
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Red Leggings + DIY Top + Blue Suede Shoes

I'm feeling nautical, I just need a sail boat ;-)

Hi Darlings!! Today is a good day but last night was rough. Chantix is keeping me from smoking but everyday I feel different due to some of the side effects, I am starting to get insomnia and have a really hard time falling asleep :-( but I'm not smoking so..I guess I'm doing ok.

I got these shoes at Nordstrom and fell in love, they are an amazing blue suede with white stitching so when I woke up this morning I knew my outfit would be based around the shoes.

Get The Look....

DIY Top (self drafted) / Red Jeggings similar HERE and HERE / Shoes Jessica Simpson HERE / 
Tory Burch Buckle Bracelet HERE / Necklace Vintage (gifted)

mimi g.


  1. This is so hot chicka! I think it's one of my favorite looks so far..definitely going to try to get the pieces! PS - keep going strong, the rough time will pass!

  2. You look super fab, loving the JS shoes and accessories!!!

    Also, it might be rough now, but think of what you will gain!! :-)

    Carsedra of:

  3. Цвет брюк шикарный.

  4. You look awesome and those shoes...Well those shoes just made the must have list. Thanks so much for sharing. Oh, and I'm happy for your Chantix success!

  5. You look amazing! And I love those shoes!

  6. Keep it up!!! You're doing fine!! Sewing cures my insomnia with a new outfit but I'm zonked the next day! LOL!!

  7. I love nautical looks, this is really cute.


  8. Ooh la la, tres chic! Love this outfirt, so fresh and vibrant and the shoes are to die for! Keep strong with the chantix (think it's called Champix here in UK)and you will get there, I know a few people who have had success with it, you can do it! x

  9. love the outfit, its very stylish!

  10. You just gave me inspiration for the red jeggings I bought! I really didn't want to go obvious pairing them with black. Thanks!

    Stay strong with the Chantix!

  11. It's so hard kicking bad habits but I'm happy for you! You are definitely motivation for me to get my health together.

  12. LOVE love love this outfit!!! And great progress with your quitting, very happy to hear. Sorry about the side effects though :( I have insomnia so I know what that feels like, I recently tried melatonin plus, first time I every tried any kind of pill, and I must say it worked! I don't know if you should mix it with Chantix though, but you can try the warm milk, or chamomile tea (it didn't work for me, but hey you never know if it will work for you).. Much love to you mama!!

  13. I love this look and your style in general. You are too fabulous! So glad I found your blog! :-))

  14. very chic and sophisticated!!!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.