
Friday, February 15, 2013

Lesson #2 Delayed

Hi Darlings

Unfortunately due to some unforeseen changes in schedule this week lesson #2 of the 4 Weeks Sewing Lessons has to be pushed to Monday.

With the hubby having to leave for the ATL to film it just threw off our timing and then last night on my way home I stopped to grab some food at a little whole in the wall Chinese food joint and I have been throwing it up ever since ;-( I'm not sure what was in the food but I will probably never eat Chinese food again! hence there is also no OOTD.

Sorry dolls but I will finish it up tomorrow and will post it on monday.



  1. I hope you feel better. I've been sick like that before and it's no fun. It also happened to me after eating Chinese food in NYC. It may have to do with MSG or if it had seafood, with mercury or iodine.

  2. Feel better!

  3. Sorry to hear you're sick. I hope you feel better and get to enjoy the long weekend.

  4. Aww get well soon!!

  5. Eek! Sounds terrible, and hopefully you're better soon. Even though there's no OOTD, I'm sure you could still rock sweats and a hoodie!

  6. Feel better soon! I will keep trying to figure out why the tension is off on my sewing machine--the manual hasn't been much help. On to youtube and Google...thank the Lord for those!

  7. That's awful. I hope you feel better soon.

  8. Aww sorry the food made you sick doll! I hope you feel better soon.

  9. Awwwhhh Mimi, very sorry to hear you are sick....feel better.

  10. Aw Mimi! I hope you feel better soon. The last time I ate something bad was from a soul food restaurant; under cooked ribs! Lordy! I haven't ate ribs in a long long time!! LOL!

  11. Awwwww so sorry you aren't feeling well. You are missed but your health is more important. Feel better lady:-)

  12. Take care and feel better soon!

  13. Oh no! Hope you feel better soon!

  14. Hope you fell better. Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and to flush it out of your system. Rest.

  15. Feel better soon and maybe it was MSG. Some Chinese food places still use it.

  16. Hey Mimi, We all know you are MiMi "Superwoman" G but focus on feeling better, we will see the video when you feel better and it is ready.

    Get well soon!!!

    - Tami L.

  17. I hope you feel better soon, we can wait until you feel better for the video.
    .you probably need to rest Monday too :o)

  18. hope you feel better I can wait for the video no rush


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.