sewing machine on my house warming list! YUP!

  13. Love the skirt paired with the denim! I remember that skirt from when you originally posted, it's beautiful! Thanks for posting similar fabrics. I made my first purchase yesterday from lowpricefabric after I saw your new Vogue dress. :- Thanks for the discount code!

  14. That skirt is so beautiful. I think maxi skirts always look so elegant.

  15. This skirt is gorgeous, I need one in my life!!!

    The recipe sounds yummy, I love grilled salmon so I might have to try this!!!

    Carsedra of:

  16. I love that skirt! I copied it last year when you wore it with that wrap green shirt, my prints are a bit different but i love it. Now working on my skills to be able to make that wrap shirt.
    Love ya :)

  17. Mrs. Mimi-I found a great color burst fabric recently but resisted the urge to buy it because I wasn't sure what I would create of it....consider that fabric SOLD! Absolutely making THIS maxi from THAT fabric! YAY!

    Have a great one, Gorgeous Lady! :-)

  18. Gorgeous skirt!!! Maxi's are my favorites! You take everything to another can because you're beautiful!!!

  19. That skirt is so pretty! Love the print. I am happy the denim/chambray shirts have come back...they are very versatile! I would like to get a few different washes myself.

  20. Hey there, I am hesitant about buying fabric online because I always want to make sure that I like it. So before I buy it I always look at finished pieces. With that being said, is the fabric for this skirt a chiffon polyester blend? Thank so much. Continue inspiring.

  21. Love this outfit on you, very cute!

  22. Well its a perfect shirts. Good material, comfortable and soft fabric shirt. I loved its feel of the material and it fit perfectly...


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.