
Friday, September 20, 2013

DIY Pants Pattern Review: Hot Pattern 1158 Color Me Fall!

Hi Darlings!

I can feel the cool breeze in the mornings but that doesn't mean much here in Cali. By 1pm it will be a blazing 98 and then I start peeling layers off. I am ready for fall and I am really ready to start sewing some of my fall wardrobe.

I don't know about you but I wear color ALL year round. I never understood why come fall/winter everyone starts wearing muted boring colors. I need the bright colors to carry me through those dark gloomy mornings and thank goodness the fashion industry does not shy away from bright bold colors anymore.

Today's look is an example of how I will carry theses colors into the fall. These pants are my FAVORITE right now and I plan to make them in all sorts of fabrics. The beauty of coming across a really nicely made pattern is that you can use it over and over again.

Pattern Description: HP 1158 Fast & Fabulous Tailored Trackpants

Pattern Sizing: I cut the 10

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done with it? Yes 

Were the instructions easy to follow? This pattern is just as titled, fast and fabulous. Very easy to put together, great beginner project and clear instructions.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I loved the possibilities when I looked at the pattern envelope. I have so many ideas for fabric choices and additions that I will be keeping this pattern in rotation, lol. The fit is great and I love that HP has sizes 6-26 all in one envelope!

Fabric Used: Printed Rayon Challis on sale HERE

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I had to shorten them a bit because I am only 5' 4" 

Would you sew it again? Oh yeah

Would you recommend it to others? YES!

DIY Pants (option) HERE or HERE / J. Crew Striped Top (old) similar HERE / Heels (old) Bakers
Necklace (old) F21/ J. Crew Bag (my favorite everyday bag) HERE

P.S. make sure you read THIS POST where I announced the Blazer Tutorial early sign up and dates!


  1. Looking great as always Mimi! That fabric is gorgeous!!!!! I really have to learn how to sew soon......

  2. You look fantastic, but when do you not! :) I love that top that you're wearing, too cute!

  3. This is a cool Fall outfit...I wear colors all year long myself because without the sunshine I get kinda depressed...but my "loud" clothes help me until it comes back again....In Cali, we have a lot of sunshine but on those gloomy days a bright, pretty dress is just what I need to get through them....Thanks for sharing MiMi! :)

  4. You've inspired me to start sewing again..fabulous job as usual. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  5. Great Colors together! I love those pants...will need to get that pattern. I am going to try and bang out my off the shoulder dress this weekend!! Wish me Luck! Fingers crossed!

  6. That print is really nice. You look great.

  7. You can wear anything..... love the mixing

  8. Another HP pattern to add to my wish list. That fabric is fabulous and I admire the way you styled the pants with the top, shoes and everything. Thank you for the review and for the photos.

  9. which pattern is HP

  10. hi mimi I can't seem to get the pattern for the pant, please help.

  11. hi I can't seem to get the pattern for the pant.

  12. Trudy just posted one of their HP tutorials on this pattern. Nice construction tips on the elastic waistband and hemming the cuffs. Go the the Hot Patterns website for the youtube link.

  13. Beautiful as always!!
    Hey MiMi would you mind makinga quick video or post for newbies in regards to fabric materials and how to know which works best .., pretty pleaaaase ?

  14. I'm a sucker for mixed prints/patterns so this outfit is just a win in my book.

  15. Hello Mimi. I just ran across your youtube video today. I am 4'8 and weight about 110 on a good day. I am inspired to sew because I love to look neat in my clothes and would like to be stylist also. When buying patterns are there ones available for petite (height challenged) females? I have to roll up or under every single part of pant and have a boat load of skirts to take in. Any suggestions, hints, ideas, cheats you can share would be soooo greatly appreciated. Thank you and happy holidays!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.