
Friday, June 15, 2012

Hot Pink Leopard + Today's Vlog Update

Happy Friday!

Update :-/

Get The Look...

Old Navy Cargo Pants Similar HERE / Gap Tank HERE / Necklace F21 (old) / Go Jane Pumps (old) 


  1. Love your shoes! Cute necklace!


  2. girl u are soooo FIERCE!!!!!!!!!! u looking absolutely stunning!!

  3. Those SHOES!!!! Ay Dios, me muero... Fabulous! xoxo Gretchen

  4. How creative, I love it and I adore you, have I told you that? ; )

  5. Cute cute cute ! I love those shoes!

  6. Love this whole look! Adorable!

  7. Keep up the great work Mimi!!! You CAN do it!!! One Day at a time.

  8. Keep up the great work Mimi!!! You CAN do it!!! One Day at a time.

  9. Hey Mimi, I am happy you are making a commitment to stop smoking. It takes allot of courage, strength and discipline to do it, but I believe you will overcome this obstacle. By the way the shoes are just FIRE!!!!

  10. You look amazing as always and you'll look and feel even better now that you're no smoking anymore. Keep strong and keep us posted. You got this girl ;)

  11. Love those shoes MiMi. Nice vid, I can relate to some it. Just keep on believing in you!

  12. Mimi: I just have to comment as a reformed smoker myself (18 months) I so hear what you are saying. You have made a great leap listing the reasons why you want to quit. Hold on to that. The nicotine is out of your system in 72hours. Then its all about mind games. Just keep reminding yourself why you are quitting and don't forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments especially your first 72 hours. I still play mind games telling myself I am only quiting for the next 6 months thats seems more manageable than forever.
    You can do it>

  13. Great News about the smoking thing!!! Just know that we are rooting for you 100%! Look at the bright side - you can take that extra money from cigs and put it towards some fabric, shoes, jewelry or a new pattern!!!

  14. Hey Mimi, I've never had a smoking habit, but I know how it is to have an addiction to something. My addiction is the four major food groups- cookies, cakes, pies and ice cream. I recently tried to quit cold turkey, and I was the most evil person on the planet, although I still looked FIERCE! Just like you're fierce. Lol but as you've said your habit was consuming your life, my habit is consuming my waistline. I believe you'll make it through, just think of it as a constructing a tricky pattern- one piece at a time. Thanks for letting us into your life and having the guts to quit and to document it. You can do it!

  15. This outfit is so cute and casual... and those shoes are HOTTTT!! I love visiting your blog.

  16. Woooh those shoes are giving me all kinds of gasms right n

  17. I'm so proud of you. I've never smoked so I don't know EXACTLY what you are going through but I watched Tony quit smoking years ago and it wasn't pretty so I commend you for even having the DESIRE to stop. Praying that the urges do go away and you continue to have success on your journey. One day at a time. (((HUGS)))

  18. Mimi, if those shoes are a size 8...I need you to pass them over to me, please & thank you! LOL

  19. Gorgeous as always!! And praying for your continued success with quitting, I know how huge that is and can I say I'm proud of your progress so far 2 days and going great.... You can do this mama!! Muah!

  20. Hi Mimi...this is Keesha,I'm new to your site..Love the outfit those shoes are fire....

  21. Girl too cute Im stealing this look it will me on my blog. lol if thats okay with it will be a little different i dont have your cute shape, you are to fly your style is amazing!

  22. I enjoy your blog and your DIYs. Your style is simple, chic, and classy. I don't blog, but I enjoy viewing those that do in order to piece my threads together to create a cute and comfortable look. Awesome Seamtress!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.