
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

OOTD: Gap Squares and Wiggles + Say Hello to My Braces!

Hi Darlings! if you watched the video in yesterdays post you saw that I was headed to the ortho to get my braces put on ;-) and let me just say that you guys are great and gave me a wealth of feedback and advice so thank you. I have been wanting to do this for years and so I feel great.

I didn't have any pain after until I went to floss before bed and then HOLY HELL that hurt! I woke up today pretty achy and it hurt to brush my teeth. They feel SO strange and the rubbing against the inside of my mouth is a bit annoying but like with all things I will get use to it. Thanks again for the support and I cant wait to share the progress with you guys! I kept my look simple yesterday since I knew I was heading to the dentist and wore pink because it always makes me feel happy and relaxed, LOL
Oh! I also wanted to give you a sneak peak at what is on my sewing table for this week (pic at bottom)

Hello Brace Face!
It's awesome how you hardly see them! woot

Gap Shirt (similar) HERE or HERE / Gap Sweater HERE / Gap Jeans HERE / F21 Pink Necklace / Pink/Red Sunnies (old) similar HERE Love THESE / Hot Pink Coach Bag HERE

Up Next...

This fabric is AMAZING!!!! I can't wait to get started. You can find the fabric HERE while it lasts.
I am going to cut it out tomorrow and hopefully have it done this weekend.


  1. i hope your mouth feels better.. i love the pink bag. I just realized your never answered my email. hmmm.. feel better soon

  2. Congratulations on making that big step. I had braces in high school after the first week or so, it only hurt when they were tightened. Then it was only for a day or so when I bit into something. Anywho, I can't wait to see what you do with the jacket.

  3. Hey MiMi the link for the jeans didn't work and I was wondering what style those were on the Gap website. Love your looks girl!

  4. Funny, I just got my braces off yesterday! holy guacamoley getting them off hurt more than having them on! do yourself a favor and stay away from staining foods i.e. curry anything (cumin is not your friend unless it is the day before your appointment) coffee, soda and red wine will lightly stain the bands. but with all that said, I am so glad I did it! good luck brace face ;-)

  5. You will get used to them and forget they are there. I had braces and mine weren't as nice as yours lol.

  6. Cute look! That shade of pink especially is a great pick-me up color!

    Loving that boucle! If I wasn't 17 projects behind, I'd beg you for a sew- along (just broke down and bought some for a "Chanel" type jacket) Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!

  7. Can not wait to see you finished project and great smile!

  8. Congrats Mimi,

    I had METAL braces into late 20's... I totally looked forward to the colored bands! Enjoy it, the time will go by fast :)


  9. The clear braces are the best! I had them in high school. I love your outfit...very cute sweater & accessories! Feel better :-)


  10. Another great look! I spotted this sweater at the Gap and it did not excite me. I wish I had your eye!

    Also, I want to say "thank you" for turning my attention back to the Gap. I had not shopped there in years, but seeing your jeans in previous posts sparked my curiousity. The 1969 Curvy Boot are awesome! They really fit all the curves. I bought three pairs. Thanks again. :-)

  11. It's exciting that you're finally getting braces after wanting them for so long. That jacket's going to be amazing. Love the pattern mixing in today's outfit.

  12. You're so cute with your braces, and I'm glad it went well. I'm loving the print sweater over the plaid, and the pink is a great touch.

  13. Mimi, the braces look cute! I just got Invisalign last week at age 39 so it's never too late to correct something that bothers you about you. Good luck!

  14. Love the outfit! I can't wait to see your jacket. I have that pattern but haven't done anything with it (as usual, LOL).

  15. Love that look! Squares and wiggles, hehe. You are helping me venture out and mix patterns - like it!! Love that cuff and the purse (faint, again!!) Your braces look lovely. Feel better!

  16. This look is so chic, I always love pink on you. soothes your skin color.
    And that nail polish color OMG I want it. love it.

  17. Your smile will be even more beautiful!! Thanks for sharing with us

  18. Congrats girl!!!! yeah braces hurt like a mofo but its all worth it in the end. It doesn't look like you'll have yours on for long tho you already ahd a beautiful smile.

    P.s. NEW follower here and first time posting. A friend of mine sent me your blog last week and since then I have been all up and THROUGH your blog..LOL! Let me just say THANK YOU for sharing your great style and for your tutorials! You are WORKING IT!

    Keep up the great work!

    Pretty Girl Rock Blog

  19. I would say how long i have had braces put on and off for but that's to embarrassing i guess that's why i hate them and want them off but when i do get them off for good my teeth will be perfect :) hope your braces experience will be better than mine mimi :)

  20. I love your site! Make sure you don't get "glow in the dark" bands because they look like yellow gunk in your teeth. Bleah!

    Also, Kanka. Kanka was my best friend when I had braces. Whenever they would start to rub, I'd put Kanka on the laceration. It takes away the pain and it's an anticeptic.

  21. That’s the spirit, Mimi! Believe that you’ll get used to having your braces ‘cos you will! You’ll be wearing it for quite some time, after all. How long did your orthodontist say? When your teeth become properly aligned and you have to remove the braces, it will be just another phase of adjustment, only easier than before. :D

  22. I commend you for being so optimistic about the braces, despite the pain they're causing you. I know it's strange now because you're just starting, but you'll get used to them and the routine it takes to maintain them and make sure that they're doing their job. Do you know how long you'll need to wear your braces, and if you'll need retainers afterwards?


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.