
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Free EZ Shirtmaker or EZ Pocket

Hi Darlings! I wanted to share that Claire at SA Curve Ruler is giving away a free EZ Pocket or EZ Shirtmaker with a purchase of $25 or you can buy them now a very deep discount @ $5.00 and $2.50 Read her message below for the details! You already know I am fan of these rulers and they are so useful.

From Claire

Good Morning and Merry day after Christmas! Here is my surprise: I am doing inventory clean out! I have quite a few templates that are either a bit too scratched (some scratches are just part of the process), dented or just not exactly as they should be. From now until the end of the year, when you purchase $25.00 or more in my Etsy shop, I will automatically put an EZ Pocket Second with your order. If you would rather have a EZ Shirt Maker, just write in the comments.

I have seconds listed in my shop. If you hit the $25.00 limit, just tell me what you want in comments.BECAUSE the template is free to you! Now, if you do not need $25.00 worth of what I have, then those listings for the EZ Pocket and EZ Pocket Seconds can be purchased for $5.00 and or $2.50.
The seconds are really good and useful, just not as pretty as they should be. The EZ Shirtmaker second does have a slightly bent collar point that you probably can unbend and still find very useful.
Be sure to let others know, I want those templates into some good sewing homes!

Mimi G.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.