
Monday, March 5, 2012

DIY Top: Pattern Review V1282


I ordered some mint green fabric to make this top but over the weekend I decided to make it in this dark teal which I love. I remember reading Erica B's post on FB about the top being low cut and her stating that if your sexy and you know let it be so I did..cuz I'm a rebel like that! then I tried it on and I went from sexy to sluty real quick, LMAO! so I sewed that sucker up a few inches.

Pattern Description: Loose-fitting, bias, pullover top has draped front neckline with weight, no side seams and stitched hem. 

Pattern Sizing: I cut size 4

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? This actually sewed up really quickly and it's just one piece so the cutting took no time at all.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I love the flow of the top but it was really low cut! so I sewed it up a bit like the other reviewers. I made the skirt a few weeks ago and HATED it, the strange small pleats in the butt were weird to me and I just didn't like it so I trashed it. I am only keeping the pattern because I like the top.

Fabric Used: Lightweight Silk Jersey

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: None

Would you sew it again? Yes, I am going to make it in a mint green, I'm just waiting for UPS to deliver :)

Would you recommend it to others? Yes!

V1282 Top, H&M Skirt, Nude Platforms, American Eagle Denim Jacket

mimi g.


  1. Pretty blouse. I love the fabric! Where did you source the silk jersey from? It's gorgeous!

  2. Hi Rebecca

    I have a huge fashion district here in LA and one of the wholesalers I know carries an extensive line of silk jersey in different weights. It retails for $24 a yard but I get it for about $15.


  3. That is beautiful fabric. I love your outfit.

  4. LOVE IT! I wore mine today too! That color is gorgeous and entire ensemble is great!

  5. Thanks Erica, girl that UPS guy is taking too long to deliver but I was cleaning my fabric stash and this little piece of silk jersey fell out, I knew it was about to become this top, LOL

  6. I'm a student at FIDM and so I'm within walking distance. Can you suggest some good shops? I like Fabrics and Fabrics for silks, but haven't purchased from them in a while. :)

  7. Great choice of colour and style. Love it!

  8. Lovely! And works really well with that skirt

  9. Hi, I'm a new fan from The Fashion Bomb, congrats! Love the shoes. Who are those by? Thanks!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.