
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Insanity Workout Day 6

Day 6 Update!

Insanity Workout


  1. Hey Mimi - hang in there - I'm on day 13 with P90X (two years ago I did 120 days) - but I have tried Insanity - and it was, you guessed it - Insane - but even after two weeks - my clothes are fitting much better!!

  2. Great job Mimi!! U r an inspiration:-)

  3. Congratulations!! I tried this work out a while back. It took me at least week to get through the warm up without dying. I ended up doing 3 weeks faithfully, but missed my weight training and lost a bunch of muscle mass, so I moved on. BUT, in just three weeks, it improved my cardiovascular strength more than anything else I've ever done. I recommend Chalene Xtreme, Turbofire and Les Mills pump too if you are looking for other programs when you are done this one.

  4. HI Mimi,

    I've been following your blog for a while because I'm trying to learn how to sew and I love your fashion style. I guess I haven't been here a while. I didn't know you were doing Insanity. I am, too. And get this, it seems that we started on the same day. I did my Day 6 yesterday, too :-)
    I'm documenting my Insanity journey on this blog:

    Hang in there! It's definitely been hard on my body but I feel like I'm getting a little bit stronger every day.

  5. Congrats Mimi!! I did Insanity for two months before ssummer kicked in and I was able to drop 15 lbs, 2 lbs a week, and that was without moving on to the second level, too scared. lol I've been able to maintain my weightloss throughout the summer and hope to start again once winter kicks in. 5 lbs to my goal weight!! How has it been on your knees? Out any other body part that was the hardest for me. It took about weeks after I stopped for my knees to recover. But the workout does work and something I will continue to go for pick me ups.

  6. Thanks for this video. :) I really love it.

  7. Keep up the great work! U can do it, while inspiring others.....

  8. Mimi, You're my Hero! Thanks for sharing your ups and downs with us. Hope you'll make it through insanity well. Not that you needed it- but if you wish to, just do so!



Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.