*This post is sponsored by Special K
Today I am gonna share with you something that is really important to me and has always been a point of discussion on my blog. When Special K offered me an opportunity to share their latest campaign "Fight Fat Talk" I knew I had to participate. Special K and Tyra Banks have joined forces to help change the way we women often criticize our bodies.
I have always been an advocate of empowering each other, motivating each other and being kind to one another, but sometimes the person we need to be the most encouraging, motivating and kind to is OURSELVES. Unfortunately, according to Special K, 93% of women engage in fat talk ! That number was shocking to me. It made me think of all the times I have been in a dressing room trying on jeans and nothing fits, and then it begins…..The self deprecating talk…the FAT TALK.
I for the most part try to keep a healthy lifestyle and share some of those tips here on the blog. I am also relatively healthy at 5' 4" and 128 lbs. but I will admit that there are days when I have to consciously stop myself from criticizing my body while in front the mirror; so I have learned a little trick that I am going to share with you….you ready?
When I look in the mirror and I can feel the "Fat Talk" creeping in I close my eyes, turn around and say great things to myself like: I am gorgeous, I have a great smile, I am sexy" then I turn around and I immediately feel better and see myself as all those things. It may sound silly but I promise it works. What we say to ourselves is critical to our self esteem and all around health so please say kind things always and help "FIGHT FAT TALK" #fightfattalk
As a mommy of girls ages 9-20 I see the impact of Fat Talk first hand and how contagious it can be so I want to make sure that I always tell them how beautiful they are and stop any negative talk that may come up. Here are a few ways you can help!
1. Avoid picking at yourself and instead focus on all the things you love abut yourself.
2. DO NOT join in when your girlfriends start to fat talk but instead point out something great abut them and shift the conversation.
3. Educated your self on the campaign and all the great things that Special K offers to help in weight management and health.
For more info on the "Fight Fat Talk" campaign and all the resources Special K provides follow the links below. Please help spread the word and make a change by sharing & using the following #fightfattalk in your posts.