
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

DIY Pullover Dress + Pattern Review V8825

Hi Darlings!!!!

It is Christmas Eve and my hubby's birthday! We are going to have a wonderful lunch and celebrate his birthday and then tonight we will celebrate with the family. I pulled out this lovely dress I made about two weeks ago but hadn't had a chance to wear it. This dress has quickly become a favorite because I love the two piece barrel cuff sleeves!!!

I reviewed the pattern below for you and have added a link to the fabric I used. I paired my dress with my favorite nude shoes of the moment. A nude shoe is always great to help elongate the legs and I can never resist wearing nude shoes with a bright colored dress.

I want to wish you all a wonderful Merry Christmas and I will see you guys on the 26th. Be well, be blessed and be joyful.

DIY Dress / Steve Madden Heels HERE / H&M Necklace (old)

Pattern Description: Misses Dress

Fabric Used: Knit (feels like an ITY) HERE

Pattern Sizing: I Cut the 8 (31B, 24W, 33.5H) and had to shave it down a lot. I took out almost 3" off the skirt portion and 2" off the top. I also added 2.5" in length. 

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done? Yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? This is a Vogue "Easy" so yes I found it to be rather straight forward. There is no real complicated or confusing steps.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I love the wrap front, the sleeves and the tie belt which is attached to the dress.

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I added length and had to shave it down some to fit.

Would you sew it again? No, I have so many dress patterns to sew ;-) but this is a winner for sure.

Would you recommend it to others? YES!


  1. Ohhh! I love that dress and especially the sleeves and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. This dress is beautiful! Rock it Mimi G.

  3. Gorgeous! Happy Birthday Hubby! lol Guess I'll be using my 50% coupon at JoAnn's 1st thing after Christmas :-)

  4. I love it and Merry Christmas to you!!!!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous honey and the dress ain't half bad either. Enjoy Hubby's birthday and Merry Christmas!

  6. This dress fits u perfectly...... You're stunning

  7. This is a beautiful dress it look divine on you, love the fabric. I have this pattern in my stash I will be sewing it soon, thanks for sharing.

  8. I love this but I can sew ...I wish I did

  9. is there such a thing as a dress u dont look sexy as #$%@ in?? lol x x x

  10. Hi. Please don't take this the wrong way because I think you are a beautiful and talented person but did you use to be overweight ? I ask because of the size of your legs are really thick. I have been working out trying to get my legs thicker but nothing works.

  11. Nice! This dress is on my to do list you just motivated me to follow thru :-)

  12. That pass well in the company of your husband, he is a man with good luck to have you. Bon Appetit and congratulations to the two, and that it last a lifetime together...

  13. Love the dress!

    Question: what is the cause of that scrunching up of the material near the bottom of the skirt, near the front/back seam? This has happened to me in the past

    1. Two things were going on. I didn't have time to press my seams before having to leave big no no and 2 I had static in my spanx LOL!!!

  14. Good Lord Mimi. This is beautiful. Gotta try this one. You have a blessed day lady.

  15. I actually have an Ity fabric can I use that?

  16. Merry Christmas Mimi and family. Love the color of your dress. I have to admit, I have made this dress three times and love each dress. Very easy to make. I have been sewing well over 40 years and am still learning some new tricks...I guess you can teach an older person some new tricks..With that being said, Love your blog....Keep doing what you do.

    1. My thoughts exactly, im getting back into sewing and sooooo much has changed, theses kids are so lucky to have internet and all. However, i still prefer to touch my fabric before i buy... too bad they took sewing out of schools, i taught myself in elementary and learned more in middle school and high school. But with all the new techs and notions, im in class again. Thanks mimi, and guest , as i learn from you all.

  17. Happy Birthday hubby and I hope you guys had a fabulous holiday!!!

  18. Simply gorgeous Mimi!! Love the color. Its a classic retro look that definitely catches the eye. I can see this working as an elegant black dress (right fabric of course) to add to the collection. It's not quite the little black dress, but it will definitely work!!!

  19. First of all, that dress looks gorgeous on you! You are very talented, indeed. I just have a couple of questions-is the color of your material more blue or more purpley? It looks more blue on my screen, but the link says its purple. Secondly, do you think a larger-chested gal can get away without a full bust adjustment? I'm a double D, but if it's a knit, can sometimes skip one. Thanks!

  20. I want this dress in three colors Mimi G and I don't have my sewing machine yet. Will you be selling any on your site?

  21. I love this dress... your style is fab and I love the colors you pick as well. Keep doing you mimi


  22. what a beautiful dress!

  23. I haven't seen one comments on how to purchased the dress. It is gorgeous!

  24. Love this dress on you. This was my first sewing project using a pattern and since it said "easy".....I figured how hard could it be? Well.....the project was an EPIC fail. I got so defeated and frustrated that I tossed everything in the Best wishes to you and the family in 2014!!!!!! xoxo

  25. hello I love this this dress how can I purchase this dress or get made for me my soon to be hubby will love it.

  26. hello I love this this dress how can I purchase this dress or get made for me my soon to be hubby will love it.

  27. I like this dress. My wife is pear shape, do you think it will work for her?


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.