
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Work It Wednesday! Recipe Sharing + Gifting!

Hi Darlings!

So how did you guys do with the pre-shower workout? I hope some of you found it easy to fit in your schedules. This week I will share another great one I found on pinterest and also a new recipe but I mostly wanted to share my thoughts on TurboFire after another week.

TURBOFIRE…..Okay so YES TurboFire will get you sweaty and worked out for sure! It does everything it says it will and more if you follow it completely, I am sure. It is high energy and very hard for those who have bad knees and or other limiting factors but you can ADJUST and make it work for you. After three weeks I will say that if you enjoy dancing and aerobic this will be great for you.

Here is my own personal thoughts on why I won't be continuing, lol I guess I have come to realize that I mostly enjoy non-dancing workouts except for Zumba and I will explain why. I was a dancer for years in both latin and ballroom, and as a teenager I was really into hip hop. Music and dance is, and always has been, a huge part of my life. I have music playing ALL THE TIME. I walk about my day with a personal soundtrack to my life, lol and so because music and dance is so dear to me it is hard to get motivated to dance based workouts because the music is usually not my kind of music, and so the energy just won't be there for me.

When I listen to music it changes dramatically how I am feeling. Most times if you see me while driving you would probably laugh because I have some serious dance parties going on in my car, especially if I am stuck in traffic. So because of that it is hard for me to get into a dance workout when the song playing is something like " Play that funky music white boy"oKool & The Gang: Get down on it (both songs I like) just not for this, it just throws me off.

The thing is this workout has the best music of all the other ones I have tried and I will say that she did take a lot of time to put this together and there are some songs that come on and I am all like "Hey that is my song" LOL and I am high energy for that 3 minutes and then another song will come on and I am like "um no" and energy is lost again.

So that is just MY own issues with staying fully motivated the entire workout. Now Zumba I love but I am a little bias because it is mostly latin based and so I can always dance to salsa, merengue, cumbias etc. it's the puertorican in me, I can't help it lol


Okay so because I will not be using it any longer I am going to gift it to someone, if you want to give it a try leave a comment here on the blog and I will pick a winner next week.


OMG! so the hardest thing for me is not eating bad carbs, LOL I love bread and potatoes so I am always n the hunt for recipes that incorporate good carbs and good taste! This is one of those recipes. I did make it a little more waistline friendly with a few changes like using low-fat sour cream and buying the lowest calorie corn tortilla I can find. You can find the recipe HERE and make sure to tell me if you have tried any other from the William-Sonoma site. This is also great when you are trying to avoid eating meat with every meal #meatlessmonday

I also came across THIS list of recipes that are quick and easy for wraps and sandwiches in an issue of Fitness Magazine


So I enjoy trying out workout videos, for me it is a sickness, LOL I love the newness of them and some I can use over and over again and are truly my go to workouts like "Slim & Six" and "10 Minute Trainer" so I am going to add a new one next month to try and report back to you guys. I think I am going to give T25 a try.

This week the workout is simple, you ready? go for a walk, run, jog everyday for 5 days. Just 20-30 minutes is all you need to help you get started if you are feeling a little unmotivated or discouraged. Start slow and remember it is NOT how you start but how you FINISH!

Someone asked me what Sumo Squats were from last weeks post so here is a video to help you. Also you can do this holding a large bottle of water or nothing at all to start with.

Visit Body by Manheimer on youtube for more helpful videos


  1. Zumba is the only dancing workout I love too! I'm actually scared to try others in fear that I might not like it lol.

  2. I love these posts! Please keep them coming! Not so sure about parsnips in the recipe, but I will give it a shot! LOL! I would also LOVE to try Turbo Fire! Please keep the inspiration coming (both fitness and fashion).

  3. Thanks for the info. I'm loving T25.

  4. Hi Mimi, thanks for this post and for your honest opinion regarding the workout tape. I am going to give that recipe a try. I am always looking for waistline friendly meals. I would also like to give TurboFire a try. Hope I win.

    Have a great day!!!

  5. I would love to have TURBOFIRE. It may just be the spark I need to get the fire ignited in my almost non existent workout routine.

  6. I would love a chance at winning the dvd

  7. I have shifted my eating habits and made a true lifestyle change due to health reasons and a desire for a better quality of life. Since September 3, 2013, I'm down 16 lbs. I have not worked out, but I know it's time so I can stop the "flab movement" that's trying to start. LOL
    By the way, I too have my dance moments in the car...and praise moments...and etc. :-)

  8. hi mimi. i would love to try turbofire

  9. OOOOOOHHH Please, please, PLEASE pick me!!! lol My workout partner and I are training for our first 5k and we need something to do on our off days from running!! I wanna be "TURBO-FIRED"!

  10. Mimi I'd love to try the TurboFire. I need a good dance workout to get me in shape. Thanks for your fantastic blog.

  11. Hey Mimi, thanks for the review, everything you said was very informative and good to know. Thanks for getting us over the hump. :)

  12. I want the Turbofire workout dvd plz

  13. I would definitely like to try TurboFire as I really enjoy Turbo Jam. Chalene really makes the workouts fun and her energy is amazing!

  14. I love trying new videos as well. I am a self proclaimed video junkie myself!! Please select me for the TurboFire video so that I can add it to my collection!!

  15. I LOVE dance workout classes, Zumba being one of my favorites. I would love to try out the Turbofire workout DVD, thanks for the chance!

  16. Thanks for the info on Turbo Fire...its good to get honest feedback!

  17. I also have a love for workout dvd's. Mimi, sometimes when I read you I feel like you are reading my thoughts. I LOOOOOOOVEEEEE MUSIC! My co-workers get tired of me singing every song that plays no matter what! Even though I have a love for workout videos, I'm balling on a budget! Always wanted to try Turbo Fire and now T25 since it has come out! Please pick me for Turbo Fire!

  18. Mimi,

    I thought I was the only one who felt this way! Glad I am not crazy or maybe we are both crazy!
    Anywho, thanks for the fitness tips.

  19. Enter me for a chance to win- I have been trying to lose weight and get fit that I am no longer motivated-

  20. Enter me for a chance to win- I have been trying to lose weight and get fit that I am no longer motivated-

  21. I would love to try (win) Turbo Fire....

  22. Heck yea, Terri is right and I second her comment! its good to get honest feedback! Im the same way about music, I either am PUMPED by it when Im working out or I lose it completely. I might have to try Zumba hmmm...
    I'd like to try it out and I'll pay it forward and regift them after using the DVD's for a while! We should get a few sets of different ones traveling between us all, that'd be fun! my FAV-O-RITE is Supreme 90 Day. I just started it again and LOVE it, im not a huge jumper and this is pretty much all weight training and abs (few jumps here and there but nothing major). 10 dvds so its plenty variety and because the trainer is doing a lot of talking, once you get thru them a few times you end up being able to wear earbuds and just follow along. By far my fave AND its like 20$ for the entire set. whoo hoo :-)

  23. Yes! I could use it...I am still working off some baby weight and getting to the gym is rather difficult with three children.

  24. T25 is awesome! I am in week 9/10 and would really recommend it!

  25. Heeyyyy Mimi! THIS GIRL IS ON FIRREEEE!!
    So please pick ME to regift your TurboFire:)

  26. Heeyyy Mimi! THIS GIRL IS ON FIIRREEEE!!
    So please pick ME to regift your TurboFire:)

  27. Hey Mimi!! I love working out, but I get bored with the gym. I enjoy dancing and doing things that are fun and exciting while staying fit! I would love to have this workout!

  28. I like these posts too! I haven't purchased any dance exercise because I feared I might spend most of the time trying to get the moves down than actual exercise. I just got the Power Cardio Series DVD's from YouTuber Zuzka Light but I think it's a bit advanced for me. Thanks for posting that recipe information. That's really where I need to make changes.

  29. Hi Mimi. I'm a workout fanatic and I was a Beachbody coach so I've done P90x 3 times, hip hop abs and my favorite but most challenging - Asylum. I got in the best shape and leaned out the most with Asylum however, I don't recommend it for beginners. BEST of all I am a ZUMBA instructor :D. For anyone who wants to embark on a fitness journey I try to teach them that 75-80% of transformation depends on what you eat. You can work out like you're training for the Olympics but if you don't change your eating habits you won't experience your full potential. I'm looking to become a certified personal training by the end of the year. Just another hat to add to my my already busy schedule and full time job.

  30. I really need to move on from this "Sit on my bed and hope the weight falls off" diet. Thanks for sharing. I could use that video.

  31. Thank you so much Mimi - also my nickname - for sharing your sewing tips, style, tutorials and now your fitness, food and beauty tips. I sincerely admire people who out of their kind heart spend time to help others who like me desperately need it... so a huge thank you and please don't stop the good work. I am feeling so inspired that I am thinking about starting a blog myself but to share recipes :-)
    I have not been sewing lately as I do not like the way I look and need to do something but don't know what, I looked on YouTube to see what that workout was about and I definitely would like to give it a shot. Hopefully I will be the lucky one who wins it but in any case I am so glad that you share so much already!

  32. Hi Mimi, I love exercising to dance videos. Sorry you are unable to continue using TurboFire and I think gifting it to someone is a fabulous idea. I would love to win TurboFire.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.