
Monday, January 7, 2013

OOTD: DIY Coat w/ Floral Skinnies + Pattern Review V1263

Hi Darlings!! I am so excited to wear my new #DIY Coat, I had been eyeing this pattern for some time now and this weekend I had a little bit of time to get some sewing done so I pulled out my fabric and pattern and got to work. After I was done I was looking through my drawers for my nippers to cut off loose threads and I found these suede elbow patches and immediately grabbed them and knew it would add a little something extra to my coat.

The fabric I used is scrumptious! I know I say this all the time but picking the right fabric is crucial to your project. If you are spending your precious time creating a garment make sure to use quality fabric.
I wanted the coat to have a bit of texture so I used a yummy coating I found (HERE) and a textured piece of fabric I had in my stash for the collar facings.

I plan to make it again in this Avocado color HERE!!! so GORGEOUS

Pattern Description: Misses Coat Vogue 1263 

Pattern Sizing: I cut the X-Small

 Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing it? Yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes they were pretty simple and clear. There is a one step after you do the pocket lining where it tells you to turn the pocket lining to the inside press and topstitch and then the next instruction says to attach the pocket facing to the pocket lining but doesn't tell you to pull the pocket lining back out after pressing and topstitching so a newbie may find that confusing.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? Aside from it not being lined I am okay with all of it and since I used a wool coating the flat felled finish as suggested worked just fine.

Fabric Used: This amazing and yummy wool coating found HERE

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: None

Would you sew it again? Yes, in the Avocado color I fell  in love with

Would you recommend it to others? for sure.

Side View

Back View

DIY Wool Coat V1263 / Floral Skinnies (old) similar HERE and HERE / Navy Long Sleeve Tee HERE / Nude Platforms (old) from Wild Pair (Linsaywip) / J. Crew Bracelt + MK Ring / MK Watch /Necklace (old) from H&M / Sunnies (generic) from Kiosk at the mall


  1. I always wanted to make a coat, love this.

  2. I always wanted yo make a coat, lovely!

  3. Your coat is beautiful and the elbow patches are a great addition!

  4. Great Job and the "patches" compliment the shoes nicely!!

    PS - love the new signature logo!!!

  5. Fabulous coat and I adore the elbow patches.

  6. This is FAB! Great job!

  7. Such an elegant coat! It really dresses up your floral jeans and tee.

  8. Gorgeous coat, I love a dramatic collar. I clicked on the pattern link and remembered that I also own this pattern somewhere so must give it a try.

  9. Girl you know you are too freakin' talented! I love that coat.

  10. Elbow patches! I was just thinking about what can I put elbow patches on this weekend. I like it a lot! Very professional looking and nice touch with the brooch.

  11. Mommy, I mean Mimi, when in the sam hill do you ever get to wear a coat in CA?
    I looovvveee the winter white!!!!

    1. LOL, it was in the low 50's that morning. It gets cold enough sometimes.

  12. Mommy, I mean Mimi, when in the sam hill do you ever get to wear a coat in CA?
    I looovvveee the winter white!!!!

  13. Love the coat, the construction of it is marvelous!

  14. This coat is amazing. What happen to your etsy account I was trying to purchase the skirt with the belt and it wasn't there any more.

  15. Fab-u-lous! I love how you styled the coat.


  16. Looks super comfy, very stylish

  17. I love the coat. Your version is much better than the Vogue photo.

  18. Hi Mimi,

    Your coat is fab! Love! You have to dish on your polish color. Beautiful!!!

    1. Thanks doll, the polish is by Nicole but I don't remember the color name, ill find it.

  19. Hi. I just discovered your blog and I love it!.. I noticed that one side of your coat seems a different texture than the other. Is that the other side of the fabric? Thank you

  20. Hi. I just discovered your blog and I love it!.. I noticed that one side of your coat seems a different texture than the other. Is that the other side of the fabric? Thank you

  21. Hi. I just discovered your blog and I love it!.. I noticed that one side of your coat seems a different texture than the other. Is that the other side of the fabric? Thank you

    1. Thank you so much. No in the blog post I mention that that I used a different fabric piece I had in my stash for the facing of the collar.

  22. The Inside looks so soft and warm! I would be afraid that I'll get makeup on it. I would love it in the Avacado Color too, can't wait to see it.

  23. That coat is to do die for!!! OMG! I need the avocado one. My favorite color is green and my birthday is in March. How much would you charge me? #MimiGCollection

    1. Now you know I don't do work for hire baby girl, lol

    2. Well!!! You can't blame me for trying! ;-) I look forward to seeing it in avocado...that way I can drool all over my keyboard...LOL!!!

  24. The small equates to what size in ready made? I find their is usually a difference

    1. I made the Xsmall which is more like a small in ready made. The small would prob fit more like a medium without modifications.

  25. Beautiful job and beautiful fabric!! You're right about that elbow adds just the right flavor!

  26. simply darling! love the fabric color and added elbow patches. I am new to your site, but feel certain I will be visiting many times.

  27. Simply darling and looks great on you. Love the fabric, colors and choice of the suede elbow patches. I am new to your site, but will be visiting again.

  28. Hi There! I just discovered your blog (I know... I'm 4 years late) but I love sewing and am really enjoying catching up. Great thing about being late is that there are plenty of posts to go through :) I love this coat and quickly purchased it as Vogue patterns were on sale today. My one question is whether or not you have a similar suggestion for the textured fabric you used for the coat facing? I love the comfy-ness of this coat. Great job :)

  29. Mimi, as luck would have it, I'm making this jacket now in a parrot blue wool boulce...any tips for making these thick fabrics. I live in FL and hardly ever make anything this heavy!

    1. I made my darts in the thick wool without too much trouble but I did go slow and used a longer stitch. ALSO, if you can trim one seam allowance side and then fold over and topstitch it will keep the bulk down and make sure you are using a thicker needle so you don't break one in the process.

  30. Hello! This coat in your execution is divine :) so much more beautiful than the original version at Vogue. Please Mmimi, let us know what material you used for the collar? Is the coat is sewn on the inside of the material or just the collar? How much fabric you used for your size? We ask you to answer. I plan to sew the same but in gray :) I love your blog and I have a few of your projects on the eye :)

    1. Mimi G Please answer my question :( Sorry for my impatience

    2. I have only the info posted on the fabric, If I had more info on the fabric collar I would have posted it and everything you asked is in the pattern envelope and instructions doll.

    3. ok so I buy cut and take up sewing. Thank you very much. Have a great day and I wish you less annoying readers. Again, I'm sorry.

  31. Looks luscious and rich in styling. Sewing clothes is not my thing but can still appreciate the talent.

  32. Love this! I can be warm with Style. The pattern doesn't look like it called for lining. Did you line it and what kind of lining did you use? Do you have a photo of the lining?


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.