
Friday, March 28, 2014

Get To Know Us! #TGIF

Hi Darlings,

I have received SO MANY emails asking me to do a "Get To Know Me" video where I answer 99 random questions about myself, and since the second most requested video I get asked to do (aside from tutorials) is one with the hubby I thought why not combine them and do a "Get To Know US" video.

In my quest to make you guys happy, please enjoy the following video and I apologize in advance for the silliness that you will witness.


  1. So cute. I laughed the entire time.

  2. You two are hilarious together!

  3. You two remind me of "My Wife and Kids", I so adore the chemistry you have. Those were some really good questions and you guys were so gracious enough to answer them, I'm still laughing. Randy you should write a sitcom for you and Mimi, and call it "My Life is a Sitcom", just kidding about the title, but for real though, you two would be amazing in it because... YOU ARE AMAZINIG!!! Many Blessings to you and your family.

  4. HAHA!! You guys are soooo cute. It does my heart good to see married couples who are so in love with one another, you can see it when they look at each other! ; )

  5. Too cute!! Nothing like a couple that can laugh together and genuinely enjoy one another's company!!

  6. Ya'll are so hilarious. Great video. I look forward to part 2

  7. So cute! Happy you guys shared :o)

  8. Thanks for sharing!!! Such a cute couple...

  9. You guys are awesome. Looking forward to part two!

  10. This is hilarious!!! I can't get my husband to sit for 2 minutes to do anything! I tried to get him on my blog and he ran like Hussein Bolt! I also noticed that "we've been married a long time" vibe! LOL!!! Love it! Will tune in for part two! and for Randy G, no such thing as OCD - Putcha S*#t Away!

  11. Oh my goodness, Mimi!!! That was soooo funny. Thank you two for getting my day going on a high note!

  12. I gotta wait a whole week. OH this is gonna kill me. Welp guess I will catch up on Scandal. I love you guys chemistry.

  13. LOL...Yall are too funny...I am looking forward to part 2 also...You guys made my day here at work...I love it.

  14. Funny and so cute. Ya'll a mess and some cut-ups though.

  15. Yall are hilarious...I love it. I enjoyed watching you two...so funny and cute together. You guys made my day here at work. I am looking forward to part 2 also...And the other young lady is right, your husband does have a Will Smith vibe about him. :)

  16. LOLOLOLOL You guys are so Kaaaa-UTE and FUNNY! LOLOLOLOL

  17. Y'all are too cute and hilarious!! Your hubby favors Will Smith and that soap opera guy(can't think of his name)....enjoyed it!!

  18. LOL...I was about to post the same thing...I noticed it 5 min into the video!

  19. Cute, cute, cute and more cute!!! I love your togetherness and how much you two are alike... Love watching!!

  20. You guys are so cute...and hilarious!!!! Thank you for sharing with us.
    And yes...Randy's personality reminds me too of Will Smith LOL

  21. You both are just so cute together. I'm laughing my butt off right now.

  22. Ohh Emm GEEE you two are too stinkin CAYUTE!! Hilariousssss, can't wait to see the rest of it!

  23. OMG, I love you two!!! Yall are hilarious I couldn't stop laughing!!! Thank you cause that made my day

  24. ROFL you guys are SO funny and fun together! Loved the whole thing :D

  25. This was brilliant. LOL!!!!! Lawd! Love it. You guys ended with a bang. No pun intended. :-) TGIF!

  26. OMG! You to are so freaking funny.

  27. Love the video! You two are so funny!

  28. Loved this! Can't wait for part two.

  29. Oh how cute! its good to see a strong and united couple have fun together. God bless you both

  30. Mimi and Randy you are too funny! Keeping it real!!! I like your response to sex on the beach! My husband, Joe and I are still laughing about that one!!! What are cute couple you are.

  31. OMG, I cried laughing watching this! Ya'll need to stop playing and go ahead and produce your own reality show...I'm tell'n you, it would be a hit, LOL!!! I love you both in your own separate entities, and now together....SO REAL!!!!!!
    This made my evening, thanks for sharing and being so transparent! Peace and blessings to you both!!

  32. Great video! you guys are made for each other.

  33. I love you guy's! You two are so funny and adorable! I really enjoyed the video. I can't wait to see part 2!!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  34. I love it, you guys are too funny. Why would you leave me anxiously waiting for part two?

  35. EXCELLENT!!!! A couple minutes into this, I said to my husband your husband sounds and almost resembles WILL SMITH!!!! WOW!!! If Will was ever to have a movie made about him, your husband should audition! That aside, I LOVED this. You guys have such a great chemistry. Much love and God's blessings to you and your family! xx

  36. I watched it again...... Is there ANYTHING the two of you don't share a like for? So, so CUTE! We need to see more married folk interact like this! xx

  37. Lol. This had me laughing my butt off!

    So fun!

  38. Omg you guys are so funny! Seeing you together made me hopeful that I might find someone to have such a close bond with. Seeing the both of you genuinely enjoying each other is very inspirational. You don't see this kind of companionship in many relationships today. You guys are truly blessed and I really enjoyed watching the video!

  39. You two are just gorgeous! I mean, aside from being beautiful people, you're obviously so much in love- and that's beautiful to behold! A fabulous Q&A from a fabulous couple :)

  40. Cute video,, you two look great together. God bless!

  41. That was too funny! You guys made my day.

  42. Loved it....you are ever so cute together!

  43. I Love Yall!!!You both have such great chemistry,love,and admiration for eachother,Beautiful Couple!!!

  44. Yo, yal REALLY cracked me up . I laughed like I was watching a sitcom. I love your chemistry! Thanks for sharing that with us & can't wait til next week!!

  45. Omg...transparent...I so enjoyed meeting you both & to Mimi...vaya bori!

  46. Tooo Cute You Guys remind me of my husband and me. Good Humor is on of the secrets to a healthy marriage.!!!

  47. Great seeing you both having fun and laughter together...in a relaxed way...and enjoying it...its wonderful
    Mimi.. that's the stuff of love!

  48. This was soooo frigging funny. I absolutely loved watching this....this brightened up my night here @ work.....can't wait until next Friday. Agree with the sitcom recommendation. ...I'd so watch you two love birds

  49. God bless you guys, you both are amazing. Big fan of you two.

  50. LOLOLOLOLOL.....you know wha??? NUTZ!!!

  51. You guys are so cute & so funny! I love it!!! Take care!

  52. You two are a treat to watch. I've got a question. Your husband mentioned he's an actor, did he play the character "Davis" who owned the restaurant on the show "Girlfriends?"

  53. I love yall's chemistry, I was cracking up laughing.

  54. What a wonderful video! Thank you so much for allowing us into your lives. Randy's a really good sport!

  55. OMG! You guys are a hoot! The happiness that exudes from ya'll relationship speaks volumes! Continued blessings to the both of you!

  56. you guys are too cute and funny lol!

  57. This is amazing but I literally just saw your hubby on the show The Vampire Diaries, saw his episode like a day ago. Totally surprised.

  58. OMG this was so good love you both


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.