
Thursday, June 14, 2012


Hello Darlings!

What can I say, yesterday was a day filled with down and dirty work, pulling tons of paperwork for the boss and going through years of boxes filled with statements etc. so I wore the worst possible outfit to do that in so of course I had nothing blog worthy to share. 

Then today I woke up, got dressed and then realized there was no one there to take pics of me this morning and I was running way behind so having to set up the lighting in my studio for pics was going to make me really late! so although I look great in my black and gold belted shirt dress you guys can't see it ;-(

On another personal note, if you have followed me for some time you know I have been a smoker for years. I have tried to to quit numerous times!!!! and I always seem to fail so I went to see my doc and asked him what I should do because I am so over this! and he prescribed me Chantix. On Chantix you can smoke the first week you are on it as it builds in your system and yesterday was my 7th day on it so I have been without a cigarette for over 24hrs and I feel like I want to punch someone in the face for no reason, lol! This morning when I realized I didn't have anyone to take my pics and I was running to late to take my own pics I literally burst into tears for no apparent reason, so sad....This has been the only thing in my life that I have not been able to overcome which is so bizarre for me because when I want to do something I just do it and that is that but trying to quit smoking has been a freaking nightmare and I seriously hope this works because I have tried it ALL.

Anyway, now that I have rambled on and on in a chantix fueled fury I leave you today with a pic of my legs at the end of the day yesterday and a food pic ;-) Ill see you guys tomorrow with a "daily look" 

This is my boss' deck, I had to take a minute before heading home..

This was just ridiculous....but I ate it anyway...BWHAHAHAHAHAH

Its from a place called Straw Dogs in Pasadena. It is two hot dogs, pastrami, chill, cheese, onions, fried egg and french fries all rolled up into a tortilla. It sounds nasty and over the top I know, but that sucka was good! I only could eat one half of it because it was seriously too much!

mimi g.


  1. Mimi, thanks for sharing your struggle with trying to quit. I am praying that God will help you to overcome. Hope you have a better day today. God Bless, Eva

  2. Well sounds like you've been trying, so I say stick it and before you know it you'll quit for good. Maybe when you crave a cig you should chew gum or sew :-) As for that Sraw Dog meal, sounds interesting and a little gross, but looks kind of yummy! have a good day

  3. Hey Mimi - so glad that you are trying to quit smoking! I recently quit and it's hard :-/
    Wanted to tell you something about Chantix - I had two girlfriends who used it and one did not have any success (make sure you have your doctor check for any heart me) the other did and her BF is on it now. He is a MONSTER! on it....mood swings, mean & hateful for no reason, etc. Not sure if it is mostly men who have this reaction or not but just wanted you to know just in case. By the way - I love all your clothes and thanks for the tuts. Wishing you all teh best and lots and lots of luck on quitting!

  4. Ms.Mimi!

    The only thing I can do is tell you...always remember ODAT... One Day AT a Time. You do everything else with great power lady. You can do this. :)

    I understand the struggle (I'm SLLLLLLLLLOOOOOWWWLLLYY trying to lose some of this beautiful body I have). It's tough but worth it (40 lbs in the last year gone and off for good...1700 more to go hahahaha). You can do this too! :)

    Good luck and God bless!

  5. Good for you for giving up the smokes. I have heard positive things about Chantix. My boss is using it right now.

    You can do this. You are a very intelligent and determined woman. You are finally sick and tired of it will work this time.

  6. I wish you luck with your journey to quit smoking. I have many family members who smoke so I've seen the struggle first hand at trying to quit and know that it can be hard. My boss took Chantix to help her stop smoking and she has been smoke free for five years. I know you can do it, just take it one day at a time.

  7. i do too and its a struggle to quit. keep trying and never give up! keep us posted on your progress.

  8. Mimi,

    Good for you for trying to quit. I so appreciate you sharing your life with us/ and your struggles. I was just in the hospital two weeks ago with my Mom b/c she was having shortness of breathe and a migraine. The dr. told her it would be best if she quits smoking. She has never tried to quit. It scares me everyday that I'm going to get a call that something more serious is wrong. He told her the false alarm trips to the emergency room is a warning sign. I know it is not going to be easy for her to quit. I'm trying my hardest to persuade her to quit, but I know she has to do it on her own. Please keep us posted on how the Chantix is working out for you. My Mom was thinking about taking this as well, but was hestitate b/c of all the side effects.

  9. I'm on day 4. Been trying to quit again for the last 3 years. I social smoke... then I smoke more... then I socially drink so I can smoke... within a month I'm a pack a day again. This has happened FIVE TIMES in the last few years. I think its gonna stick this time. I've been putting myself in socially drinky type situations and just making myself get through it. I think the key is wanting to not smoke more than you want to smoke. Also, if you haven't picked it up, The Easy Way to Quit Smoking by Allen Carr puts you in a really good headspace to quit. You feel way more empowered and less deprived after reading it (and its a quick read too!) Good luck m'dear. WE CAN DO IT!

  10. Thanks for sharing your challenge with smoking. It’s an ugly nasty habit that I too have had for some 20 years. You can do it! I’m making strides to quit too (3 cigarettes a day now),it’s slow going but I know that it is possible. Be encouraged!! You are too stylish and sassy to have a cigarette hanging off your lip!!

    Thanks again for sharing your style! I’m always excited and anxious each day to see what you’re wearing!

  11. I quit smoking cold turkey at the first of this year (after smoking on and off for the past 10 years), so I know your pain. The only thing that really helped me was having something to chew or munch on and staying busy. I kept a stock of sugarfree gum and sunflower seeds and tried my best to stay away from the smokers at work. I know you can do it, good luck!!

  12. Good luck on quitting and try not to hurt anybody in the! ; )

  13. Wishing you lots of luck with quitting. You can do it! Maybe you should set a goal for yourself and reward yourself when you meet your goal. For example, No new accessory or shoe purchases unless you get through at least 2 weeks of not smoking. Then you can shoot for something bigger.. is there something you really want? You can reward yourself after 30 days of being smoke free? But you have to be dcisciplined, you cannot make the purchase until you complete 30 successfule days. Maybe no new pattern purchases? :)

  14. You can kick the habit, I know you can! I smoked off and on since high school and quit cold turkey in 2006. I was watching Oprah and Dr. Oz was on. He was talking about the dangers of smoking... yeah, yeah... blah, blah. Gotta die from something, right? Right. And then he went on to talk about not on the possibility of cancer and other stuff, but how smoking speeds up the aging process AND you'll get WRINKLES around your mouth! Wait, what?! Wrinkles??? Yeah, Erica B. is too vain for all of that. That was my dealbreaker! Those Virginia Slim Ultra Lights became the nastiest tasting things EVER! To this day, my kids still joke on me about how I was able to kick the habit. Stay strong!

  15. Gurl, I just started following your blog and today is day 3 for me without a cigarette. Like you I have been able to set my mind to do anything except this. I'm going to kick this thing this time! Good luck.

  16. Sorry your day was bad:( hope u can quit one day

  17. I'm so proud of you. Don't give up. I know you can do it!

  18. MIMI

    I'm all for you trying to quit. But you may want to go cold turkey for CHANTIX has some crazy side effects, depression, suicide and the list goes on. When you stated that you cried for no reason I immediately thought, side effect.... Do your research and good luck...


  19. Ms. Mimi, I agree here you can do it, I know you can! You're a strong woman & you won't go out like that! I too smoked for many years, but quit cold turkey about 25 years ago. I actually quit about 6 times throughout my smoking years, once for a year and went back! Then one day I told myself...okay whose stronger, me or this darn cigarette? That was it, I was determined not to let it beat me! Look at it this way, you already know those withdrawal symptoms (crying) are to be expected and will NOT be easy, but you've gone through child birth and survived!! This Is something men think is incredible that we women go can

  20. ...sorry I didn't get to finish it, LOL! How can YOU let that cigarette win?? Just keep looking at your gorgeous self in the mirror & saying...I GOT THIS, (and I know you do!). Good Luck honey!

  21. You can do it, Mimi!! You HAVE to do it! I lost my father to lung cancer in 2008 at the young age of 59. He was a lifelong smoker. He was diagnosed in September 2007 and passed away 9 mos. later. I know it's hard, but just think about your family and children and let them be your daily strength and motivation. They need you. We are all rooting for you!!! Stay strong and have a fabulous weekend. <3

  22. Mimi, huggggggggggggggggggs! I know exactly where you feel with the cigarette's. May God give us both strength!I normally feel like punching mofo's in the face, and I STILL smoke, so I can't imagine how I would feel trying to quit! I think I'm gonna ask my dr to prescribe an antidepressant AND a stop smoking aid.

  23. Ok don't laugh but have you read Alen Carr's book? Forgot the title, but trust me it's a REALLY good book.. i smoked for 15 years (2 packs a day!), and after reading it I quit no problem. Never looked back. I passed my book on to friends and each and every one of them quit as well... try it, it can't hurt? Good luck!

  24. Think about how amazing your skin, mouth, teeth and hands will look when you quit. This should be enough of a motivating factor for any woman.

    When I was a child, I watched a documentary about girls who smoked and they showed how much they aged from when they started to just a short few years later. I never touched a cigarette after seeing that thing.

    If you find yourself feeling frustrated or losing any motivation, try looking up those sorts of photos. It may sound funny to some people, but that's enough to make any woman kick the habit.

    And the best reason of all is those precious babies of yours. The quicker you kick the habit, the more time you'll be able to share on this earth being healthy and present in their lives. This is the best reason and one of the greatest gifts a mother can give a child.

    You can do it! Or in the words of Seinfeld's Dr. Reston, "YOU CAN AND YOU WILL." :O)

  25. You can do it!!!!!!! Make sure you keep blogging about quitting smoking - it will be good to be accountable to us all :)
    Oh and we don't mind pictures of you in an "off day" outfit - you'll seem human to us all then - he he!
    Now go and be the wonderful fashionista that you are (that doesn't smoke anymore - yay!!!!!

  26. Mimi...I feel your pain. Thank you for being so honest about life and the things that you just can't seem to do despite being a super accomplished woman! - we all have something that seems to test our will and our resolution, but it's all just a test. And when all else fails and you feel life's getting the best of you, take a deep breath and pray - it's my go-to answer for everything :)... wishing all the best with quitting smoking and NOT punching someone in the face for no reason, Love Gretchen

  27. I get it sis. your smoking struggle is my sugar addiction struggle. I was delivered from smoking and can't get off of the sugar. But being that my children thought I was dying in my sleep last night, I do believe it's time get it together.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.