
Monday, May 7, 2012

Best Day Ever!!

This Was a Great Day!!

Our 18 year old daughter has been doing so well and we are so proud of her! she holds down a 9-5 job and then goes to school from 5:30-10:00pm 5 days a week and is kicking butt so we wanted to surprise her with her very own FIRST CAR!!! We surprised her at work!


mimi g.


  1. Awwwwwww! How awesome is that! Congrats to her!

  2. Awww that is so sweet!!! It's so good to be able to reward them when they are doing all the right things.

  3. It is so fulfilling when you can do such nice things for the kids when they are on the right path. Congrats.!!

  4. I love that your daughter is doing her thing, I love that you were almost as excited as she was and what I love most is that even in the middle of what was surely up to this point in her life, the best moment ever she took time to connect with her baby brother. AWESOME!!!!!!

  5. well done mummy! its a lovely car for a lovely person

  6. Awwww, great job daughter!! Great gift mom & dad!

  7. That was so awesome! I love when kids are so surprised when they are awarded for their hardwork. Tell her keep it up!

  8. Awww that was so sweet! I love it when kids are surprised when they are rewarded for their hardwork. Tell her keep it up.

  9. Awwww. You are just as excited as your daughter was. LOL
    Congrats to her for doing all the right stuff and being rewarded!

  10. KUDOSSSS! how wonderful to reward your daughter for her hard work. Many blessings to her. Ok I am getting teary eyeeeee! Congratulation to her!

  11. I don't really understand how you can possibly have an 18 year old daughter (YOUR. SKIN. IS. AMAZING.) but congrats!

  12. This is so fantastic! My parents did something similar for me when I turned 18. I was working and going to school, and they bought me a 1986 Toyota Camry. Lord, but I loved that car - even though it was 13 years old, it ran so well.

    New to the blog here (I'm a book blogger just turned 31 realizing my fashion has slowly begun to lack) and wanted to say you have a beautiful family!

  13. I cried! That was so incredibly awesome and proves how great and humble she is , you all are so blessed! Awesome and amazing parents I tell you. That must have been one of the greatest feelings in the world. I am truly touched. Thanks for sharing that. I just imagine how great it must feel to God to reward us His children. That was awesome!

  14. I know I couldn't have been THAT disciplined at 18. She definitely deserves it.

  15. I have a huge smile on my face after seeing this video. Congrats!

  16. How exciting, for both of you guys.

  17. That is such a blessing!!! I'm sure she is a very happy girl right now. Tell her to keep doing her thing...it will truly pay off in the end.

  18. How exciting for your daughter! Your son has gotten so big! I remember when he was just a cute, chubby little baby. Yes, I have been lurking a long while. LOL.

    Peace, GiGi

  19. Awww!!! And congrats to your daughter! And to you! It's so wonderful to see a parent reward their child for doing the right thing and working hard! We are planning to buy our son a car next year also!! I hope he is as excited!! :)

  20. That was so cute!!! Congrats to mom and dad for raising such a great girl!

  21. That is so awesome. I know she felt great as well as you and your husband. My daughter is graduating from HS this year and I can't wait to do this for her.

  22. Sweetest thing ever! Congrats. ...and I think your friend knows my friends, sounding like there's 50 people in the background. Had me dying! -Gretchen

  23. You guys obviously did a great job raising her. I know she was ecstatic!!

  24. Very cool!!

    Carsedra of:



  25. I love that you are rewarding her ROCKING it! Keep up the good work, both of you.

  26. What an awesome kid, she said "do you know what this means? I get to take you places!" That was so sweet

  27. Awww beautiful day for a beautiful family love that you share your life with us. Your daughter looks just like you...

  28. Wow!!! That's just awesome. I wish her the best, in all her endeavors.

  29. How very sweet! I'm sure she'll remember this day the rest of her life!

  30. Thats great. Believe or not, I have the same exact car as we speak,it's icy blue. My father bought it for me when I got my Drivers License at 19. It's a good running car,after five years still haven't cause any trouble. I'm so happy for her.

  31. Congrats to your daughter, she definitely deserved it! Loved watching the video, LOL, had a good laugh at your screaming friend.

  32. How exciting for both of you guys, and congratulations to your daughter.

  33. Beautiful family!! Congrats on the car its always great to see women ambitious about providing for themselves and not depending on others.

  34. Hi Mimi! What a great car!!! You have a 18, almost 19 years old girl? UAU! You are so young!!! :D Thank you for sharing this wonderful moment wit us! God protect your BEAUTIFUL and HARD WORKING daughter !!! Hapiness to you all!!! Kisses from Portugal, Helena Alves.

  35. Awwww congrats on the new ride! Saturn Sl2...that was my first car, ahhh the memories lol

  36. very cute when the two of you were jumping in the beginning. i love that she earned that car with hard work!

  37. WHT? You even have a teen? With that fit body....OK! I just came across you via google am going backwards with your post to get more inspiring juices from you!


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.