
Sunday, August 12, 2012

First Pics With My New Toy

I was home alone today and it was so quiet, I love those days but they are few and far in between.  Since I had extra time on my hands and have been so scared to even touch my new Nikon D5100 camera until I take my class on Wednesday (I cant wait!!!)  I decided to just take a few shots on auto settings and see what I got so I took pics my stuff in my bedroom.. 

This is my bed ;-) I put the shoes on top to add another print, LOL (it's the stylist in me)

Some of my bags...
another angle
 This was taken in very little light because my closet light was off, I wanted to see how an image looked in low light on auto settings.
 This is petunia, she holds my scarves, lol
 Some of my babies ;-) they sit on a bookcase in my room so I always makes sure to put my most colorful shoes on the bookshelf so it looks pretty and almost like art when you walk into my room.
 Some of my bangles and earring drawers
 more bangles, rings and stuff
 one wall in my closet 
 I LOVE my new camera and I cant wait to learn it!!

mimi g.


  1. Ilove neat organized spaces fab pictures im so jealous i cant wait to get a new camera i know as a blogger i must invest

  2. Okay, I love the organization of your shoe closet, and the bangles are to die for.

  3. LOVELY! Where did you find the little moroccan boxes next to the bracelets?

    1. Thanks doll, the boxes were a gift from a friend.

  4. Geez! I thought I had a crazy amount of jewelry...but it's soo nice to know I'm not alone. You just gave me some ideas on how to store all of it.lol

    1. Thanks love, a lot of it is inexpensive F21/ HnM stuff but I take care of it so it doesn't tarnish too quickly.

    2. I love your blog, Mimi! What do you do so that your jewelry doesn't tarnish quickly? I have that problem. #HELP!!!


  5. ...Also, where did you get the wall thing holding your necklaces?

    1. I picked them at the container store, they have them online too http://www.containerstore.com/welcome.htm

    2. I was going to ask that same question, thanks for sharing. I follow a lot of blogs and yours by far is my favorite. You have impeccable style and know how to put it all together. You bring pieces together that I would never think to bring together and they look good. You have just heightened my affinity for fashion even more!

  6. Lovely pics and lovely new toy! Hey my dear Mimi, do you know that you inspire me? Since I know you, I love heels and jeweleries :-)
    Bisous from strasbourg

  7. Those images are so bright and rich with colour. Love it when you have a new camera, I love trying all the dfferent features and comparing with a regular pic and thinking ah so that is what it means, I see now lol.

  8. Don't you mean "Nikon". I only noticed this in fb lol

    1. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA girl see I just told on myself and my inexperience with cameras, Nokia is a damn cell phone, ROFLOL

  9. I feel like I'm on a virtual tour of some FABULOUS boutique!

  10. <3 your comforter. It's absolutely beautiful!

    1. Thanks doll, it makes me so happy every time I walk in the room, it's so bright.

  11. Great idea putting bangles into a bowl, I have mine on a kitchen roll holder but it means I never wear the ones at the bottom lol!
    And I could stare at those pics of your shoes ALL DAY, just gorgeous! :-)

    Vanessa x

    1. Thanks Vanessa! too funny about not wearing the ones at the bottom, LOL

  12. Cool pics. Def planning to organize like this in the near future. I have too much stuff and I can't see any of it! It makes getting dressed a challenge some days. I feel inspired and motivated. Thanks. :-)

    1. I get crazy when I cant find stuff so I always keep everything really organized for my own sanity, lol

  13. Oh and I see my fave necklace of yours hanging up! Wish I could just reach in and wear it for one day! lol :-) I would be all over Instagram and FB posing!

  14. Love, love, love your organization!! So neat and chic ;-)

  15. Hi Mimi,

    Love how neat and organize everything is. You are keeping me motivated to organize my rooms. A hard task to tackle, but so rewarding at the end. Because then I will be able to find things and know what I need and don't need.

    The pics are amazing....looking forward to seeing more pics from your new camera.

  16. Love the loafers and the black pointed shoe! I love me some pointed shoes. :)

  17. Loving the idea of the shoes on a bookshelf!

  18. Great photos!! I keep seeing everyone getting new cameras and it's making me what one. I've been thinking about getting one for a while now, maybe it's time to take that leap and get a new one!!

    Carsedra of:



  19. great shots and from what I see your organiztion with your things are great...One day I will have a walk and closet and hope it is half of what you have...love your blog!

  20. Hi Mimi, Where did u get the black bracelet holders from and the holder for the rings? Thanks

    1. I got them from the container store and Joann has them too. www.containerstore.com

  21. I love, love, love all the photos. Where did get the necklace organizer? I love it <3

  22. Hi MiMi,
    I love the way you organized your necklaces. Where can I pick one up just like it? <3

  23. OMG your closet is like a store! Sheesh! I would love to go shopping in there. Lol.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.