
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Most Comfortable DIY Maxi Dress + Pattern Review NL 6207 + Giveaway

Hi Darlings!

I gotta keep it short and sweet until my wrist starts to feel better but I had to share my latest DIY because it is beyond comfy and so cute! The fabric is from Michael Levine from some time ago but the collection of CHIFFON FABRICS are really fab. Make sure to use the coupon MIMIJUNE10 to get 10% off! GIVEAWAY: I have two patterns to giveaway thanks to Simplicity  so leave a comment and I will choose two names next week!

Pattern Description: New Look 6207

Pattern Sizing: I cut size 6

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done? Yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? This is a really easy to follow pattern and the instructions are clear. I didn't use them but did read them to review.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I knew when I saw it that I was going to make several because I am a maxi fan and especially love the loose fitting flowy ones.

Fabric Used: Printed Poly Chiffon, Rayon Lining & Pro-Sheer Lightweight Interfacing

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I did not want the ties for the back so I just didn't attach them, I like the way the dress falls without them.

Would you sew it again? Yep

Would you recommend it to others? Yes, the only thing about the dress is that it has you do a ton of hand sewing on the bands so if you don't like hand sewing then you may want to attach them the way you would bias binding which is what I did. The only area that did not work was around the front and back neck band but there is little hand sewing in those areas.

Talk to you guys later this week and thank you for the well wishes and emails!

Mimi G


  1. this looks like my type of dress. I live in dresses during the hot Atlanta summers. I hope your wrist gets better so you can continue to grace us with your talent and sparkling personality.

  2. This is really cute! Living in hot Phoenix, I can see myself in this kind of an outfit all of the time. Thanks for sharing.

    My best,

  3. Love this dress, looks lovely on you :)

  4. This is so so Pretty, I want to make this....

  5. just beautiful! I would make this in a heartbeat, and I already have the perfect fabric...would buy more to make this again and again

  6. Cannot go wrong with a maxi dress

  7. Omg this is great for new Orleans weather ( it's hot and muggy ) , like always you look fabulous!


  9. You are a superstar! I am a huge fan and owner of many maxi dresses. I'd love to make another one for my collection!

  10. That dress looks like it would be perfect this summer for me and this baby in my belly! haha I seem to love everything you do, lady. You've got a gift! :-)

  11. That dress is amazing! I would like to make one!

  12. Love this dress and plan to make it. Nice easy breezy dress for the summer.

  13. I love seeing everything you make!! I used to sew but it never looked like that!!! You have inspired me to start back sewing!!! Thanks MiMi

  14. Love the dress! Is that new ink on your wrist?

  15. Cute but a belt would have helped to show your shape!!

  16. I love it!!! I'm trying to purchase a machine so i can attempt to make some of your designs. I'm kinda tall so i can't really find a"real"maxi dress for me. I want mine to hit the floor and not my lower calves.

  17. I really love this dress! I had thought about it but since I have seen yours I really want it.

  18. Excellent choice of fabrics. Love the dress.

  19. Hey Mimi, I absolutely love, love, love this dress and would more than anything love to make it.

  20. This dress is extremly fabulous. Love the fabric choice as well hun. You look FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Casual, comfy yet sophisticated & elegant

  22. Such a cute dress. Looks pretty easy to make, but I am a beginner too. Soooo... :-)

  23. love love love the fabric. Also love how versatile this dress is. Wear as you styled it, with a skinny belt, big belt, add a cropped sweater..LOVE when something can be worn so many ways. Great dress =)

  24. Mimi, I always love your outfits, and this one is no different. The fabric is beautiful! Can't wait to learn from you directly next month :-)

  25. Not sure if my other comment posted. Anywho the dress is very nice.

  26. great dress and fabric combination!

  27. Beautiful and good for those days where you're a little heavier than others. :)

  28. Crazy...I was just imagining ad dress like this today that I want to make and here it goes. Thanks! Why don't you have your brace on?

  29. Love this dress! Great for the plus sized woman who doesn't mind showing her arms!

  30. I just looked at the pattern size. None for the PLUS SIZED....any recommendations on how to adjust the pattern to make it fit?

  31. Love it! The color is awesome.You go Mimi.:-)

  32. These dresses (maxis) are great for women dealing with Lymphedema and have to wear support stockings 24/7. Love this one so much.

  33. Hey Mimi.

    This dress is so beautiful and elegant at the same time...LOVE!

  34. Super Cute!! I'll have to put this on the list too, I can't keep up lol

  35. This looks super comfy. Please enter me in drawing! :)

  36. Very nice dress!!! Looks so comfy and cool.

  37. A gifted person who inspires us all!!!

  38. This dress is gorgeous. I love this dress. It looks extremely cute.

  39. Just bought this pattern so your review of it was perfect timing. Much appreciated, especially when you have a boo boo! Take care ;)

  40. So perfect for the summer heat; it also looks rather quick to put together. Love this one :)

  41. Hi Mimi, I am absolutely in love with this dress, you keep me inspired to sew everyday!!!! Love trying to keep up with you, this is definitely on my to do list.

  42. Love this dress...looks so comfy and cool!

  43. Hey Mimi, it's Simplicity 6207 not NL - i think :) . You rock that look mama, so simple and gorgeous.

  44. This looks gorgeous! I'd love to have this pattern and make a few summer dresses :) Hope your wrist heals smoothly!

  45. Oh I love that dress!! You've done it again (^_^)

    Thanks for the giveaway too.

  46. I love this fabric! I also love that you style is so versatile, Mimi. This looks great on you.

  47. You are truly an inspiration. I am a beginner your videos and blog has inspired me. I recently purchased. a sewing machine and looking to taking on a project. this dress is beautifu and just maybemy first project. thank you.

  48. Love it.....I'm going to try to make me one

  49. Love the colors/pattern to the fabric and I love the lay of it. I might make a short version to wear to church and graduations for hot summers.

  50. Love, Love, Love the dress Mimi! This would be my "go everywhere" dress!! lol!

  51. omg!!! this is so perfect for me. I'm in love with this dress. I would make this dress in every color, print and even modify it for my 6 year old Daughter who loves your blog just as much as I do. You are Awesome!

  52. This is awesome ...fabulous as always mimi!

  53. I love this dress!!!!! I have gone back to buy patterns that I overlooked after seeing them made up by you!!!!

  54. Glad to see you're feeling better... Thanks so much for your faithfulness to your followers. You give style such a sophisticated swagg... Love this dress! Hope mine comes out as good as yours. I look forward to seeing your creations.

  55. I love this dress, great job. You have great taste and always pick amazing fabrications, please enter me in the give away, thank you.

  56. Really cute dress Mimi. The gold details really does something to this dress!

  57. Lovely! I love maxi dresses and chiffon fabric. This may just be the pattern for me to try to incorporate both.

  58. I love this. I'm going to add it to my sewing projects for this summer! Thanks so much for the inspiration!
    Please keep motivating and inspiring women around you.

  59. Glad to see you're feeling better... Thanks so much for your faithfulness to your followers. You give style such a sophisticated swagg... Love this dress! Hope mine comes out as good as yours. I look forward to seeing your creations.

  60. this is beautiful mimi.I cant wait until I get to the level where im that good. btw I love your style.

  61. MiMi, love this dress! Thank you for sharing...it is truly inspiring me to become more creative by beginning to sew. It is definitely on my to do list this summer! Hope your wrist feels better soon so that we can see more beautiful creations and tidbits of advice! Again, thanks and good look!

  62. Looks cute and comfy. Not that you look pregnant by any means but I'm thinking this would be a good maternity dress for myself... looks like there's lots of volume to work with!

  63. cute dress but here is my problem.... this pattern only comes in sizes 4-16 im more like 18 and up does anyone know where I can get a bigger pattern?

  64. I love this! I'm still a newbie to sewing, but this is exactly what I want to make... A whole bunch of them for the summer...

  65. BEAUTIFUL! Love that broche and button in the back.

  66. Following you and your blog has reignited a passion I'd dismissed. I got burned out sewing for people and it just wasn't fun anymore. I started up the Singer and Serger 3 weeks ago and began teaching my 14 year old daughter. She selected her own fabric, notions, laid out the pieces and constructed her first peplum top 3 weekends ago. Thank you for reinspiring me. We hope you come to Essence, if your health and other commitments allow!!

  67. Gorgeous!! this could be worn anywhere!!

  68. Love the dress and I keep resting that hand. My CT has been acting up lately so I've been sleeping in my wrist support :(

  69. Luv luv luv it, and you look fab in it :0) :0)

  70. That's a beautiful dress I guess that's my next project.

  71. Looks so cumfy!

  72. I love the cut and fit of this dress. IT looks like it would be cute on any figure. Wonderful choice as usual MiMi. Feel better soon!

  73. This is super cute! Ooh, shouldn't you NOT be typing! But, thank you for sharing this beauty. This would also be super cute with a belt. Thanks for sharing, now rest.

  74. Love the dress beautiful as always!

  75. This is a beautiful dress. A must have for the summer

  76. oooohhh...pick me, pick me, pick me...(fingers crossed, eyes closed tight, praying fervently...)

  77. Love this dress. Wish I could sew!!!

  78. Love the loose fit. Never envisioned the dress to look this good from the pattern. That's something I need to practice.

  79. The dress is beautiful and I love the fabric.

  80. Love the Dress, it looks very comfortable. And as always you look great!!!!

  81. Very nice. Love the fabric, color and as always, your nice description. Pray that you will feel better soon. Thanks for continuing to connect with us! :-)

  82. This is just what I need. Love it ! Could I use polyester to make this?

  83. Mimi, you make the best looking clothes. I need your skills ASAP! Beautiful dress. :)

  84. Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! I love this dress....super comfy, cute AND my favorite color!! Oh please pick me Mimi G. Thanks

  85. Love it!! Great for a big girl, will hide alot!!!

  86. Hi, Mimi! I'm a new "follower." You make the cutest clothes! I have a couple items from your blog on my to-do list. I'm going to add this to my list as well. I love this dress! And you picked perfect fabric for it too! Take care, Tensley

  87. I think this is so cute and I love that it is easy to make. Will be a good confidence booster Lucy

  88. You are genius Mimi. You have inspired me so much, God bless you.

  89. I need this pattern in my like. Very cute and the color looks awesome on you.

  90. I love your choice of fabric and the pattern is also beautiful!
    tannis_z at excite dot com

  91. I really love your style and you make sewing look so easy. I was trying to see if you sell what you make. looking at these designs gets me to thinking maybe I can try and sew :) (Yikes!)

  92. I love this dress. Chiffon seems like a difficult fabric to work with; however, you make everything look extremely easy.

  93. I am loving this dress and the fabric is hot! Excellent as usually.

  94. Mimi. Are you going to show a tutorial to this dress. I started this same pattern but the shorter version but stopped because the instructions for the contrast "bias" was so confusing. Any help would be appreciated.

  95. Mimi, thank you for encouraging more young people to sew. This is my 50th year of sewing (for myself,others,profit)and it is still such fun to make something lovely that fits. I started young because I am very tall (6'2")and was a tall girl too. I just ordered a new serger after being without for months but sadly, the UPS driver left it on the porch and it was stolen so all the items I was so anxious to get to have to wait until UPS makes a settlement. It took so long to save the money and then....oh,well. I digress, you have wonderful skills and great taste and again, thank you so much for sharing your talents.

  96. That dress looks lovely on you, but I just wonder if it would make someone who is a bit bigger than you appear pregnant? Just wondering...

  97. Awesome Dress . I was planning to make this for myself.

  98. Mimi I wad thinking of making this dress, what material did you use for the trim


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.