
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Work It Wednesday! My Love/Hate Relationship With Running

Hi Darlings,

I apologize for not sharing any fabulous OOTD's or DIY's in the last two days, but I have a pinched nerve under my shoulder blade that has kept me in bed and in pain. It is a reminder that I am doing too much and need to take it easy but, unfortunately, I am under deadlines, and I must keep moving. I did, however, take it easy yesterday and today but as soon as I can I am going to take a mini staycation.

It's odd as a blogger to take time off because even on our off days we tend to record and share our days, it's a sickness I tell ya! lol. So, although I am bed bound for the next 24hrs I thought I would at the very least do a "Work It Wednesday" post.

I thought I would talk about my love/hate relationship with running and why I do it ANYWAY. A few years back you couldn't get me to run unless I was running out of a burning building or to a shoe sale, but earlier this year I found that running has its benefits. I started running to mix it up and get out of my gym routine. I found that being outside made me feel better and I looked forward to being outside more than walking on a treadmill or elliptical machine.
I listed my top four reasons for running four days a week, and I hope you give it a try. You can also just do a brisk walk if you are not up to running just yet. I started out doing a walk/run combo; I walked for 2 min and ran for 1min. I slowly increased my run time and decreased my walk time.

Mental Health: Running helps me clear my head. I may not feel like it when I start but once I warm up and get into a rhythm my mind starts to clear and suddenly I start to feel better. It's as if every step I take releases a little bit of stress. I have also learned that I get most of my great ideas when I run because my mind is free and clear.

Weight Loss: The more muscle I gain, the more fat I burn and running is said to help the breakdown of fat. The up and down movement breaks the fat into manageable portions for the body to burn. Now I am not fitness or health expert but I can say that I found my weight loss to happen much faster when I included running as my form of cardio (outside of the gym) Now here is an odd thing...I did not notice the same weight loss when I was doing my running on the treadmill.

Cardiovascular Health: Running helps to build my heart muscles and as you run the amount of blood your heart pumps increases. Running also works out your arteries as they expand and contract while you run.

Lower Body Strength: Running helps build the largest muscles in your body and, therefore, also helping to strengthen your ligaments and tendons. Since I have such a bad right knee I must strengthen the ligaments surrounding my knee, and running has helped me do that. Since jumping is not an option for my knees, I found running has given me another way of working out my lower body without causing myself more knee pain.

I have one tip to get you started, make it fun! Chances are if you drive by during my run you will see me dancing like no one is watching and skipping like an 8 year old.
Now I can't tell you that I love running and I jump out of bed every day ready to hit the asphalt, because I would be lying. BUT I do love the feeling I get while running and certainly the feeling of accomplishment when I am done.



  1. That is an interesting point about indoors vs outdoors...I too hate running but i have worked my way up to 2miles nonstop. I guess its time to take it to the streets!!! Next goal is 3miles. I have to say Mimi, you are such an inspiration (My first sewing machine is due to arrive today!) Keep doing what you're doing hun!

  2. Hey Mimi, as of lately I've been thinking about running myself (a few people in my neighborhood run) my self-esteem has been holding me back in that area, but your running advice is great motivation and worth a try. Get plenty of rest and take care of yourself... you deserve a much need staycation, we're not going anywhere. xoxo

  3. Running is definitely better outside and is better FOR you because you're using more muscles. Not just the typical muscles you use while you run, but all those little stabilizing muscles you have get worked because there's no completely even surface if you run on the road. The dynamic changes of the road give you a much better workout than you would on a treadmill. PLUS, who wants to look at a wall for 30 minutes?! Outside on the road, at least there are distractions from the ache of your muscles lol. Anyho, enjoy the blog, please feel better!

  4. Hey Mimi,

    First, feel better. Pinched nerves are not fun at all. Get some rest and heal. We'll wait :)

    I used to run, but I stopped because of an injury, but I do miss it. I always hated running on treadmills though. Running outside was better because the surface varies and it's more interesting visually. I recently started walking again and I look forward to being able to run again soon.

  5. Hey Mimi,

    I think I lost my comment but I'll try again.

    First, feel better. Pinched nerves are NOT fun. Take your time healing. We'll wait:)

    I used to run until I injured myself. I always hated running on treadmills. I love being outside, getting fresh air and looking at the scenery. I recently started walking again and I look forward to being able to run soon.

  6. I can totally relate to this post. I started running a few years ago when I decided to run a 5K as a new year's resolution. I hated running in the beginning but I loved the way it made me feel. I can't stand running on a treadmill (I think its boring), I must be outside in the fresh air where there is scenery to take in. I stopped running because a friend of mine wanted to get active and she needed a workout buddy but because of knee problems she can't run so we walk. I think I'm catching the running bug again. I just bought some new running shoes last week so look out "turtle" here comes the "snail". Take care Mimi.

  7. Mimi, I hope you feel better. Thanks for the running advise, I too hate running, but I just might try it......maybe LOL!!!

  8. I LOVE RUNNING!! It is, by far, one of the best things you can do for your body without the use of any additional equipment! We were created to walk or run. I love running outdoors surrounded by nature, it de-stresses me in ways nothing else can. As you can see, I enjoy running way too much!! Thanks for sharing about your own running journey, and I hope you heal fully/quickly.

  9. I LOVE running. I am not as fast as I used to be, but I'm fast enough to keep moving forward. I can relate to the dreamill issue as well, since I live in Michigan and the only way I run in the winter is on the treadmill.

  10. What is a good way to begin running. I don't know where to start.

    1. I used the Couch to 5K program. You can find it on the internet or get an app for your phone. I use the app and it's great. If a particular day is hard, you just repeat it. Very easy!

    2. if you are not good at running alone, then join a group - I found that to be helpful - to always have someone at my level (or down at the lowest level) to run with me

      I now take my dogs with me so I am never alone and that is good since they are MUCH better runners than me

  11. Hi! I feel exactly the same way about running! I can't stand the treadmill. I have one in my basement and I can't remember the last time I used it. Ive been running outdoors for a few years now and although there are days that I dread it, I feel so amazing while I am running. After the run there is a sense of accomplishment and rush of energy. I am a single mom of three beautiful kids so my days are pretty hectic but that morning run helps me clear my head, organize my thoughts, have some ME time and take in the scenery.
    I will be doing my first half marathon in May and although I am a bit nervous about it I am very excited!!!

  12. Thanks for this. I was I. The middle of talking myself out of going running today.

  13. are too funny but I also hate running...though I hear a lot of good reasons to but how do I even start and are there any exercises you do before you start? urrgh

  14. I started running last year and I find it refreshing just as you stated. I only run outside because I love the fresh air in my face.

  15. I am a runner also. I used to hate it, but then I started with a running group that practiced the run/walk method. I love running now. Not only for the health benefit both for the mental benefit mostly. Most people don't stick with it because they try to start off too fast and too far. Take it slow & easy and just build yourself up.

  16. Mimi, I hope that you feel better soon. I have been pondering jogging because I have knee problems. I will give it a try.

  17. I recently started to run, so I can totally identify with this post. I'm running roughly two miles but I do notice that when with a partner seems to be easier. :-)

  18. Hey Mimi - just commenting on why you see more weight loss with running outside than you do on the tmill - well the reality is that when you are outside you work much harder (using all your body muscles) therefore burn more calories because your body has to do more for you to help you run - for example your body has to stablize you on unstable ground, you are physically moving your bodyweigh forward with every footfall, your body must continuously acclimate to whatever medium that you are running on (grass, concrete, limestone, blacktop etc), outside there are hills and valleys of which your leg muscles and abdominals must push and pull and stabalize you thru.
    However when you are on the tmill none of this happens. You are running in "assisted" mode because the belt of the tmill is helping to propel you forward. Under normal conditions on a tmill we just run flat - not alot of hill or unstable groud or run on different mediums grass, gravel, limestone, blacktop or concrete etc.

    I am an ACE Certified Group Fitness instructor with lots of certs in various activities. I think that basic explanation should help you understand. I love/hate running too but do it because when outside I just feel free. I can run as slow as I want or as slow as I want ha ha. I have even done some races with the biggest being a half marathon. Getting better keeps me motivated. Keep it up and take it slow, no injuries please.

    1. Thank you so much for this! It makes total sense. I have an idea that I could use your expertise, can you email me?


  19. Ladies, I run with BGR (Black Girls Run!) (ALL RACES WELCOME. Check to see if there's a group in your area (walkers, joggers and runners are all welcome). No woman left behind. I finished my first full marathon in December in Honolulu, Hawaii. Please note: I started out as a walker. You can do it and enjoy it.

  20. Hi Mimi - Hope you're feeling better today! With spring finally hear on the east coast - I'm getting back into my walking routine. One day I'll eventually add running to my cardio mix - but I'm with you - I'll run like a mad women for a shoe sale anyday!! :-)

  21. Awh feel better Mimi. Your body is trying to tell you that you need some rest so don't worry we'll all be here waiting for you when you are well and up to it. I don't run because I am bottom heavy and I used to be a sprinter when u was younger but I cannot sprint too much because of my junk.Lol. But I stopped running in the park when I hurt my back and I will start next week God willing to at least go 2days a week to run. I really need to destress and that honestly helps. Feel better hun.

  22. Thanks for sharing this! I love running, or rather the feeling afterwards, however I need to build my distance back up (I stopped for about about 6 months). My nine year daughter is in a 'Girls on The Run' program at her school which I think is an excellent initiative that teaches young girls the benefits of health and fitness.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.