
Monday, August 5, 2013

DIY Dress + Michael Kors OOP Pattern Review

Hi Darlings!!

I am SO EXCITED that it is almost time to head to NY! it's one of my favorite cities and I always feel at home there. Adrienne and I are trying to squeeze as much as possible into our time there, lol!
I am also excited because I get to finish editing the "Off The Shoulder Maxi" Tutorial tonight, I know you guys have been waiting patiently so I thank you! It will be available here on tomorrow.

Today's pattern review is for old out of print Michael Kors pattern which I have had in my pattern files since it came out YEARS ago. What is funny is that I always buy designer patterns even if I don't like them, I just have an obsession with them and so I just put them aside if I am not excited about them right then. When I came across it again the other day I figured I would make it since looking at it again I really liked it.

I will say that I plan to make it again in a thin jersey in black or navy because although I really like it I used whatever fabric I didn't already have a plan for and it is a little to heavy for this. I do love it and so did the hubby so I guess it came out ok, LOL

Pattern: V1029 OOP

Fabric: Lightweight Ponte (HERE)

Notes: I love the dress and feel like it would be really nice in a thinner fabric verses a Ponte but it did come out well and I plan to make it again with a few modifications. There is a lot of gathering but other then that this is really easy to put together. The next time I make it I am going to make some finishing changes, this one was surprisingly generic in the construction.


  1. pretty as a peach! love the rusching and the drape of the fabric

  2. Love it! you are an inspiration made me want to start sewing again

  3. You do the pattern justice compared to the pic on the pattern cover. Go hot mama.

  4. OMG I want this pattern!!!! Mimi where is it still available!?!

    1. You can try at Joann and look through the drawers or easy may have a few.

  5. Where can i find this pattern!?! Love it and you look fabulous!!

  6. WOW, your dress looks way better than the original <3 it

  7. I love you Mimi. I really look up to you,you are my inspiration.

  8. Happy Monday Mimi!

    Great dress!

  9. Gorgeous!

    I just found your blog recently, and am an absolute beginner when it comes to sewing. I dearly hope I'll be able to sew like you someday! Your style is freakin' gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much! and so glad you found me ^_^

  10. That looks amazing! I love it. It's so romantic, sophisticated and sexy all at the same time

  11. This dress is beautiful and you did an outstanding job. I noticed a white line, on the inside back of the hem. Is it a binding?

    You are loved and appreciated!

    Harla Hawkins

  12. Wow your hands are gifted lady., I love you

  13. OMGoodness I am too mad with you for showing us how beautiful this is and we can't get it. This is just beautiful.

  14. Good luck in NY! Love the color on you

  15. I love this. I have a question. I ordered my leather for the floral leather dress you had on here the other day, I never ordered fabric so I'm confused a little bit, usually when I go to Joann's it's all neat and in a rectangle or square, this didn't come that way, but since I don't have much boobage its ok, but just wanted to know is it suppose to look funny? If needed I can send you a picture of what I have.

    1. Hi Sweets! It is genuine leather so it does not come by the yard, it is a hide. It is shaped that way because it came off of an animal ;-)

    2. Thanks! Cause I got ripped off. But I can't wait to make my dress.

  16. Mimi, is there a link to Joann to search the pattern!?

    1. i dont think you can do that with Joann's but you can go to the vogue patterns site. sometimes they hav OOP patterns

    2. Nope, the pattern was "discontinued" I even emailed them regarding it! or if they had a downloadable version of it and they do not. UGH! Does anyone know of a similar version of the dress??

  17. This is absolutely gorgeous! I love the color and the styling!

  18. Hi Mimi, I'm madly in love with this fabric and color. Unfortunately, the link is not working for me. Could you please check it on your end? Thanks :)

  19. Love the dress. Your amazing as always. Can you give some tips on what to use to cut fabric. Scissors vs rotary cutters. Do you have to get your scissors sharpened when you buy them. I just have so many problems cutting my fabric. Help please. I'm a newby trying to self teach.

  20. PERFECTION!!! I love the color on you. I'M sewing the V8696 right now although it says "VERY EASY" I'm having trouble I feel like a dummy...LBS

  21. Fabulous dress! Lovly summer colour!

  22. Yes girl you betta work!!!! I already have this pattern but haven't tried it yet! Seeing you in this one definitely makes me want to get that pattern out right away! LOLLLLLLL

    Shari Williams-Hector

  23. Beautiful dress, it looks great on you!

  24. Super cute Mimi. I love everything about it dear.

  25. God works in mysterious ways. .. I was working on my next novel and I had a writer's block. One of my major characters in the book was supposed to be wearing a stylish dress that was supposed to accent her curvaceous figure. A few moments later, my home girl sent me your link... WOW! I couldn't believe how close to the character in my book you are and that dress really captures your natural feminine curves while showing off enough leg to catch the eye. I must say that I will recommend your link to other ladies and thank you for the inspiration!

  26. Beautiful!!! Where did you buy your shoes?

  27. ok, so we need a tutorial because the pattern is out of date :) I will pay for the tutorial. Just saying lol

  28. Great dress!! I can't click on the link hun :(

  29. Love this! It's hot, but the fabric choice makes it soo ladylike.

  30. Looks stunning!!! Brings out your curves in all the right places.

  31. Gorgeous!! (didn't know MK had patterns too!)

  32. Beautiful dress. Perfert for you. I agree, a jersey will work better.

  33. What other type of fabric would you recommend?

  34. I love the color and the front draping.

  35. As usual, you knocked out of the park Mimi!

  36. Love this! I'll be glad when I can make it myself :-)

  37. Lady u r WEARING that dress!!! U look INCREDIBLE. Such a gorgeous shape, and those heels too... TOO MUCH !!

  38. This is absolutely beautiful!!!!

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Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.