
Monday, February 6, 2012

Mojo O' Mojo Where Art Thou? & What I Wore Today

I sat in my sewing studio this weekend basically staring at my fabric and trying to decide what I wanted to sew and I ended up with NOT.A.DAMN.THING! This happens to me all the time when I have too many ideas and I want to sew too many things all at once, LOL

When I sit there and can't decide I just get frustrated and then find myself mojo-less :-( I guess I will try again in a few days!

What I Wore..

Sweater @ F21
Skirt @ Chic B
Teal Accessories @ F21
Black Suede Boots 

My nails look like Tiffany Boxes, I think I need to paint a white bow on my ring finger :)

My Ombre Sunnies are from Old Navy

mimi g.


  1. "This happens to me all the time when I have too many ideas and I want to sew too many things all at once". You hit the nail right on the head with this explanation. This happens to me too - Now I know why.
    Love your color combo and the cute flirty skirt too.

  2. That happens to me when I have tons of ideas on my mind too and then come up with nothing. non the less you look extra fab in your top and skirt love the color of your blouse so pretty goes great with your skin tone!!

  3. Mimi this outfit is too cute! I really love the ombre sunnies. Old Navy? I never really think about checking out their accessories. Have to check next time I go.

  4. Lol! That happens to me quite often as well. I sit in my "lab" and just stare at my sewing machine. I usually look around at some of my favorite store to help get inspiration. Or, I shop in my closet for thing to refashion.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.