
Friday, April 4, 2014

Get To Know Us Part 2! #TGIF

Hi Darlings!

I know I am late posting but being in Miami all week makes it so hard to blog and post. I did however promise part two would be up today so here it is!

I have missed you guys but I am back on Monday, have a great weekend!!!


  1. Just watched part 1, hilarious. I'm about to watch this one when I really should be doing some work.

  2. Okay. Can you guys do a regular Youtube show? Funny stuff. "I just missed you" "You want a hot dog" loool

  3. You guys are too cute. I guess I want a hot dog too! LOL

  4. Mimi, you are the InStyle Social Media Awards Winner and you got to speak at Hispanicize.... you are WINNINIG in life... Winner, that's you. Wonderful video, thanks for sharing, you guys are funny and cute together.

  5. Hey Randy, don't get a Lab. They shed like crazy....I have one. I go to sleep and wake up with the vacuum in my hand. Now it's too late. He's our baby and we simply love him to pieces. Side note: you guys are hilarious!

  6. Great video you too! Very cute and hilarious. I love it. It's nice to see couples who enjoy themselves. You two are full of love.
    Thanks again for sharing!

  7. So cool! So funny! Real and great!

  8. I don't think I've ever seen 2 people so compatible! Kudos!! Great videos!

  9. Super cool! Loved the videos.

  10. Yall are so cute together and funny!!! Isn't it great to have a spouse where yall can crack up together

  11. Loved the New Edition step, you guys are a beautiful couple. God bless you both;)!!!

  12. Love it! Geesh...didn't know that you were a Drizzy Drake fan. Went to see him this year and his show was amazing. Which was certainly a breath of fresh air from the other rap concepts that I've been to. J. Cole and Wale was another exceptional rap concept.

  13. i wonder why Kmart is still open too

  14. OMG !! You Guys Remind me of Me and My Husband. " Keep Laughing and Keep Smiling "

  15. u two are soo adorable. love the realness. hubby reminds me of will smith.

  16. good stuff :) ... do more videos together on youtube.

  17. Your husband should do a movie with Will Smith. I think the vibe between them too would be great.

  18. Hi Mimi ! You probably heard this before, but I will say it again I am happy I found your blog and you are amazing!!!! There is not enough words to describe how inspiring your work, yourself and even a positive vibe through the pictures in your blog !!!! What I would like to add is that not only the art (I think this is the right word for your work) but you also know how to present it and you rock it in different ways !!!! Looking at you and you creativity made me go back to my sewing room and continue sewing what I left because of discouragement. I apologize for too long sentences and mistakes .(English second language). I will keep receive you positive vibes. I wish I knew you personally !!! Who knows may be we will meet some day !!!! Thank you again !!!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.