
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Work It Wednesday! Fitness Tips & Recipe

Hi Darlings!

Today's post is fitness focused and has new recipe for you guys to try. I get asked often about my body shape and what I do and don't do to stay fit. I shared a lot about this in THIS post but want to make a better effort of sharing my weekly fitness tips with you guys going forward.

I am a self proclaimed workout video junkie. I own and love many but am always anxious to try a new one, so tonight I am going to be giving Turbo Fire a try and will update you guys on what I think. I also want to share a few tips I find are helpful when trying to get back into a routine.

I HATE working out in the morning and truth be told I am just not a morning person. It takes me a long time to get motivated in the mornings so I prefer to workout in the evenings. As a mom and wife I know that my evenings consist of cooking and spending time with the kids, catching up on emails and I then I sew/blog/work at night.

I get most of my energy later in the day so I prefer to workout in the early evening hours (usually before dinner) and that seems to give me an endorphin boost that helps me work late into the night, otherwise there is just not enough time in the day for me to get everything done!

Let's be honest here if you are a student, a stay at home mom, working parent or all three you know that trying to stick to any one thing can be hard. It is even harder if you feel like you HAVE to follow a program exactly as listed, so do yourself a favor and do WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!

Snack throughout the day and drink your water so you don't feel like you are about faint from hunger, lol. If you get really hungry and you feel like you are going to go down a whole pizza pull up a picture of your "motivation" and look at it, it will remind you why you are trying to eat better (NOT DIET).
I find pics of bodies that inspire me and I look at them on my phone before running through the McDonalds drive thru.

Also, if you fall off the healthy wagon and eat something you shouldn't just eat it, enjoy it and get back on with your next meal. Don't dwell on it or beat yourself up, it is ok,  I myself have had a TERRIBLE few months. I had so many projects going on at once that I have been eating out a lot and really NOT being good to my body. Instead of beating myself up about it I remind myself that I am human, not competing for Ms. Fitness and that everyday is another day to start over!

Here is a recipe I have made and loved ;-) I found it on this great site Back To Her Roots which I visit frequently. I love how REAL she is and her recipes are fab. The recipe is located HERE on her site.

Now this cute and totally adorable image below will kick your ass, literally. It looks all pretty and cute with the illustrated cutie smiling below but man! LOL my butt was on fire! ( that does not sound right, LOL) If you want to see other great printables visit Blogilates she has some good info and I also visit her site often.


  1. Are you still sending email today in reference to blazer tutorial, tools pattern information etc to those who registered early?

    1. Yes. I am working as fast as I can to get it out.

  2. This is also something I share with my clients, so I'm glad you mentioned it. Our impulse is to have a setback or a bad few days and completely fall off the wagon, stating that they've messed up and have to start all over again. I tell them over and over again to forgive themselves and move forward!! It's the best thing anyone ever told me, so I try to share it often. Thanks for pointing that out!

  3. Thanks for the insight! I too am a workout video "collector". I just started T-25 this week, being a working Mom and wife, Insanity was wayyyy to long. Cant wait to see the Turbo Fire review! P.S. The veggie bowl looks delish!

  4. Great information! I really need the motivation...I'll try the pictures and see of I can even jump on the bandwagon. Thanks for being open, frank, and are VERY down-to-earth!!

  5. Hello there!

    This is such a great post. Thank you very much for sharing this. I will definitely share this post to my friends :)


  6. I stumbled upon blogilates last week and I have to say I love her workouts. I am sore right now lol but I know I will be grateful later. Thanks for the tips. You have motivated me to get back on my healthy lifestyle change after having twins :) Your awesome. Have you tried hangtight with MarC?

    1. Have not heard of hang tight with MarC, heading there now ;-) Thanks!

  7. Great idea -Work It Wednesday - I need some inspiration and motiviation - LOL - Thanks!

  8. Thanks, Mimi for this post!! I needed to hear this right now. That is a GREAT idea about keeping motivational "bodies" right on your phone. I have the pics but I don't think to look at them before making a bad food choice! Great tip!

  9. Mimi,

    Thank you so much for this post. So glad to see that am not the only one who want to take out a whole pizza, lol. Anyway, I love love the advise about the motivational pictures. Really plant to implement that into my life whenever I feel a "Relapse" coming on. Btw, how many days a week do you work out?

  10. Great fitness post Mimi. Just went to her blog and watched the video. IT IS INSANE!!!! She is hilarious. I will give the exercise a try. Looks like it will not only tone up my rear, but it looks like it will work wonders for what I call "side pockets". That's the area on the outer thigh right below the hip, atleast on my opinion. Thanks for sharing it Mimi��

  11. I absolutely love Turbo Fire...been doing it for 90 days and LOVE IT!!!! I think you might enjoy it too...


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.