
Friday, September 14, 2012

Gap Green Khaki's & DIY Top + Updates

Happy Friday! Well what a week I have been having right? geez. So a quick update on the blog, it seems that many of you had me bookmarked by the original "blogspot" address so you have been able to find me pretty quickly and some who only knew me as "" are still getting google 404 errors. Google says they are working on it so until then I am still very much visible via please make sure to let your friends know for me...good thing is once the custom domain is fixed the "blogspot" address will still continue to work too.

Okay, enough about stuff I cant control and on to what I can control, MY LOOK! lol I promise you that GAP is not paying me to shop there and review....BUT maybe they should because I am loving me some GAP right now...GAP, you listening?? *wink* The top I have on is from my Spring 2010 collection, I am going to release it as a pattern soon ;-)

Get The Look

I think Gap have started changing the way they make their pants because lately they are fitting me real nice and my butt and thighs have not disappeared so it must be them, lol 

Gap Broken In Khakis (I love them!!) HERE (25% off purchase use GAPSHOP)  / Mimi G DIY Tee / Steve Madden Shoes (old) / Earrings   @ F21 / Sunnies @ F21 (old) /  Gap Belt (old) 

mimi g.


  1. ooh that's interesting about the Gap pants. I gave up trying on their pants years ago because I figured we were just not on the same page. I hope the colored pant trend keeps going strong!

  2. Yes! I agree about the GAP. I bought some SLIM cropped slacks and they look like they 10 pounds off my booty and thighs. Lovin that fit. Feeling the look today, perfect balance for this end of Summer season here in PA.

  3. Love the green pants.

  4. So cute! I'm happy I found you on instagram lol. What nail polish color do you have on? It's so pretty.

  5. LOL, Thanks Im happy you found me too.

  6. I love those khakis!!

  7. This is an easy chic look!! I love this. But, I have yet to get the courage to wear colored pants (other than black and white). I've been building my nerves since last's coming though (^_^)

  8. Cute!! Just went and got these pants today!! Love them

  9. What size pants do you usually buy from gap. I would like to order those pants from Gap online, but I have the hardest time buying jeans, pants, etc. Never fits right.

  10. Looking forward to the release of the top pattern. It's a subtle detail, but very pretty.

  11. Hey Mimi, what brand and color us your polish? Thanks. Ps you look fab! Love love your style.

  12. Hey mimi can I have the deets on your polish. I love it and love love your style!

  13. So frigging cute and simple. I haven't been sewing in a while, because honestly, summer never inspired me. But it's fall now and I've seen most of the runway shows- courtesy of and I am raring to go!!!! Love the top. I can't wait to make the jumpsuit pattern and the Tracy reese dress, and I want to make at least one coat and those fly peplum pants. They need to just pay you to model on some of these envelopes because those girls NEVA do the patterns justice like you!!!!

  14. I LOVE this look!!!! Where is the DIY top located on your site? I need in my life ASAP!!! Lol

  15. This look is HAWT!!!! I'm in LOVE with the t-shirt!!!!! Is there a tutorial or a particular pattern you used for that? If so, where can i find it!!! LOVE your blog!!!

    1. Hey Ashley, no this top was from my runway show in 2010 I added it to my new pattern collection that will be out soon.

  16. Love the look as always. The DIY top is so very cute. I was staring it it for about a minute.

  17. U look fabulous as usual!! Not only do I love ur style I also think u have the cutest shape. What's ur workout regime(if u have one)? Also, what's ur INstagram??

  18. U look awesome as usual! Not only do I absolutely adore ur style but u have the cutest shape! What's ur workout regime (if u have one)? Also, what's ur Instagram??

  19. U look fabulous as usual!! Not only do I love ur style I also think u have the cutest shape. What's ur workout regime(if u have one)? Also, what's ur INstagram??

  20. Love this outfit! Can't wait until you release your patterns! Wish you the best of luck!

  21. Those gap pants were my everything this summer. I purchased them in 4 different colors. Its so hard to find stuff that fits us curvy girls, that are reasonably priced.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.