
Monday, December 2, 2013

My Black Friday Haul Video + Updates

Hi Darlings!

I am off to a great start this week. I got up and worked out which made me feel great and like I am getting back into my groove after over eating all last week. I started T25 and so far I am really liking the intensity and the short 25 minutes it takes to do the video, lol.

The video below is kind of long but I bought so much stuff on black friday that it took forever to show you guys. Plus I ramble on a bit about some updates to the blog and upcoming additions etc…all good stuff but feel free to skip ahead.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and if you did some shopping I hope you made out like a bandit. I will see you guys tomorrow with a DIY outfit of the day.



  1. LOVE YOU!!!! Thank you for posting this video. I love watching hauls, but they never are age appropriate for me.

  2. Yes! Tell these ladies about the leggings! lol
    I get what you mean about the 20 something bloggers, they're fab but I can't always see myself getting so glammed up to do the school run.

  3. imagine how i feel at 52... i'm thinking of starting a blog for women of my age...!! Let's do this girl!

  4. Great video Mimi. My question is what would you wear during your during your transition while losing weight? Plan on going down 2 to 3 dress sizes. I do sew, so items that would require small alterations wouldn't be too bad. Sometimes I feel guilty about investing money in clothes I plan to be out of very soon. Thanks for your help.

    1. Ill try to get to your question in the vid doll. Thanks for watching!

  5. LOL! Nuff said on the female area. I love it. Less said definitely gets the point across. Can't wait to see you wear your haul. God bless.

  6. Hi Mimi! Great video. I am 40 years young mother of one, 7 year old girl. I know what you mean by the YouTube videos. Never age appropriate!!

  7. Thank you so much for posting this because I'm a thirty something who as trouble dressing age appropriate . I also have a question about what I should wear for a birthday I have coming up in February , but we are going to celebrate during valentine's day weekend ? My husband and I will be going out at night

    1. A cute cocktail dress would be nice and heels

  8. Hey Mimi! Great video. Thanks for sharing your fashion tips...looking forward to the "What Would Mimi Wear" segments and your "Make-up Journey".

  9. Hi Mimi... Thank you for posting this today! Your look of the leggings and booties from last week was so cute that I went and finally purchased me a couple pair of leggings. I always liked them but I am 35 and don't like my business in the street (crotch showing) so I stayed away just because the looks I see most of the times a bit much. Anywho.. I am glad youre representing for the the 30+ and giving great style ideas. Thank you ! PS.... Will any blazers be available in the near future to purchase on hint hint..

    1. woot! Thanks doll and yes I am working on some cool stuff for Stitched

  10. Thank you so much for providing this inspiration platform for us older ladies. I agree, I love watching haul videos but I rarely find something that I can actually wear. I saw you video and see myself wearing every clothing item you purchased. Thank you!!!!

    I have a question: what do you recommend wearing under the open weave sweaters that are pretty popular these days?

    1. Hi doll, I wear either a tank if it is light weight and I can add a jacket or sometimes I wear just my sport bras. If it is cold out I wear long sleeve fitted tee's.

  11. "Wear something that covers that area " LOL so true

  12. Love! Love! Love! I am a 20 something (24) and I would not wear a lot of the makeup/clothing that is popular on youtube/blogs. I am also just now getting into makeup and I like the subtle natural look. Clothing is a whole nother story. I LOVE Steve Madden!

  13. I am 35 and I so appreciated your message and haul! I love youtube and started watching and following fashion blogs maybe a year or so ago. I enjoy both but I always feel like I can't relate because they are so much younger! That's why I admire your blog so much because you are fashion forward but age appropriate. I said I wanted to start a fashion blog for women my age who still want to look good and feel good and I really think I might thanks to you!

  14. So there is hope for me? I am 37 and I love the way makeup looks on others but can hardly put on mascara. LOL!

  15. Hello Mommy of FOUR!!! You look great girl!!! I love your site and pinterest!!

  16. My favorite phrase is "Leggings are NOT pants!"

  17. I'm a little surprised you hang your sweaters. Sweaters should be folded not hung to prevent stretching of the fibers.

    1. It wasn't supposed to come off bad. I don't have any problem with them stretching, I use sweater hangers and they curve differently to avoid stretching. xo

  18. Thankyou Mimi! I am 38 and love watching the "girls" get it in on their hauls and make up tutorials but i'm just more laid back and it's fun to watch but not really my lane. I believe you can be fab and fun at any age. thank you for this video and there is definitely a market for a videos like this one.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.