
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Work It Wednesday…Not So Much

Hi Dolls,

Well, it looks like whatever bug is going around has reached me ;-( I hate not feeling 100% so today I am leaving you with my "I don't feel well so I am going wear my most comfortable clothes and do much of nothing outfit"

I did get my T25 so I will start that as soon as I am feeling up to it and will have a first impressions review for you. Kisses and hugs darlings and don't forget that you have until Nov 4th to enter the Sewing Machine Giveaway!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Friday!

Hi Darlings,

I'm having a great day. I have been at a Benefit Cosmetics Boutique filming and having a blast all morning.

I've never learned so much about eyebrows and make up, and man I am looking good! Lol

Here is a sneak peek and of course will share more soon. Have a great weekend!! 

Mimi G

Friday, October 4, 2013

Craftsy Nomination + Closet Pic Updates

Hi Darlings!

I am excited that I almost done with the disaster that is my new home and I can feel the stress lifting, lol. I am back at it this weekend and next week the blog will be pretty much back to posting on a regular. You guys have been great so thank you!

Now just two things for today, seems that is having a blogger award and I am thinking I should be nominated so we can do a craftsy class, yes? lol so click and read below etc and you also get entered for a chance to win FREE class via so check that out below.

Nominate me for Craftsy's blogger awards!

Now here are few more pics of the closet room, I want to call it Mimi's Boom Boom Room so badly, ROFLOL!! (I crack myself up) if you have seen the movie LIFE with Eddie Murphy and Martin then you get my reference ;-) I just need to finish one wall for my blazers, jackets, and skirts and then put my mirror and a few others things up.

 It's nice being able to see all my jewelry at once and the table is actually a kitchen island from Ikea, lol you can find it HERE
 This is one wall which holds my Pants and tops/button ups and light sweaters. The skirts, jackets and blazers will be on the other wall.
 This wall holds my dresses
I replaced ALL my hangers with the slim velvet ones ;-)

Okay off to prepare for the blazer class handouts, circle skirt tut and more... have a GREAT WEEKEND! dolls!

Thursday, October 3, 2013