
Friday, May 10, 2013

My Pants Make Me Happy! + Happy Mothers Day!

Hi Darlings!

My youngest son, the one you see most frequently on my postings because he is a ham just like mommy and daddy turns 6 tomorrow. On mothers day in 2007 I was in the hospital after giving birth to him via an emergency c-section that traumatized me (I'll share that story on another day) so every mothers day I am reminded about how I almost lost my baby and how precious being a mommy is so for all my mothers out there I wish you the BEST day you could possibly have!

Now on to the OOTD! I never buy anything unless I love it and if I am on the fence I won't purchase, that is my rule. When I saw these pants at Free People I grabbed them so fast I almost knocked down the rack, lol. It is so hard to find an exaggerated flare on jeans but Free People always manages to get it right.
Free People Jeans HERE (I am wearing size 26)  / F21 Top (old) / Chili Bean Sunglasses (gifted)

Mimi G


  1. Uhhhm yeah! i'm with you on almost tearing down the rack. And you wear them perfectly! How can I get some???

  2. Yes! I love flare leg jeans and those are HOT! Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday to your lil munchkin!

  3. Mimi, those jeans are HOT!! I want to order a pair very badly but I"m afraid to order jeans online b/c I may order the wrong size.

    Happy Mother's day to you.

    1. MiMi,

      love the jeans, just clicked the link and purchased them!!Question... what type of heels are you wearing with you fit and flares???


  4. Happy Mother's Day, Mimi. And as always the only word that comes to mind when I open your blog ~ WERK :)

  5. Love the jeans. I like how you played up the whole boho look.

  6. Loving That shirt.... just that is my weakness. But you always were it well, no matter what.

  7. LOL @ Almost knocked over the rack. I don't blame you. The whole outfit looks great. Happy Early Birthday to your son and have a great mothers day

  8. Love your outfit! You have such great style!

  9. Love this look and Happy Mother's Day!

  10. You look hawt! Those are awesome, free people has some really gorgeous stuff, I pretty much love everything from them. I love your shirt too, - very sexy look :)

  11. Great look! I really love that top and those jeans look really good on you. You have such an amazing figure. I have been going back and reading your health and fitness post. good stuff indeed. Happy Mothers Day!

  12. Love these Mimi..I have a few pairs of Flared Jeans..Seeing you let's me know that I will be pulling mine out the closet soon! Love your look!


  13. I am short ...Did you have to alter the jeans?...Free people do not sell "short" jeans

  14. Mimi does the jeans have stretch in them?

  15. YOU HAVE KIDS? I have three, I need a stomach like that ASAP! You are so gorgeous. tips?

  16. amazing flares, i love them !!!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.