
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Work It Wednesday! Fitness Tip & Recipe Sharing

Hi Darlings!

I hope you guys have had a great week so far. I have been a busy bee to say the least but I did manage to stay on track with my eating. How did you guys do?

Today I am going to share a yummy recipe I found on pinterest last week and just used a different ingredient to cut of some of the calories. The recipe is for a pock chop rub (you can use it on chicken, steak fish) that EVERYONE in the house loved, even my 6 year old. The recipe calls for brown sugar but since I need to be watchful of what I am eating especially my sugar intake I replaced the brown sugar with Splenda brown sugar and it was amazing.

The recipe comes from and the site owner is Beth. I love his site, not only because she has great recipes but because she shows you the price of the meal and then the price per serving. When you have a big family these are things you need to know right? You can see the recipe HERE and she even shows step by step pics ;-)

This is the plate before I swallowed it whole, lol! I could have done without the mash but I only had a bit of it and it was SO GOOD!

Okay now.....TurboFire!

That woman is insane and I have no idea where she gets all that energy! lol The first day back on a work out was rough but it is fun and energetic so I will report back in another two weeks to give you my FULL thoughts on the program. The meal plan seems pretty easy to follow if you want to do it, but I pretty much stick to balancing my meals with as many clean meals as possible; for example last night we had grilled salmon, salad and green veggies, for breakfast I had plain oatmeal and some grapefruit and then lunch I had a weight watchers frozen dinner. But! what I do swear by and will talk more about in next weeks Work It post, is weight watchers and how I use it to work with my busy schedule.

Quick but not easy...

Before jumping in the shower I want you to do this quick workout for one week, can you do it? No special equipment, no need for mats or moving furniture. Just do it right before you go into the shower in the morning or evening.


  1. I am definitely going to try this recipe! Turbo Fire looks amazing but there is no way I could do that with my knees! I have been going to a boxing class for exercise lately and I love it.

  2. I love TurboFire!!! Chalene has such an engaging and energetic personality. I haven't done the program in order, but pick and choose according to my mood, my time, and what kind of workout I want to do for the day. Her HiiT's are insane. The 15 min one kills me every time. I love the sculpting, core, and tone exercises, too. I find them doable and effective. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the program. I'm currently restarting Insanity. Wish me luck. lolololol

  3. Hey Mimi, love the new "Work It Wednesday" posts. I will try that workout routine tonight and I'm not sure if I'm ready for Turbo Fire yet, but I do want to know what you think about it. I work out with Zumba and Hip-Hop Abs, love it!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I also love TurboFire!! I am just jumping back on the bandwagon tonight. I think I will be doing a 15min HIT. Get in and out for the next few days. I need to get back to moving this body. Your challenge seems very doable. I will try it. Thanks for shaing ~Alecia ~MsLivingNow ~LiveLifeNow

  6. Hi Mimi,

    My name is TriVia I have bought all of your tutorials, i love this one, just one question about the circle skirt how many inches is the waistband in length?

    1. The video has a tile page you readthat says to cut it 3" by your waist plus 1"

  7. i love your fitness post, they keep me motivated to stay on track with my fitness journey.

  8. Girl...I sure wish I had the strength to do a plank. I'm working on it though. LOL.

  9. Oh my word Mimi!! I'm going to make this with chicken for the hubs and myself. I started the exercise tonight after my mile walk. Thanks for posting, you truly have become an inspiration for me :)

  10. That food looks yummy, will deffo be trying that recipe! The fitness challenge sounds good might have to wait another day or so to try it seen as I killed my legs yesterday doing a core and legs workout!

  11. I am a Turbo Girl! Have been doing it for three months now and love the results. I do it modified because I have issues with my knees but I keep the intensity high...yes, she is insane but she keeps me engaged and motivated...I love it! I have lost weight but more importantly inches...those crazy flotation devices I call hips have deflated tremendously...yay!!!

    Good luck Mimi! I think you would enjoy it a lot!

    God Bless

  12. That pre-shower workout is a great idea! I just took a pic of it with my phone for quick and easy access. This gloomy Washington state weather makes me want to just hibernate and I have been sooo unmotivated to workout. Getting started again is the hardest part for me, but you just gave me the match I needed to light this fuse LOL.... Thank You for sharing!

  13. Definitely going to try a modified version of the workout (had knee surgery in March and only about 75% jumping jacks for me! :)

    Thanks for the workouts!! I did the butt and legs workout from last week...DELICIOUS!!! I could barely walk two days after--definitely kicking my behind into a good place. :) Good times.

  14. hi mimi, what is sumo squarts?

  15. I really want to be healthy and fit that is why I am trying this recipe. Thank you for sharing this. I will definitely share this also to my friends :)

  16. Mimi, I'm making this recipe with chicken tonight and I'll post it on my blog for my recipe review. It will be up in about an hour. Please check it out and let me know what you think :) Thanks and blessing to all <3

  17. A yummy lunch or dinner...This method we use also with added tumeric..clove or curry..A delight..Keep
    on Doing Fantastic Mimi!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.