
Monday, June 25, 2012

Meet, Shop + Learn Event Pics!!!!

Meet, Shop + Learn 
an amazing day! 

What can I say, I was overwhelmed with gratitude and was humbled by the group of ladies and gents who came out to meet me, shop with me and learn with me.

 I had ladies who flew in from Florida, Chicago, DC, Texas, Colorado, San Fran & Tennessee! We started at 11am by meeting at the Fashion Business Inc. office of which I am a member, we did intro's some Q&A's and then all the ladies got a free and informative class with a friend and professional pattern-maker Catina Ferraine where they learned how to take proper body measurements and make slight pattern adjustments....priceless information!

Today I will share the pics of the day and in the next day or so Ill post some of the video footage ;-)

Lets Get Started!

This is the amazing group of ladies! I wore my neon jeans so in the event one of my girls got lost they could easily find me, LOL
Everyone getting settled in and getting name tags... Once we were all settled I had everyone stand up and introduce themselves, we laughed a lot! then I spoke a little about my self and went into Q&A where they were able to ask me questions about issues they have or tips they needed etc. It was a great classroom setting and it turned out great!
We then headed off to professional pattern-maker, Catina Ferraine's studio where she gave a class on why patterns often don't work right, what to look for and change, how to measure clothes you already own to get an understanding of your fit and comfort preference and then she demonstrated on one of the girls (Janet) how to properly take measurements and how to fix issues along the way. We then had the girls and gent break into pairs and measure each other so they could leave with a set of accurate measurements.
I had such a diverse group of women it was amazing! I loved being able to see and meet the people who comment and support my blog and how different they all are which made me so happy that my blog caters to so many different groups!
Taking measurements ;-)
Lovely Ladies! Natasha & Tamara
Patricia and Hubby Joe who was just as excited about being there as she was! 
Catina and I were able to go around to everyone and assist or answer questions as they measured each other.Everyone listened carefully as Catina spoke, trying to soak it in.Thank you Catina! the ladies had a great time learning from you. Then we hit the streets of downtown...Joy had to leave us early but we enjoyed her while we had her ;-)Muriel made the first purchase once we hit the streets!We took over the stores, LOLThe ladies at Michael Levine's who was awesome in giving my group a discount on their purchases!I love all the smiles!We kept Pilar busy ;-)This was my very first event and I am so happy that it was a success! can't wait to do it again. Stay tuned for video footage coming soon.

mimi g.


  1. Can't thank you enough for this amazing weekend. It certainly will be a memorable one for my 1st visit to LA. Peace. Love & Blessings....you are the bomb! :-)

  2. This was the best Saturday I've had in a long time! So many really nice and down-to-earth people, lots of giggling, and of course you and your husband making us all feel welcomed and appreciated. If you get a chance, though, could you please photoshop about 20 pounds off of every picture of me? I guess that's what I get for eating your popcorn! ;)

  3. Mimi,

    Wow! Looks like yal had a great time. It is so nice of you to take the time to do something like this. I've already put my husband on notice that I WILL be at the next one;). You're such a dear and it would be a pleasure to meet you.

    Marley's Momma lives in Dallas but is on her way to LA,


  4. Looks like an awesome time was had by one and all :) I hope you will be gracious enough to host another event like this in the near future. I would love to go.

  5. I live in Atlanta, plus I took my daughter off to start college early yesterday, so to say that It would have been hard for me to make it is quite an understatement. However, my heart is so full and warm seeing the diverse group of women that came out! Hopefully I can get a chance to come to Cali and be a part of something like this. It looked like great fun!

  6. Looks like I missed a great time. I've geen to M. Levine a few times and just realized that from the photos. My best friend lives in LA and when I go out there I over fabric! So if you do this again, I will definately come out. I looooooove meeting other sewers! Glad everything went well!

  7. Looked like so much fun. I feel like a kid in a candy store every time I go fabric shopping. I'd love to be able to go to your next event or any one like this.

  8. I agree with Sing's comment! Plus, I think you rock.. I also agree with another comment that said you should be on Project Runway..I'm new to your blog, own and sewing machine and have always wanted to learn to sew...I'm almost there tempted to finally learn...thanks for your inspiration and your fashion sense..I start a new chapter of my life next week and will be copying some of your outfits : -)

  9. And this is why they mad....keep right on doing what you are doing Mimi!...YOU are loved; and especially by me!.....I can only hope to be in attendance at the next gathering ;)

  10. I had a fabulous time! It was a pleasure to meet you Mimi and all the ladies present!

  11. I had a fabulous time! It was a pleasure to meet you Mimi, your husband and all of the ladies present!

  12. It certainly seems like everyone had a great time...I'm envious of the experience in the fabric store - looks like everyone really enjoyed themselves and to be surrounded by such great choices... Congratulations on a successful event!!

  13. This is fantastic! I've sewn off and on for years but inevitably get frustrated with patterns. What a great experience for everyone! So glad you guys had such a fantastic time.

  14. Looks like it was wonderful! You are really special to do this. Bless you.

  15. Thanks Mimi, I had such a wonderful time. You were such a gracious host.

  16. I Can't imagine how heart warming it must be to know that ur blog positively impacts so many people. And that's just a FRACTION! Looks like u guys had a great time. Wish I could have been there. It's so sweet of u to take the time to do something like this.

  17. I Can't imagine how heart warming it must be to know that ur blog positively impacts so many people. And that's just a FRACTION! Looks like u guys had a great time. Wish I could have been there. It's so sweet of u to take the time to do something like this.

  18. Congratulations on hosting such a wonderful event.

  19. I had the best time ever!! I am still smiling, it was so cool the meet people that you share the same interest with. I would like to thank you and Catina for offering education on measurements. I will now approach sewing from a new perspective...THANKS!

  20. It was so much fun, I am still smiling!! It was so cool the meet friendly people who share the same interests. I really enjoyed Catina's measurement class, I really neeed that information in order to take my sewing skills to the next level. THANKS MIMI, I Can't wait untill the 2nd Annual....lol

  21. Aw that looks like so much fun, would love to join in if I'm ever visit the US aagain. And your fabric stores, so many, so huge & so much choice...wow! x

  22. Glad that it was such a success Mimi!

    Even though I stay in TN, I'm determine to find a way to make it to your next event :)

  23. just stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago via 'creative liberation', and I luv your style, and am in the process of beginner sewing classes myself...just for the fun of it. oh my goodness, would have luved to attend this event, looked like you all had so much fun. Keep inspiring!!!

  24. WOW, that looks like a whole lot of fun!!!! Sorry I missed it, maybe next time! You are so sweet Mimi for setting that up for everyone!!!

  25. Oh my, I am jealous. :-( It looks like you all had a blast! Thanks for sharing all of the footage! I enjoy looking through the pictures of the event. I would love to meet you before you get 'too famous', LOL.

  26. Oh! I would love to have been able to attend this or better yet, to have this kind of event closer to home! Seeing everyone connect with a common love of sewing/fashion is truly awesome.


Thank you for taking time to comment ;-)

mimi g.