
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Interview With Kinky + Mini DocuStory

Hi Darlings!

A few months back I had the amazing ladies of Kisforkinky.com visit my home for the day. We had such a lovely time taking pictures, having conversations and doing a little filming. Not only did I have a great time doing it but they were so professional and fun to have around. If you are not familiar with Kisforkinky.com, It is the best natural hair care blog for kinky, curly and wavy natural hair styles, transitioning, product reviews and celeb interviews. What I enjoyed most about this process was the ability to give my fans a look at my non-dolled up life. It's just about me as a mom, wife, woman and entrepreneur.

You can see all the pics and read the full interview on their site HERE and below is an amazing interview video they put together; it blew my mind how great it turned out. I hope that my experiences and life lessons can help inspire and encourage young women everywhere.

Find Kinky on their site, youtube and Facebook


  1. So proud of you. You are a role model. Please keep it up.

  2. Mimi that was a great interview. I enjoyed every bit of it. You always inspire me!!!

  3. I hope you talk about how you got to this point mentally. what helped you bring all of this into existence. .did you see yourself with this glorious life 5/10/15 years ago! your story seems so amazing!

  4. SUPER Awesome! I just love your creative, teaching and humble spirit. May God continue to bless and favor you. You absolutely deserve it.

  5. Mimi, I'm so happy for you that was wonderful. LOL

  6. I so enjoyed it, Mimi. You are such an inspiration! I call you my mentor!! I have learned so much from you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful world with us!

  7. Wow. Great interview and beautiful video. We learn so much about you every post. Thanks for sharing. I hope a lot of awkward young ladies take your words to heart and know beauty isn't always physical but also spiritual. If only we knew then what we know now. ;) I would definitely go back to the younger me and say it's ok to just be me.

  8. Such a warm and lovely soul. Great video :)

  9. This was very inspiring and beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Read your interview.....you are a great inspriation and I have been truly blessed by you in reference to motivation, detemination, and purpose!!!!!!

  11. What a fantastic interview! You are such an inspiration. Congratulations Mimi!

  12. Awesome video MiMi!!!! You're so inspirational!

  13. You are an inspiration - Awesome video too.

  14. What a beautiful interview Mimi, you are such an inspiration

  15. Love the interview and video...I posted a link to one of my Pinterest boards. Congratulations!

  16. What a great and inspirational video. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. I have been following your blog since you were on Chictopia! It is so nice to see all that you are doing and I'd like to thank you for your sharing your journey with us!

  17. Great and inspirational. I want to share this with my sixth grade girl students. They NEED to KNOW your story and that they are beautiful.

  18. Normally, I don't watch videos but every since my husband saw you on Facebook he knew your style was mines. I am hook ever since. I love your character and beauty. You are so cute. I don't know what's wrong with people you are beautiful. I can't picture anything less. But you inspire me to be more girly and grow into my women hood. Just want to say Thank you!

  19. Very nice interview, thank you for sharing

  20. Hey Mimi girl you really make me smile! You are such a beautiful person inside and out and listening to your story was like listening to much of my own. I didn't come into my own by discovering my own worth and beauty until I was much older, now in my forties yes girl 40's I feel more confident and self assured than I ever have. Isn't that something how that happens! I've told you many times how you have inspired me to sew again and rediscover that passion for creating but I'll say it again, you are awesome! Keep doing what you do and I know God will continue to bless and keep you and your beautiful family! This was an awesome video and I had my 19 year old daughter watch it and she was inspired by your sense of warmth and beauty!

  21. Brought tears to my eyes, continue doing what you are doing.

    Brenda from Barbados

  22. OMG, Mimi I always felt you were a Phenomenal Woman but, know it. Not only are you an inspiration to young women, you do it for us 50 year olds as well. I pray God continue to bless you and continues to let your light shine. I love you girl!!!

  23. Loved this and love the fact you are a fellow Rican!! Keep up the great work, you are an inspiration to many :)

  24. Simply amazing..Your video was so inspirational... Thank you so much for being so humble.. You inspire me to go after whatever I want... Sewing has been my outlet since I started following you a few years back and u are definitely a ROLE MODEL DARLING.... I love me some Mimi G....When we met here in Atlanta it put the cherry on top.. SIMPLY AMAZING!!!!

  25. Mimi, I hope u realize how much u have changed the lives of so many! U have given me more confidence to realize my full potential and this interview is another way of doing that. I applaud u and am praying that u receive all the blessings you life can hold! Miracles and blessing to u girl. U rock!

  26. Mimi you are awesome! I'm glad you are in a great place in your life and doing great. You are such a sew inspiration. Thanks for sharing and helping all us beginner become better in our sew efforts. I love my blazer tutorial! You are a great teacher! :)

  27. That was an excellent interview. Really liked the format and the ease of your communication to your audience. Good job.��

  28. Mimi, the video was amazing and I really enjoyed it. Mimi your beauty is not only your physical appearance and your big heart but you talent that you choose to share with all of us women. I want to this time to thank you, thank you and thank you. God bless you on your journey......

  29. Beautiful interview!

  30. Loved this! And your beautiful home.,

  31. This was just SO inspiriational! Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.