
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

$100 Giveaway!!! WOOT WOOT

Happy Hump Day! 
read below for details and links


The winner will be announced on SATURDAY Sept. 29th

Link to my Facebook page and subscribe links are in the sidebar.
There are 2 mandatory entries listed above but liking my Facebook page + sharing can help increase YOUR chances! You can share on Facebook or Twitter everyday until Friday at midnight. Don't forget to leave your name and check back here on Saturday to see if you won!!!

*if you live outside of the US you can enter but the Visa gift card will be sent digitally via email, 
it will not be mailed*

mimi g.


  1. I would love to win this gift card! I would use it to buy fabric and craft supplies to make Christmas gifts this year! I am going to DIY for everyone on my list! <3

  2. Hi Mimi, I have already subscribed and liked you on FB, so I have met those mandatory requirements. If I won the $100.0,0 I would use it to purchase all of your tutorials and to take a sewing class, and if anything is left, buy some more patterns. Patterns have been my acheles heel, so I am trying to use as many as I can to learn more. Have a great day.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I would love to win this card I need some fall clothing.

  5. I will buy some new fabric to make some cute tops for myself and my daughter for fall!

  6. I will spend the gift card on some fabulous fabrics and stunning patterns to kick off my DIY! Oh yes and of course a killer pair of shoes!

  7. I would use the $100 gift card toward buying a sewing machine to start my dream of making African Fabric printed clothing and accessories.



  8. I am starting a new career as a mental health counselor. I would use the money to buy several professional pieces since i currently don't own anything that says "business professional"

  9. If I won the $100 Visa gift card, I would pay to have my blog (shadespromakeup.blogspot.com) turned into a proper .com website where I could properly feature "My Style" and inspire others through my creativity.

  10. It would go to my "New Used Car Fund". My son was abused at day care so I began to homeschool him sacrificing making my own money and having to give up my care. Now that he is school age I have been struggling to get back into the workforce and saving to buy a car so that I can take him to school and participate in his PTA. It's painful to not be able to be hands on in his academic journey, but I know if I keep working at it, things will turn around for us...kelasia325@gmail.com


  12. Hi Mimi! I would use the $100 gift card to do some long overdue shopping, being a single parent, I always make sure my son is always dressed, so I would try to spruce up my wardrobe a little bit

  13. Keeping it real, I will pay my phone bill! :D

  14. What will I do with $100 gift card? Hmmm, let's see. Sept is the most expensive month for moms having to buy school supplies, school clothes, school pictures, etc. Multiply that times 5 for me. My birthday is Oct 4. I think if I got $100 gift card I would just have to spend it on me for my birthday gift to myself- maybe add a few pieces to my fall wardrobe.

  15. Oh forgot to mention, fb page is liked
    Romonia Mona Williams aaaand I subscribe to the blog =)

  16. How awesome!! Well, if I got the $100 I know for sure I'd try to get some things necessary for my potential business, as well as get a few clothing items (via thrifting to make every penny count!!). :) Thanks Mimi!

  17. With the $100 I would use it to invest in a sewing machine. I got laid off last year when I was 8 weeks pregnant and I haven't been able to afford the investmeant as of yet but I would love to be able to make clothes for myself and my daughter.

  18. Hello mimi g. I'm laready following you via google blogger and already have likfe your facebook page.
    If I was to win the $100 Visa card i would use to it to give myself a day of pamapering. Maybe a massage and then get my nails done or go shopping for more clothes :-)

  19. Wow! Congratulations on the pageviews! :)

    There are so many things I could do with this gift card! I most likely would use it to buy craft and sewing supplies so I can make Christmas gifts and more products to sell at the craft fair I'll be participating in November.

    I followed you via Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest as well!

    Good luck to everyone!

  20. With the $100 it would help out with many sewing projects I've been putting off due to not having extra $$ to spend on fabrics. So with that $100 I will spend it on fabrics, elastics, and thread. Along with purchasing a crafty project for my little one!
    Thank you!!

  21. Winter shopping for my girls, newborn, four and six years old.

  22. I would use the gift card to take a sewing class!

  23. I would buy my girls, 1 month, 4 & 6 yrs old, well needed fall/ winter clothing

  24. My name is Jemima McPherson and I would use the $100 to buy some much needed clothes and shoes for myself. I am a mother of two girls (5 and 2 years old) and most of my pay check goes towards making sure that they're good! I work 45-50 hours a week from my home office and hardly even have the time to go out so the outfit and shoes I buy would be used for a very special date night with my hubby who's birthday is coming up. With all of my current expenses like ballet, jazz, recent school supplies, organics (we try to eat as healthy as possible) I have had to sacrifice some of the extra's for me so this would be a nice surprise! Thanks for the opp!

  25. I would totally go buy myself a new pair of shoes! Lol.

  26. If I won the Visa Gift Card I would pay for some of my daughters college applications fees that are getting ready to break me. LOL!!

  27. Hi Mimi! If I won the $100, I would put it toward buying my daughter a new laptop for Christmas. She started college this year and I would like her to have a better performing laptop than what she has now.Have a stylish day!! ;-)

  28. Hey Mimi, I would love to be enter in the give away. If I win the $100.00, I would buy a sewing machine so that I can start sewing. You have really inspired me. My mom is a seamstress and could not do that. But you make it look easy and fun.

  29. Hi Mimi,
    This is a great giveaway. What I would do with $100 is to go shopping and/or invest in a sewing machine if my mother doesn't give up hers. Your blog has inspired me to start sewing.

  30. I would purchase my son a new suit....You see, this week is homecoming week and he was selected to represent his freshman football team for the homecoming court. Unfortunately, it came at a very inopportune time. My son and I compiled a 'fit' that will have him looking pretty daper however, I know he would have much rather had something new. Being the humble person he is, he grumbled not once. So although homecoming will be over, with a gift card, I would go ahead and purchase that suit. :-)....He is my first born and my BFF what can I say.

    Denise Booker

  31. Oh, how nice! Let's see, I would divide the $100 with my family of five. I will buy a pattern & fabric for myself, one toy for each of my kids(3) and a PS3 game for my hubby. Thanks! Good Luck to all!!

  32. I just starting working again and would use the gift card towards a new wardrobe for work..btarplain@gmail.com

  33. I would use the $100 to get your T-shirt Maxi Dress Tutorial. And your shoes have inspired me to do color. I need some blue suede shoes of my own! Love your blog! LEE LEE

  34. Id totally buy fabric or a serger

  35. With $100, i need a set of top and pant, i just got a pair of shoe and need outfit to complete the look.
    I already subscribed a month ago to your newsletter and also follow you on facebook.

  36. Yay!! congrats on your 1.4 million views, that is cray! if I won the $100 I honestly wouldnt spend it on myself, I'd use it to put towards a Brahmin bag that mom has had her eye on for awhile to surprise her!! She deserves that bag and im going to get it for her no matter what!!

  37. My daughter has wanted a sewing machine for a long time and due to challenging times, I have not been able to get her one. The $100 dollars can go towards getting her a sewing machine for her birthday which is Oct. 6.

  38. I'n going to buy your maxi skirt and t-shirt dress tutorials, and fabric to complete them!

  39. My daughter has wanted a sewing machine for a long time and due to challenging times, I have not been able to get her one. The $100 dollars can go towards getting her a sewing machine for her birthday which is Oct. 6.

  40. FABRIC,FABRIC,FABRIC!!! That's the first thing that came to mind. : )

  41. I would purchase some wool fabric for fall projects or put it towards a dress form.

  42. With the $100 Visa gift card I would be able to purchase my first sewing machine.

  43. I'd go shopping for clothes, of course!

  44. Hi Mimi.. I just started following you a couple weeks ago and I am in love with your style. Its very similar to mine. I have already liked your FB page and on Instagram lol. If I won...I more than likely would purchase some fabrics and patters because I just signed up for sewing lessons. I took lessons way back and used to sew things for myself but of course I need a refresher. You inspired me to do so and I am so glad I did it! Pulled out my old sewing machine too.. I'm so ready! lol

  45. I would be able to purchase my first sewing machine with the $100 Visa gift card.

  46. Hi Mimi.. I just started following you a couple weeks ago and I am in love with your style. Its very similar to mine. I have already liked your FB page and on Instagram lol. If I won...I more than likely would purchase some fabrics and patters because I just signed up for sewing lessons. I took lessons way back and used to sew things for myself but of course I need a refresher. You inspired me to do so and I am so glad I did it! Pulled out my old sewing machine too.. I'm so ready! lol

  47. i did follow all the rules . and i will buy winter cloths for me and my children.they need it .

  48. Hi Mimi! With $100, I would purchase a new sewing machine to replace my old one and then FINALLY call the sewing intructor I met in line at JoAnne's and tell her I'm ready to learn!

  49. I will take my kids to the fair on Sunday Sept 30. Neka Mizzadditude on your facebook page.

  50. Thanks for inspiring me to sew! I conquered my fear of the sewing machine and get excited to visit JoAnn's for fabric and patterns. I'd use the gift card to head to local fabrics stores on my trip to NYC. Can't wait to find non-chain fabrics and support local businesses.

  51. Everyone's giving away money RIGHT when I found the most luxurious Ralph Lauren wool for $40 friggin dollars a yard. :) That $100 would go a looooooooooong way to making me winter fabulous!

    Thanks Mimi! xoxoxoxoxo

  52. Mini, I would use the gift card to buy my t-shirts & have them screen printed with my business...walking advertisement is the best advertisement!:-)

  53. I would LOVE to win!!!! :0D I would get a sewing light!!! YES!!!!! I have already set up my area, and am ready to sew!!! It's been a long road, but now I can't wait to finish my long skirt. I have had it cut FOREVER!!! and I am making my oldest's Christmas dress!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. Im just learning to sew and am hooked. I would buy some fun fabric, but this time it would be to make something for myself. Oh the possibilities :)

  55. If I win the gift card, I will buy a faux leather, black motorcycle jacket. Thanks!

  56. I'm pregnant now and would love to use the card for my first POST baby POST pregnancy weight shopping spree. I figure I will be back in shape around summer 2013, just in time for our trip to Maui. I'm thinking a nice two-piece?

  57. I already like you on FB and subscribe! :)

  58. OMG. $100. Well this may be a bit sad because am skint but I would buy a whole heap of supplies I need for sewing, ie a see thru ruler, varyform curve ruler, bias binding maker, wonder tape. All things like that. Make-up to cheer me up, have only been able to afford cheap stuff off eBay, so would love a nice cream blusher, mascara and nail varnish. I would also treat myself to a bottle of perfume. These things would cheer me up heaps.

  59. I would invest in the starter sewing machine that I saw in Walmart. My girls love to put things together and until i stumbled upon your blog, I never thought much about trying to sew... It can be something that my 2 little girls and I can share together.

  60. I would use the $100 to put towards buying either my vintage louis bag or Michael Kors hamilton bag that I have been dreaming about for a while.

  61. Hello Mimi
    My name is Esther Torres and you can contact me at hesthergts@yahoo.com YOu have been a breath of fresh air my girls and I. I just became a single mother, living temporarily with a friend; so I know that with 100 dollars I can get my girls some neccesities. Because of your blog I have been inspired to start sewing so the 100 can be used for that also. You an inspiration of a strong peruto rican woman should be. Boricuas siempre. Gracias.

  62. I would invest in the starter sewing machine that I saw in Walmart. My girls love to put things together and until i stumbled upon your blog, I never thought much about trying to sew... It can be something that my 2 little girls and I can share together.

  63. I would buy shoes. My wardrobe need revamping!

  64. I would invest more money to the $100 gift card, finally by a sewing machine and get down to business. I would love to donate some of "my" clothes to help the less fortunate:-)

  65. If I win I want to take sewing and jewelry lessons. It has always been a dream of mine to make my own clothes and jewelry.

  66. I will definitely use it to buy me a used sewing machine on Amazon. Im so excited to learn how to sew. All thanks to you Mimi!!!

  67. Hi Mimi! As much as I love fashion, I wouldnt use it for that....this time. I'd love to go home and take my grandmother to treat her to something nice. I dont get to see my family often, and do to past events, some of us arent cloae at all...that breaks my grandmothers heart. Im single and hv to work a lot so splurging is never in the cards for me. My nana helped raise me since my mom was a teen mom, so she's a mother to me too. Just wanna see her smile :) ~LaRhonda~

  68. If I win I will use the money to take sewing and jewelry lessons. It has always been a dream of mine to make my own clothes and jewelry.

  69. POW***Mimi you are the best :) I would definitely go shopping for some cords at the GAP!

  70. I wanna enter... but I hate facebook with a passion and don't have an account. :-(

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. My sister is getting married in a month, I would take the gift card and buy her a fabulous outfit to wear on her honeymoon trip in Los Cabos, Mexico!!!

  73. Mimi,
    If i win the gift card it would go towards fabric for dresses for my little princess. Of course getting a bit of fabric for me as well. Love your blog

  74. I will buy ALL of your patterns. Being on a tight budget means I have not been able to afford them (yes I know they're extremely reasonably priced but that's how tight the budget is). And I'll try to get something nice for the hubs too, can't splurge on myself only :)

  75. I am a fashion design student in my last year of college. We have a fashion show coming up and I want my entry to be the best I have ever created. The foundation to a great design is great fabric and as a broke college student, lol, I rarely have the means to buy anything of quality; therefore, I would use the $100 Visa gift card to buy just that! Great fabrics and other necessary things to bring my vision to life and finish out my college career with a bang!

  76. This is awesome and you are awesome. Keep doing what you are doing!! I look forward to checking out your blog everyday and this was a pleasant surpise to see you giving! You are truly blessed and blessing others. Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

  77. would get my mum a birthday present...........

  78. Hello MimiG!

    I would take $30.00 of it and buy more tutorials from you. With the remaining $70.00, I would buy fabric!!!!! I have fell in love with ponteroma and the jersey knit and I would say I am kind of addicted to sewing and I've started a week ago on Tuesday. Thank you for even thinking of sharing your talent and being available to help us. It is definitely appreciated!!! My friends told me I must have sewn before and I'm not telling them lol.

  79. I will buy fabric with the $100. Thank you for this giveaway. I liked you on facebook and signed up via email to follow you. I also follow you on pinterest.

  80. Wow! Congratulations!! If I won the $100 gift card I would SHOP, SHOP, SHOP!

  81. I would use it to take my mom to see a show (Circque Du Soleil) for her birthday. :)

  82. Ohhhh, if I had $100 I would put it towards a fly new pair of booties :)
    (I also already follow your blog through my Google reader)

  83. I'm buying these ridiculous shoes from Zara!!!! They are similar to the ones that came out this past summer that everyone went crazy over..


  84. I would apply it towards a new sewing machine, I hadn't sewn in a while and my God-sister borrowed my machine and burnt it out! She has been so good to me, I didn't ask her to replace it. Mimi G, after discovering your site, You and your fabulous daughter have made me want to sew again, so I can make some fabulous bell bottom pants!!!!!!

  85. I subscribe by GFC and liked you on facebook. I would put the $100 into my sewing machine fund! :)

  86. Wow! Over a million views?! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Most of them are from me, I'm sure. I would use half of the gift card to fund my account at my sewing classes in DC and use the other half to purchase your tutorials.

  87. I would put it towards a sewing machine!!!

  88. With the $100 I would buy some fabric... My mother sent me your blog two weeks ago, since then, I bought (2) tutorials and have been inspired to sew again after 5 years.

  89. When I win (being optimistic) the $100, I will buy all accessories. Before I discovered MIMI I did not know how much accessories could enhance an outfit. Now, I know I have a lot of catching up to do ;)

  90. If I win the gift card I am going to take myself shopping for my birthday Oct. 20th. i will be 42! This would be a wonderful present! shoes, accessories, etc!!!!

  91. I'd love to use the giftcard to get some new fabric, thread, needles and accessories bc I love love LOVE sewing and making clothes for my family and myself but in all honestly I would probably use most of it towards our house payment or groceries. My father in law passed 2 weeks ago and we have no idea how we're going to stay in our house with our growing family ( we have another boy due.in March!!: ) ) and mother in law. I'm in no way trying to play the pity card just being completely honest with what I'd do with the giftcard. I do know that I would take a small portion and buy as much fleece fabric as I could and make some comfy Pjs for my family. We love being cozy and snuggling and sometimes staying in our Pjs all day. :) your give aways are so awesome, you seem like such a sweet woman and love what you do. I.love following you and seeing what you come up with and make.

  92. I'd love to use the giftcard to get some new fabric, thread, needles and accessories bc I love love LOVE sewing and making clothes for my family and myself but in all honestly I would probably use most of it towards our house payment or groceries. My father in law passed 2 weeks ago and we have no idea how we're going to stay in our house with our growing family ( we have another boy due.in March!!: ) ) and mother in law. I'm in no way trying to play the pity card just being completely honest with what I'd do with the giftcard. I do know that I would take a small portion and buy as much fleece fabric as I could and make some comfy Pjs for my family. We love being cozy and snuggling and sometimes staying in our Pjs all day. :) you're giveaways are awesome and I think its great what you do. I love following you and seeing what you come up with and create.

  93. I would use it to purchase luxurious fabric for my living room drapes and have them up in time for Christmas. I've been wanting to get something unique that screams elegance and opulence but I didn't have the budget. The gift card would help tremendously!

  94. Money up for grabs...and so many creative places to put it!!!

    Let me think...if I win I'm going to do something for myself. As a mom you know how that is(no complaints, we do it because we love them!). I'm torn between putting towards my "big girl" sewing machine($499) or go to the mall a purchases a staple piece for fall.

    Either way this contest is an amazing opportunity. Thank for inspiring us to think outside the box. Whether we take your style and build on it or we're motivated to come outside of ourselves and create our own I think we all would agree that you've had a hand in it!

    Thanks Mimi G.!!!

  95. This would be an awesome 42nd birthday gift. I would tkae myself shopping

  96. Easy...I would put it towards the purchase of a new sewing machine. The one I am using is over 20yrs old and is a brand that doesn't even exist anymore. :/
    Then I could start working on the tutorials that I have already purchased from you :)

  97. I would get something like a nice blazer for my fall wardrobe. I have not bought any staple clothes in almost 3 years for my fall wardrobe.

  98. If I win the $100 gift card would go toward the purchase of my serger

  99. I would buy a staple item like a blazer for my fall wardrobe. I have not bought anything really nice for my fall wardrobe in a couple of years.

  100. I would love to win. I plan to enter the world of sewing and I've already priced my sewing machine at Wally World. I can't tell you how many times I read your blogs or check out you face book page thinking..............I can do this. This gift card would really be a great help.

  101. Afternoon Mimi,
    if i won the giftcard, i would purchase coats for an upcoming coat drive to help the less fortunate.
    PS-i love your blog. it's inspired me to try new things..

  102. I would buy me one thing I want and get school uniforms for my son. Jacque Monroe

  103. I would get my sewing machine serviced. Then I would buy a few of your skirt tutorials. After that I would sew like a busy bee and wow! would I look good when the projects are complete.

    How nice you are to share with your viewers - Thanks MimiG

  104. I would take the money to purchase the rest of my daughters band supplies for school. This is her first year in band and it has been expensive getting all of her things.

  105. I would take the money to purchase the rest of my daughters band supplies for school. This is her first year in band and it has been expensive getting all of her things.

  106. Hello congratulations on your success. First I will pay 10% to the Kingdom.... The remaining 90.00 I will buy items to get started with my sewing, and put it towards a sewing machine.

  107. I would buy some tutorials from you and purchase fabric to create a personalized look for myself. I am on a journey to a new me! Body, Soul and Spirit! (In Christ of course!!!)

  108. Bless the Kingdom with 10%, and the remaining I will put towards my first sewing machine, because you are such an inspiration. Congratulations on your success!

  109. Awesome giveaway - thanks for the opportunity.

    If I win I'd send it to my sister-in-law and tell her to do something nice for herself.

  110. Hello Mimi!! I would be thrilled if I can win that $100 giftcard. I recently finished a Beginner's Sewing class and I am super stoked to start sewing a few pieces on my own. I have one month of free access to the sewing studio at my school. I recently purchased the maxi w/sash tutorial from you, as well as these patterns: New Look 6123 Misses' Dress, Vogue V1314 Misses' Dress, and B7195 Burda Style Pants. The current issue is that now I need to get some fabric! lol Please help. I currently already follow your FB page, twitter account, just subscribed to received email, and just signed up for rss feeds on google reader. I love fashion and spend loads of time browsing the web looking for inspiration. Either way, thanks for your blog! It's pretty darn fab!

  111. I would use the money for a couple outfits to wear at job interviews!

    following you on Instagram @tabisadelta
    Kamilah on fb

  112. I would use the $100 towards a sewing machine, so I can stop drooling at your creations and start creating some of my own.

  113. Hi Mimi,

    I'd buy some shoes!

  114. I would use it to buy the last items I want for my trip to Miami in a couple of weeks.

  115. Hello Mimi!! I would be thrilled if I can win that $100 giftcard. I recently finished a Beginner's Sewing class and I am super stoked to start sewing a few pieces on my own. I have one month of free access to the sewing studio at my school. I recently purchased the maxi w/sash tutorial from you, as well as these patterns: New Look 6123 Misses' Dress, Vogue V1314 Misses' Dress, and B7195 Burda Style Pants. The current issue is that now I NEED to get some FABRIC! lol Please help. I currently already follow your FB page, twitter account, just subscribed to received email, and just signed up for rss feeds on google reader. I love fashion and spend loads of time browsing the web looking for inspiration. Either way, thanks for your blog! It's pretty darn fab! -Taahira

  116. I would use it to buy the last items I want for my trip to Miami in a couple of weeks.

  117. I would high tail it to Hancock Fabrics and buy nothing for sewing notions and supplies, stuff I never dreamed of buying but I will just to try new sewing projects.

  118. I absolutely love love love your style. I've subscribed to your FB for a while now & love to see what new fashion you will have on. I can't sew to say my life, I tried many years ago & sucked!!! My mom who is a phenomenal seamstress LOL, @ me when she tried to teach me because I almost sewed my fingeers together. But despite all that I am a fashion junkie, and surprisingly this junkie would not spend the money on herself! I know utter shock!!! If I was to win, I'd spend the money on my 17 yr old son, who is a senior in highschool and has mad style & swag like me!:-) The only problem is, he won't say when he needs new clothes because he's seen me sacrifice for so long, that he now sacrifices for me! So if I was to win, I'd let him use the money to increase his closet & not my own.

  119. Hey mommy (:I would use $30 and buy you jewelry at forever 21 , & then use the $70.00 to buy FABRIC !!!!! WOOHOOOO!
    (ps. mine shouldn't count lol , I just wanted to do it!)

  120. Hi Mimi,
    I am soooo NOT surprised because YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!
    Well, if I won the $100 Visa Gift Card, I would buy a rotary cutting mat, rotary cutter and a ruler, which I so desperately need.

  121. Hi MimiG. Congratulations with this milestone! Since a couple of weeks I am a follower of your blog, I joined because of the beautiful Tracy Reese dress (Vogue 1314). I have liked you on facebook.
    I would spend it on presents for Sint-Nicholas eve (December 5) en my daughter's birthday (December 6).

  122. Hey mommy (:I would use $30 and buy you jewelry at forever 21 , & then use the $70.00 to buy FABRIC !!!!! WOOHOOOO!
    (ps. mine shouldn't count lol , I just wanted to do it!)

    1. LOL!! why are you on here, you are supposed to be doing homework!!

    2. I had to check your blog ,mom ... daily routine!! LOL

  123. Dear Mimi,
    First of all CONGRATULATIONS on your increased traffic/followers. ;)

    As for the giveaway, I would be so grateful to win the $100.00 prize your sponsoring. I have been looking to purchase a sewing table due to me presently situation of having to clear the dining room table just to sew in which case with the size of the table it does not allow for any room whatsoever when constructing your garment together. If I was the winner, I would use the prize money to purchase a table immediately so I can sew longer and with some much need ease truly enjoy sewing more. This is a wonderful giveaway - thank you for sponsoring.

    Best Regards always Mimi - Lisa (lamotoguzzi@yahoo.com)

  124. Hi Mimi. I've been a follower of yours from the beginning. I love what you do and I am so glad that you unselfishly share your wonderful talent and love of fashion with so many. Win or lose, I committed until you close your blog down.
    I have been unemployed since February. Not having disposable income to spend on a few yards of fabric just because it would give me pleasure to do so can be a bit depressing. Not that I need any more fabric in my life. LOL. All things considered, I am doing okay. If I won this generous giveaway, I would buy a fabulous pair of shoes in either magenta, cobalt blue or emerald green. Yes, I would be absolutely frivolous!

  125. Pam...socalfem08@yahoo.comSeptember 26, 2012 at 11:56 AM

    Hey Mimi,
    I would love to buy fabric to make more of your tutorials !
    I have made several tops and maxi skirt for my daughter, but now it's my time : ) for me.!
    I have you on my Facebook and subscribe to your blog, love you Mimi !!
    Pick me hehehehe

  126. Hi Mimi. I've been a follower of yours from the beginning. I love what you do and I am so glad that you unselfishly share your wonderful talent and love of fashion with so many. Win or lose, I committed until you close your blog down.
    I have been unemployed since February. Not having disposable income to spend on a few yards of fabric just because it would give me pleasure to do so can be a bit depressing. Not that I need any more fabric in my life. LOL. All things considered, I am doing okay. If I won this generous giveaway, I would buy a fabulous pair of shoes in either magenta, cobalt blue or emerald green. Yes, I would be absolutely frivolous!

  127. Congrats on your success! Love your blog :)
    I would use the Visa gift card to buy new clothes.
    I'm a recent grad and looking for my first job in news reporting.

  128. I would use to buy much needed supplies to start my business. I am a military wife in Cali with a fashion degree and I want to utilize it. I am only 25 and I need to get more stable in my career. I have to little boys and I want them to see mommy grow.Plus my birthday is tomorrow so this would be an awesome gift!

  129. When I win ;)the $100.00 gift card I am going shopping! Point Blank!!

  130. Hi MiMi

    If I was selected to win the $100, I would use the money to put towards my first sewing machine. I have been pricing machines, and looking up classes in my area. You have definitely been an inspiration for me to LEARN how to sew.

  131. I'm a new mom so my baby comes first 50-60% of it will be spent on my son. I mean you can't have too many diapers, outfits or breast-milk storage bags lol. Plus whatever else he needs. And you know I can't neglect myself so maybe a pair of shoes, one or two hair products, maybe a few pieces of clothing. Or maybe a pattern from you because I'm in love with the maxi skirt with a sash. But then again, IDK if I would have time to make it so I think all in all I would just head to the mall...no some online stores since its kind tedious to bring a 4 month old to the mall! Either way it will be spend properly (^_^)

  132. Hello Mimi. Since I am a fashion marketing major, I would use 50.00 to apply for my bachelors degree in fashion design then I would use the remaining to purchase your tutorials. I really enjoy your site and your daughters site. Both of you guys really inspire me my sister introduced me to your site a few weeks back and ever since then I have been making skirts pants and shirts. Thank you and continue to inspire people around the world. Grace &Peace

  133. This is awesome! I would buy a new pair of skinnies. I probably spend the rest of fabric and make a few fantastic garments to go with my new skinnies. Thanks for doing this!

  134. Hi MimiG! I liked your Facebook page and subscribed to your blog by email. It would be a true blessing to win the $100 gift card. I would invest it in my jewelry business, Dream Jewelry to purchase more product and expand my brand to assist my mother. My mom is part of the reason I started the business she needs assistance due to her mental illness. Thank you! I hope I am the winner! :-)

  135. First, I'd like to say that I am glad I found you because I use to follow you on YT. Second, congrats! Hmmm, with the $100 gift card I'd finally start the clothes I have patterns for. One is this dress that I wanna make, another is leggings for my daughter, away at college. *sniff sniff*

  136. Hi MiMiG.
    I liked your Facebook page and subscribed to your blog by email. I would love to win the $100 gift card so I can invest it in my jewelry business, Dream Jewelry. I would purchase more product and use it for advertising in an effort to broaden my reach. My main goal is to assist my mother who suffers from a mental illness. She was my motivation to start my business! I hope I win! Stay fabulous!

  137. First, I'd like to say that I am glad I found you because I use to follow you on YT. Second, congrats! Hmmm, with the $100 gift card I'd finally start the clothes I have patterns for. One is this dress that I wanna make, another is leggings for my daughter, away at college. *sniff sniff*

  138. First, I'm glad I found you since after YouTube I couldn't find ya! Second congrats! Last, hmmmm, with $100 gift card I'd finally make the clothes I have patterns for. One is this really cute dress, and the other is leggings for my daughter, away at college. Thanks for having this giveaway!

  139. I would buy new black slacks for the fall. Basics... gotta have 'em

  140. I would finally buy myself something and not the little 3 buggers that call me mommy!!! :)

  141. Congratulations on your milestone!! I would use the $100 to treat myself to some new clothes and shoes. Being a single mother I always do stuff for everyone else and would use the money to do something for myself. Mrs. Mimi, you are truly an inspiration!!
    P.S. I saw your husband on a TV show I think the Mentalist last week and was so happy for your family. Much Success.

  142. I would use a $100 gift card to buy a sewing machine so I could start doing some DIY. Besides sarting to make clothes like you (you have shown me that it's not as hard as I always thought), I would also make some drapes and floor cushions for my new apartment (I'm living alone for the first time ever!)

  143. Hi Mimi,

    Congrats for the success!!! I so enjoy reviewing your blog everyday. Your style has truly been an inspiration to me because as a mother of a two year old girl I am always on the go and just don't take the time to put pieces together. With your blog I've become inspired and the simplest things as adding a ring or bracelet to my wardrobe has brighten up my day! What I would do with the money selfishly is get a massage. Take some much deserved me time so I can be as good as new for everyone around me.

    Sophie S.

  144. Congratulations on your milestone! Being a single mother I'm always doing things for everyone else that I forget to do something for me. I would take the money and buy me a new fall outfit and shoes. You are truly an inspiration!

  145. Hi Corricia Wade here. 21 years old. Found out from PNP on facebook. First I will pay my tithes and offering! Then I will buy a few Fall/winter items for myself and whoever I think needs something because I love surprising others! My lovely mom's 50th birthday is coming up so she will definitely be in that number!!

  146. Congradulations on the 1.4 million followers !!!!

    If I won the money I would put it towards a small anniversary vacation. We've been going through so much in 2 months that a small vacation would be a breath of fresh air. Every time we've been saving up for a vacation things have been hitting us left and right.

  147. Hi Mimi! I would use $100.00 to purchase fabrics from the sources you have provided online and build on my DIY closet!

  148. I would use it towards the purchase of a sewing machine. You have really inspired me to want to sew.

  149. I am Kinia Johnson. If i won a $100 visa gift card i will give it to a friend that's less fortune. I am currently in University and everyday i meet lots of unfortunate people. i am a humanitarian and a philanthropist. I thank god for meeting these people because it teaches me to appreciate what i have and to share.

  150. Well, I'm going to Mood in NYC on October 6th, so it would definitely get used up there!!

  151. Oh Mommy, I mean Mimi, when I win the $100 gift card I will be going to the B&J Fabrics here in NY to buy a nice lightweight wool for the jacket I want to make for the fall season!

  152. Oh Mommy, I mean Mimi, when I win the $100 gift card I will be going to the B&J Fabrics here in NY to buy a nice lightweight wool for the jacket I want to make for the fall season!

  153. Congrats Mimi! I would love to use the gift card on some sewing essentials, but being on a single mom budget I believe it would be best saved & used for the upcoming holidays on my beautiful little 6yr old! Thanks for sharing in your accomplishment!

  154. Hi Mimi, I would use the $100 gift card to go towards buying my first ever sewing machine. Since visiting/following your website I have been so inspired to start sewing.

  155. I have been toying with the idea of sewing my own clothes for a while now, when I came across your lovely DIY maxi + DIY wrap top, I decided I'm MUST start sewing! I researched a sewing class at the local college that is $105 and I'm signing up. If I won the gift card, the money would go towards the beginning of my DIY addiction. A big thank you to sharing your photos and inspiring me to finally take the plunge.

  156. Hi Mimi! I'm a new follower, and I love your posts. I would use the $100 to buy fabric and notions to make some clothes (and maybe a purse) for myself! I recently found a pattern on ebay for a knit cardi that you've reviewed which I just love, and now all I need is to get my hands on some fabric to make some. I also have high hopes to get better with my sewing so I can do more advanced clothing like pants - some of the pants you've shown on your blog which you've made have really inspired me.

  157. i remember when i found your page a few months ago! So happy for you! love your style and continue the good work! God bless!

    i would definitely use the card to amp up my fall wardrobe! Materials and more to finally make the pieces i've been loving but on a budget!
    thank you!

  158. Hey Mimi! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog, so I'm not surprised that you have so many fans! You've inspired me to dust off my sewing machine and get back into it. Thank you so much for that. I found you on Pinterest and have read every single entry (it took me 2 weeks lol). If I won the $100, I would put it towards a Coach bag for my birthday. PLEASE keep blogging! xoxo

  159. Hey Mimi! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog, so I'm not surprised that you have so many fans! You've inspired me to dust off my sewing machine and get back into it. Thank you so much for that. I found you on Pinterest and have read every single entry (it took me 2 weeks lol). If I won the $100, I would put it towards a Coach bag for my birthday. PLEASE keep blogging! xoxo

  160. I would use the gift card for fabric and shoes!!!!

  161. I would use the gift card for fabric and shoes!!!

  162. If I won I would use the money to buy a sewing machine. Along with your DIY tutorials I will use it to help the Group Home that i work for start a class for the women who are interested in sewing. The women here are around my age (30) but because they're on limited fixed incomes due to their mental health they cannot always afford to buy new clothes. They always admire the way I look and I wish that I could help them. I think this would be an excellent way to show them how to value what they have and let them know that they could still be stylish even on a budget. Our self image is heavily rooted in how we look and winning this gift card would go miles in helping improve the image of these women.

  163. If I won I would use the money to buy a sewing machine. Along with your DIY tutorials I will use it to help the Group Home that i work for start a class for the women who are interested in sewing. The women here are around my age (30) but because they're on limited fixed incomes due to their mental health they cannot always afford to buy new clothes. They always admire the way I look and I wish that I could help them. I think this would be an excellent way to show them how to value what they have and let them know that they could still be stylish even on a budget. Our self image is heavily rooted in how we look and winning this gift card would go miles in helping improve the image of these women.

  164. Viewing your facebook page and your blog has inspired me so much, i have a new found love for fashion n i would love to pursue a career in fashion in the future. If I won I would definately use it the gift card to change up my mom's and I wardrobe... inspired by you MimiG :)

  165. I would take the $100 and join the gym, which will help me towards my weight lose goal. I amm on a journey of rebuilding my confidence and switching my style towards your direction, because you inspire me.

  166. I love your blog and check it every morning at work. Your DIYs are absolutely inspirational! If I won the gift card I would put it towards my sewing machine!!

    Keep blogging!!

  167. I love your blog and check it every morning at work. Your DIYs are absolutely inspirational! If I won the gift card I would put it towards my sewing machine!!

    Keep blogging!!

  168. I would use the $100 to join the gym to help work towards my weight lose goals. I am in a rebuilding of my cifidence stage and switching my style in your direction, because you inspire me. I love your blog and style!!!


  169. Hi Mimi! I love your blog and started following it when I came across it FB via Fashion Plus. I love your style and your DIYs are inspirational.

    I have been eyeing a sewing machine so I can start a few pieces myself, that's what I would put the gift card too! a new sewing machine!!

    I wish you much success and keep, keep blogging!!

  170. Hey MiMi,

    As much as I would love to start a new wardrobe for the fall, I would use the money to put groceries in my neighbors house for her children and use the rest to help her pay a bill.


  171. I would use it by fabric and supplies. I received a sewing machine for Christmas, but have been too intimidated by it to really use it for anything. So it's sat collecting dust since then. But I watched your tutorial for the skirt and decided, surely a hem would not do me in. The hem is far from perfect, but I did it. I realized I afraid of a lot of things, but you have personally influenced my new mantra for life. "I'm no longer afraid anymore".

  172. Hi Mimi,
    I have recently started reading your blog and following you on facebook, so this is pretty exciting now to be able to win a gift card. I first saw your meet up on you tube and I got hooked. I made a maxi from a regular dress pattern I had because of your videos. I have been inspired and I thank you for that. If I won the gift card I would actually buy some fabric of my choice since everything I have has been given to me to learn with and I feel so guilty going out and buying new while I have this to use lol.
    I wouldn't feel guilty if I had a gift card!

  173. Hi Mimi,
    First of all I would like to say thank you for being such an inspiration to many. As a young girl growing up my mom would make clothing for my sister and I. Over the course of my life my mom has conquered many illnesses ranging from 3 back surgeries, brain surgery, 16 year breast cancer survivor and a recent overcomer of 2 strokes in less than month. My mom has always been my inspiration and though she does sew anymore due to vision and mobile complications from the strokes, it would be an honor to honor her sewing hobby by learning to sew. If I win the gift card I would definitely purchase your tutorials and purchase fabrics. My mom still has her machine and has given the rights to use to perfect something that she loved to do so much.

  174. woot! woot! love this blog. started sewing again after almost a 20 yr hiatus so I would use the money as a downpayment on my serger!

  175. AAAAAAhhhh.... Sure wish I could win! I would definitely use it to buy my sewing machine that I am saving up for...Thanks!

  176. AAAAhhhhh... I would use it to buy my sewing machine that I have been saving up for...Hopefully I win!Thanks!

  177. I would order the skirt that is bright yellow, with the pockets and bow, I love it! I already subscribed :)

  178. 1st off let me say huge congrats on 1.4 million views!!
    I'd put the $100 towards opening my online shop. I'd buy supplies for the bags I plan to make and sell.

  179. BTW...I'm following you on Bloglovin
    Thanks for the giveaway (^_^)

  180. I would definitely get my two sisters something extra nice for Christmas, especially the older of the two, my mum, is a single mother of three and I know she can't do everything and can't give us everything she would want to. My sisters are teenagers, and "girly girls" so I know at times they can only want, but can't get. So that would be my gift to them, as big sis. THERE IS NOTHING MORE SATISFYING THAN GIVING AND SEEING THE LOOK OF HAPPINESS ON SOMEONE'S FACE.

  181. Hi Mimi!!! I woulud use the $100 toward a new sewing machine that I have been eyeing for a while. I have an old singer model now that I used to learn on but it would be graet to have a new one that's not failing apart. LOL

  182. Thanks to my mother who I’ve inherited a gift and fashion for DIY clothes. After seen all your skillful ideas and tricks to bring new life to old clothes I thank you. If I won’t the $100 I would invest it on my daughter’s clothes since she’s growing everyday sum clothes doesn’t fit her in a few weeks. As well as doing a few adjustments in my clothes as well :) thank you again and keep blogging.

  183. Hey Mimi!!! I found you on Pintrest a few months back and I just LOVE eveything that you do. I was one of those lucky enough to order the Maxi skirt w/sash and you were very accomidating and professional. I wish you continued success.

    If I won the $100 Visa gift card I would use it to purchase supplies so I can finally use the sewing machine that you inspired me to buy. My husband and I are in the process of adopting and I would love to make some dresses for my new baby girl who will be born soon.

  184. Hi Mimi! Love your blog it has inspired me to start sewing again. Love the fact you are giving away $$. I would use this money toward gifts for the the kids I am sponsoring in foster care for Christmas.

    Happy Sewing!


  185. Congrats are in order for breaking a million page views! Definitely a reflection of how great your blog is.

    If I win the $100 giftcard, I will put that money towards some fly fall knee length boots.

  186. Mimi, believe it or not, it is my birthday today and I know what i would do with the $100.00. Buy more fabric for my stash and patterns, and anything sewing related until I had exhausted it and then some.
    I already subscribe to your thread and I do not have facebook. I do follow you on Pinterest, Twitter, and Google currents though.

  187. Oh yeah, and I would go to the sewing expo that is going to be in Kansas City in two weeks.

  188. If I won the money I would buy some supplies for my son's Head Start class (50.00) and spend the rest on myself at Goodwill.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.