
Monday, February 18, 2013

Sewing Lesson 2: Intro to Pattern Understanding + Cutting

Hi Darlings!

Todays lesson is longer then last weeks so I had to move it to my vimeo channel which is actually easier for me anyway and it looks better ;-)

Today we are covering the pattern tissue, what the instructions look like and what they tell you; we also cover the markings and finished printed measurements and finally cutting of the pattern and fabric prep.
If you have questions make sure to leave a comment here or join our Flickr group where we will be able to post pics and ask questions.

If you are just starting to follow along make sure to visit the "Free Sewing Class" tab under the header so that you can start reading from the beginning.

Next Week:
Laying Out Pattern Pieces
Grain-lines and Importance
Cutting The Fabric
Cutting Interfacings
Creating a Lining
Preparing For Sewing
Sewing Part 1 (Step by Step)


  1. Thanks! Good to see that you're feeling better. :)

  2. help I havent recieved the pattern yet I wait for mailman everyday

    1. email me, I dont recognize the name aside from it being mine, lol

  3. I think I failed class already. On the back of the Butternick pattern, I don't see waist measurements listed. How do I determine which size to get?

    1. LOL, here it is doll, its on the site ;-)

    2. LMBO!!! Girl! That first lined had me rollin' here at work! "I think I failed class already." hahaha We can do this! Lawd Jesus!!!!!! Thank you, Mimi!

      More Modern Modesty

  4. Great lesson Mimi! I was wondering if we needed to pre-treat the fabric. I did not know in which situation to pre-treat until your video. In the past I have been told to iron the pattern with a dry iron before cutting out. What are your thoughts? Kellie

    1. I iron the pattern if it is wrinkled and or has to many creases, other than that I just smooth it out with my hand.

  5. Hi Mimi, I cracked up when you first explained to not freak out about the sizes (I felt as though you were talking straight at me!) As a newbie it is a shock the first time coming across a pattern that runs small(ish)
    ;-). I hope to be as good a seamtress as you when I grow up! teehee thank you so much.

  6. Hi Mimi, so happy that you're doing these sewing lessons vids. I do have a request. If you didn't already plan on it, can you please throw in a vid on how to take one's own measurements? That would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  7. Thanks Mimi for the very informative and much needed sewing video! I'm a newbie to sewing.

  8. HI mimi,
    Love how you do your tutorials, i have a question about this lesson ok you said pre-treat our fabric do that includes or lining to? Thanks appreciate your time.

    1. Yes good point, I forgot to mention that. You should prepare your lining fabric too.

  9. Thank you for doing this! I so appreciate it. And I think you nailed (for me) what has been a primary problem with why I don't like my finished products.....measuring to the "key" finished piece. (Did I say that right?) This was such an aha moment in trying to figure out sizing. Yeah!! Also, I picked up somewhere not to long ago about retracing the pattern piece in order to keep the original intact. That way, for example, if I want to go back and do the long skirt I haven't chopped off the bottom as we do in this case if making the mid length. I don't mind the extra step. Looking forward to the next vid!!

    1. I'm with you! I've made garments from patterns and they have been rather monstrously unfairly not-at-all fitting. I've made garments from YouTube drafting tutorials (all made by 10 year old children smarter than me, what is up with that?) and those have turned out lovely.

      I bought a different pattern for an a-line skirt and it is one of the Amazing Fit ones, and I plan on tracing those pieces out. Especially if a pattern costs $20 (technically I bought it for $.99, but whatevs) I am not going to cut it up so that I can't use it later. Also key for people who are not, ahem, always the same size.

    2. LOL Andrea! I wasn't humble enough to mention not always being the same size but too is one of the main reasons. :)

  10. Mimi, thanks for going into the extra detail about the finished garments waist measurement. You explained it in such a way that I get it now! The entire video was so thorough and helpful! You are an excellent teacher!

  11. Glad you are feeling better. Thank you, thank you for these wonderful videos. Excellent !!!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.