
Monday, March 3, 2014

DIY Peplum Tutorial by Kelly & My Daily Makeup Look Video

Hi Darlings!

I wanted to share pics of my muse Kelly who made the Mini Peplum using my TUTORIAL. I always love watching how Kelly rocks her versions of my tutorials!

I also made a quick video on my daily makeup look which many of you have asked me about. I love that you guys enjoy my silly makeup videos and so I want to make sure to share more of those with you.

Mimi G Mini Peplum Tutorial HERE


  1. We are off from work today, because of the snow. I have mimi's Mini Peplum Tutorial, that I'm working on. When I complete my outfit I hope and pray it looks nice. Kelly You are rocking it.

    1. Great job. I'm a beginner and I recently purchased the pattern. I'm waiting to get snowed in to try making it. Does the video show how to make the second ruffle?

    2. Great Job!!! I can't wait to try.

  2. Hey MiMi! When are you going to put up new tutorials? I bought the B5755 pattern which I noticed you posted a year or so ago, and I was wondering if you could put up a tutorial for it (it would be perfect for spring!!!) because I have completely ruined the beautiful chiffon fabric I bought for it. I followed all the instructions and the dress is so tight around the hips even though I cut the pattern that was true to my size. I am just completely frustrated... PLEASE HELP!

  3. Do you thing girl! Nice job and excellent instruction ;-)

  4. Hey Kelly, the mini peplum looks great on you, those shoes are cute and you have a really nice smile. Mimi, you've become a make-up pro, great tutorial. I notice you did not put on any eyeliner, do you not wear eyeliner? Thanks for sharing you beauty products with us.

  5. You go Kelly girl! You did that. You look amazing.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.