
Monday, June 18, 2012

DIY Plum Dress + Pattern Review NL6123

Hello Darlings!

Hope everyone had a great weekend ;-) the fan and I had a pretty chill weekend and daddy day so I was able to rest. I also am on day 12 of not Chantix and so far so good. I have not had a cigarette in 5 days and I feel ok. Now on to the pattern review, pics of what I wore and at the end of this email a few 
pics of "my life"

Get The Look + Pattern Review NL 6123 (Modified)

Pattern Description: Misses' dress with sleeve and bodice variations including flattering drape and ruffle detail. I made a red version HERE

Pattern Sizing: The smallest size is 8 but I cut at least 3.5" of ease!!! off the skirt portion and about 2.5" off the bodice. 

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes, looks just like view A minus the sleeves.

Were the instructions easy to follow? They are really easy to understand and are pretty clear throughout.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I like the wrap bodice, it is very flattering and the dress is easy to wear. I didn't want sleeves so I just omitted them. 

Fabric Used: I used a Purple Double Knit found HERE Less expensive option HERE

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made?: The only changes to the dress was the omission of the sleeves and I added 2" to the length which I mentioned I wished I had done to the previous version I made. I did not line this dress, I used bias binding for the neck and armholes.

Would you sew it again? I am going to use the bodice of this pattern to make a maxi ;)

Would you recommend it to others? Yes

 Dress DIY wrap style dress similar HERE, HERE and loving this one HERE / Michael Kors Gold Buckle Heels (old) but LOVING thees HERE / BCBG Clutch similar HERE 

 Watch Michael Kors HERE / Buckle Bracelet Michael Kors HERE / Various Bangle F21 (old) / Necklace H&M (old) / Nail Polish Neon Orange (you can't tell in the pic but these suckers in the sun are NEON!!) polish is from China Glaze but can't remember the name

The Hubby
I love styling my husband because he lets me put him in anything and he rocks it! lol

 Dinner on Saturday night
SMH! Teenagers *humph* LOL

mimi g.


  1. That bag is killer and I love the photos of your daughters on the phone lol thats what me and my hubby look like!

  2. Love the dress, and your red version is beautiful, too. That will be an awesome maxi dress when you're done with it.

  3. Love the second version (as well as the first) of this dress. I cut the pattern out friday and hope to make the version with the drape. Your daughters look like my kids too. Those phones are glued to their fingers!!!!LOL!!

  4. Awwwww....just loving MIMI & FAM (FAMILY)!!!! The color is AWESOME on you!!! :)

  5. I recently ran across your blog and I have to say that you have motivated me to dust off my sewing machine. You always bring life to your pattern choices thru your fabric choices and styling...can't wait to see the maxi dress option...

  6. Both dresses are very nice. You did an excellent job. Your girls are so typical teenage girls with the phones.📲😃

  7. Both dresses are very nice. You did an excellent job. Good luck on your personal project. I wish you much success in this area of your life

  8. Beautiful dress, your hubby looks so stylish and I have seen teenagers on phones at my place!

  9. Lovely dress! Your shape is perfect!!!

  10. That dress is gorgeous! I really need to start working with patterns. What is it with teen girls and phones!?! My 13 yo has hers glued to her at all times. You'd think they were doing something really life changing!

  11. Mimi, girl you are HOTTER than fish grease! LOL! Can't wait to meet you on Saturday.

  12. As Wendy Williams says ..... Love you guys love... :.)

  13. Mimi. I finally got it together enough to stop smoking...I had 33 radiation treatments for Breast Cancer. Just like you were talking...wanting a cigarette dominated my life...couldn't wait for the radiation treatment to be done with so I could go out and have a cig

    It was the look of sheer horror on one woman's face as she walked past me to get her chemo/radiation buzz that did it for me.

    NOW...three years later. I would say the best thing about quitting for the LAST time is that because I won't have them in my life anymore...I no longer have to quite! The worst is over. But it took about 6 months for my head, basic desires/addition, habits to get together and be done with.

    One thing that helped me around Smmokers. I left out bunches of Strawberry Twizlers candy...till it got tough as nails! I kept a couple wrapped in my purse for absolute mania times. You might want to try it.
    Hugs and love big time going your way!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement and tips ;-)


  14. Love that dress on you Mimi, the cut, the color, it all looks lovely! Styled your hubby just as lovely might I add!

  15. What fabric did oyu use?

    1. Come on now Ashley it's in the post with a link babe, read the post :-)

  16. Like the dress a lot. Both the red and purple versions are really pretty on your cute lil frame. Love the suit on your hubby, just wish those pants were a lil looser because they are showing his man business! Or was that just noticeable in the photo? Lol. Otherwise, he looks perfect, just like his adorable wife! Thanks for sharing pics of the fam, they're too cute. What did we ever do before cell phones??? And texting?...

    1. LOL, Thanks Hannah I didn't notice the junk, lol

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Mimi, you're a wonderful inspiration in many ways. How you manage to balance all your talent while working and maintaining a lovely family is beyond me. i hope i can pull that off one day! i have a similar body type as you and encounter many fitting problems. i'm an advanced beginner but i struggle with alterations since i'm simply not that mathematical. perhaps one day you can do a post on how you fit patterns to accomodate your body type? i'm not sure if dress fitting occurs before i cut out the fabric or after i sew a muslin since i only formally learned how to taper a pull-on pencil skirt and that was much easier than multiple seams. thanks and keep up the awesome work!

  19. A beautiful job on the usual! I love the way you style your garments! Congrats as well on the courage to quit.... It isn't an easy journey but so worth it. Be strong and courageous! Blessings, Vita

  20. LOVE THIS DRESS! You have motivated me to try some of the ponte knits I have accumulated in my stash. I like how they fit yet don't cling to the body.
    I LOVE your husband's look also! Cute pic of the girls on the phone, lol.

  21. Mimi, you look fabulous in this - love the colour on you.
    As for the husband, that is amazingly brilliant that he allows you to dress him - he looks fab! Ref man business - I hadn't noticed. LOL.

  22. I put my nieces' phone in my purse when we go out. I do not like being ignored.

  23. Yeah he definitely rocked it!
    And so did you!

  24. Oh my Mimi, I love this dress on you! I'd love to make this version to...could I borrow your body to wear it!!! LOL!

  25. Oh my Mimi, this dres looks great on you! I would love to make your version of this dress but can I borrow your body to wear it?!!!! LOL!

  26. Love, love your blog! Your husband looks familiar is he an actor? I've seen him before on TV.

  27. You look chic as usual. I love the orange on your husband. He rocked it...okay :) Everybody can't pull that off and he pulled it off just like you pull off all your fly 'fits.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.