
Monday, June 10, 2013

Pattern & Fabric Winner!!! + I Have A Boo Boo

Hi Darlings!

First the WINNER of the pattern and fabric is..... MELISSA WARD...make sure to email me with your address so I can get this out to you asap! I wish I could send all of you a pattern and fabric.

*the winners are chosen randomly by number*

Now....I have been having a lot of wrist pain lately and yesterday I went to the doc and they suspect I may have Carpal Tunnel...Booooo I am hoping it is just inflammation so the doc has me in a brace and meds for 1 week to evaluate it and if the pain goes away after resting my wrist then it is just inflamed but if not then I will need to go back for X-rays.

She also put me on "Work With Limitations" which means I am only allowed to type for no more then 30 min a day only if I have to....Boooo so as you can imagine there will be a little less blogging next week. I hope you guys have a great weekend ad I'll talk to you guys next week!

Mimi G


  1. God is a healer!!!! May God bless you Mimi.

  2. Aww Mimi , I hope you get better soon. And take care of yourself and take it easy. We don't get a whole outfit post with your brace on??? Just kidding. Take it easy, Doll

  3. Ooh, CT is no joke. I work in the Physical Therapy field and I've seen it turn women to whimpering babies. Just follow Drs. Order and we'll pray that its just inflammation. Get some REST. We'll be here when you return.

  4. OMG!! I hope it's just inflammation Mimi. You have too much going to be out of commission. I hope you feel better. Rest that arm.


  5. Hi Mimi-
    I hope you feel better soon. Carpal Tunnel is very painful. I had it when I worked retail in my 20's. Luckily, the pain just went away after some rest. I hope you get well soon...I look forward to reading your blog everyday!

  6. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear about ur booboo :(( I'm sending healing wishes to u from California ;)

  7. Praying for a speedy recovery! God bless

  8. Mimi - hope it not serious! Take it easy lady and talk to you next week!

    Have a good weekend!

  9. :-(
    Feel better.

  10. This is my first time commenting although I stalk your site like you owe me money LOL :-D Therefore, thank you for the great blogging and sewing education. Be blessed and get well soon! -Puddin-

  11. So sorry to hear about your boo-boo! Take it easy and rest it. We'll be here when ya' get back! ;-)

  12. Awe, I hope you heal soon. Be sure to follow the doctor's instructions. No cheating.

  13. A week with a brace is better than surgery, but still a bummer for you AND us...we need your sewing inspiration!

  14. WISH you a speedy recovery.....a congrats to the winner

  15. I'm sorry to hear about your wrist. I pray that you will get better soon. Also, not being able to type is the perfect time to do a video blog! I'm just saying! I love the video blogs!

  16. Congrats Melissa. Take it easy Mimi.

  17. I hope you feel better soon!

  18. Mimi, you really need to do a tutorial on how to use a french ruler. I just paid (wasted) $20 on a webinar that I would have preferred to give to you. I would glady pay twice that amount for one of your tutorials

  19. Wrist pain's a bitch. Hope yours goes away ASAP!

    I had a wrist injury after slipping on a wet floor and taking most of my body weight on 1 hand - I tried several braces, and the one that fit the best was some cheapo brace at Target called "Futuro for Her." (NAYY) The velcro doesn't last long, unfortunately, but I believe it really helped my wrist heal while not limiting the mobility of my fingers.

    I am an editor and thus type constantly all day - being in a brace and getting a keyboard with a slight hump in the middle and a split between the left and right sides also helped keep my wrist in the proper position.

    Good luck with your recovery! Hope it's a speedy one.

  20. I have CT too, IF that ends up being the doctor's diagnosis you may want to consider investing in one of those voice recognition software programs. I'm a FT student so I don't really have the luxury of limiting my computer use and the software helped a lot when I had to take notes.

  21. Oh my goodness, I hope your wrist feels better soon! *hugs*

  22. Just got over slight tendonitis. They couldn't figure out if it was tendonitis or CT. All I know is it hurt like heck!! I'm better but I have to watch it or it'll come back. I had to wear that stupid brace for about a month and a half. :(
    Feel better!!

  23. Mimi, you need to buy Dragon Naturally Speaking software. You'll be able to dictate your blog, and you'll never have to type again.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.